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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Christian Liberty: Growing up Healthy and Free from Professionalism (3)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

There was a time when young children died of diseases.  Diseases that spread easily when the children where put into institutional environments.  There was a time when the parents and caregivers knew how to do various herbal remedies.  There was no need for vaccines.  In fact, the children lived to be anywhere from 70 to 90 or more years of age.  Does this mean that vaccines actually work?  Does this mean that all diseases are bad for the child's body?

The answer is clear.  People FEAR seeing their children suffer under a disease, but they don't realize that the body itself has a special "mechanism" called the immune system.  That immune system, when properly given the right nutrition and stimulation, has the perfect ability to overcome ALL problems in the body, via the use of a fever.  Of course, there are outlier children who simply have a immune deficiency issue and therefore all the other children need to be vaccinated in order to protect the one child, but in reality, the healthy children do NOT need to have their immune system compromised in order to correct the orders of nature.

Just because a professional says that it will "protect" your children or your "neighbor's children" does not necessarily mean that he wants to protect THE children.  The professional may simply be disguising his own political or financial agenda.  This same principle applies to education for the children.  Especially education from the age of 8 years old to about 12 years old.

The common man typically lives off of an education that comes from that which an 8th grader can understand.  The common man who has compassion and actually does something about it, is far better than the well-educated man and then builds walls and protection agents against the common man.  As a whole, the children may find times where they are bored with life, or they may need something to "think about" beyond themselves.  So people have developed professional schools with professional standards.  This is good for the children, so long as special safety mechanisms are in place to protect the children FROM the actual care-giver.  There have been MORE cases of abuse by those in authority, than there have been of cases where the children who didn't get a lot of attention from professionals and dealt with abuses from a real-life standard of dealing with the ups and downs.  In fact, there is a lot of evidence that the people who force a lot of reading standards and testing on the young children's eyes are actually committing an act of abuse on the child.  The professionals believe they are right because it has been done that way for many years, but in reality, they are actually creating an environment which turns the child away from his or her natural and spiritual condition before his or her creator.

What kinds of things did the Israelite children between the ages of 8-12 have to do while they were wandering in the wilderness?  The answer is simple.  Many of the Israelites were actually illiterate!  Yet, the Holy Bible was written down for the mind and heart of man.

Not only did many of our ancestors grow up illiterate, many people have died under forced professional literacy standards.  Such standards affect children of minority status and beyond.  So what does it mean to get a proper education?  Well, it would depend upon if the education you are receiving is actually TRUE.  If you are told by an educated man or woman that it is normal to change a person's gender around and mis-identify a person by their race, then they disregard the basic truths of what the creator expects of his people and of his creation.  Essentially, keep the children occupied by giving a basic education in "literacy,"  perhaps it is from a private school or from home, but literacy skills do not need to come from a professional environment that consistently test the children's eyes and ears to see if they agree with a certain agenda.  Such agendas are simply filled with professional liars.

All in all, don't assume your children will fail if they never enter an Ivy League college and have a number of different talents and skills.  Rather, encourage your children to DO THEIR BEST and to keep occupied with things, particularly educational things, that are valuable to the grand scheme of God's word and his plans as well as for the good and justice that humanity needs.  Justice that is needed to fulfill the "abundant life."  All other professional standards may simply be beyond what is truly necessary for the good of humanity.

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