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Monday, January 8, 2018

Sexual misconduct among Church Youth Group: Solution?

There are incidents where there is sexual misconduct.  There are also incidents where sexual misconduct is falsely used against a man (or a woman) to justify an evil action (like Joseph and Potiphar's wife.....and often happens in racial tension issues).  Temptations DO occur (PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE and OTHERS LIKE IT!) no matter where a person exists on planet earth, even in the middle of the wilderness.  Remember, JESUS the "son of KING David," so he is a product of infidelity.  Sorry, we are human.

The more a person listens to the "math students" in college (as the religion students often have more sexual misconduct than the "nerdy" guys on the college campus anyhow), the more likely these bad-events will start to go away.  FAR-FAR away.  Math students just "know" how these things are.  JESUS was raised by a CARPENTER (math...skills are needed for this career).

Misconduct does occur in youth groups of churches.  Issues like #metoo issues.  Such issues that are actually VERY high among immigrants who are put into places like refugee camps, detention centers, or were once forced into trafficking of some sort.  So this is NOT a joke!  What is the solution to overcome this issue, but still maintain a social "appropriate" place for the youth?

Answer: Keep youth group things SIMPLE!  Do not provide fancy entertainment.  NO sleep overs.  Only an hour of social HYMN singing or simple BAKING or BUILDING PROJECT or SERVICE PROJECT along with a basic bible study.  REPENTANCE IS A MUST in any type of youth group!

The more "fancy" it becomes (like going to the state-fair or ski-trip......those are fun things for another day....after they know their place and proper conduct), then the more inviting it is to do wrong!  Ensure that parents/guardians/other family members or those above age 25 who watch and ensure spiritual safety of the youth are within ear and eye sight at all times.  Usually the person (a team with brotherly and sisterly love is best) above age 30 would have spiritual discernment as they are wiser and advanced in age about this and that, particularly if they KNOW biblical wisdom in this area AND agree with it.

The reason youth may rebel (or cover up the trail for the bad-guy.....who can even be found in LGBT groups too!) is because they are not allowed to listen to pop-singers from time to time and aloud to CHOOSE to do right and report bad things RIGHT AWAY.  Let them listen to SOME TYPE of LOVE and then listen to BLESSED ASSURANCE.  When they can make comparisons and decide to do right on their own terms, they will be more SURE of the decisions they are making (A nice guy that sounds like this will seem like good news, and then reality hits....and JESUS actually says all these "nice things" better...hint hint).

When teaching them, point out what type of "music" the bible asks for people to sing and how to approach the issues of "dance"......but don't FORCE them to follow your parental advice and wisdom(else they will JUMP into the wrong boat with the bad guy.....or the REALLY bad guy...the trafficker/nasty cult leader).  Simply state the "World's way" is the "carnal way" and the "fleshly stuff" disappears and has not the TRUTH and LOVE like it appears.....


Of course a parent should always be teaching things like things from "the law"  and biology that teach what is right and wrong in God's eyes as well (from young age and up).....don't overlook the "power" of parental influence by a few words "hear" and there in the lives of the youth.  Explain that God is the one that knows the BEST way to conduct life in this area of life........as it isn't a "Scary" thing, it is simply a "knife" that needs to be conducted appropriately.


When the princess is kept in a -palace- and then an "interesting" guy comes along......well, things do get more tempting.  So be aware (as some charmers are not so good).....of how to teach the young what is right and wrong.

where is the "purity"?.....embrace of the unknown.......  The echo of HIS melody should outshine the bad-stuff in this life.

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