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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What is a "pro-family" culture?

No, I am not just talking about "pro-life" though I do know that Mary the mother of Jesus "chose life" even despite the pregnancy she was given.

I am talking about "pro-family" culture.

Meaning, interaction in a domestic environment.

Biological parents or relatives could be a part of the picture or they may not be a part of the picture, it just depends.

A pro-family culture can never be "lawless" as in promotion of extremes in manhood or womanhood.  Women cannot false accuse men of rape or give into strange relationship conditions and men cannot false accuse women of seduction or give into extremes like rape or other poor sexuality choices.

Entertainment?  It would either have to be moderate or focused on the heart.  It really could never include anything that promotes evils towards anyone within or outside of the family unit.  Yes, an old scary movie may be watched by some, but more as an unusual entertainment route or method of study of old-films.  Extremely lawless entertainment simply would not be encouraged or aloud, whether it is by movie, video game or book.  Simply avoid picking up the trend to use those things as entertainment.

In general, Christ was the first example of how to establish a pro-family culture!  Yes, he said whom to pay attention to (lame walk, the deaf, the young child etc) and he said whom to ignore (wolves in sheep's clothing,  scribes, pharisees, saducees etc). He said that prayer changes things!

Would a pro-family culture be "pro-life"?  Yes, and it would encourage women and men to work together to help functionally raise a child who is born with disability too.  A pro-family culture is "not of this world."  Some people will be given different talents, and the world-system doesn't recognize these talents.

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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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