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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Before I was Born - an american fiction story based on REAL PEOPLE.

Title of the Book: Before I was Born

My human condition existed.

*This would make an interesting book.....though it is fictional Character born in 1945.....a HUMAN BEING that was conceived during the Holocaust and had parents that survived such conditions.....this could be a real scenario for some people living today.  Proves how human rights begin at conception even when humanity doesn't agree with it...and the heritage or story given to humanity given at such time.
*This timeline (chapter divisions) for the book is based off of a variety of REAL PEOPLE who exist in the USA etc.

-List of Jesus' geneology as it existed before he was born.
-100% Jewish girl married a native american by choice.  Her father died, she was the 8 out of ninth child of the family.  Her mother was extremely ill.  Native American man had multiple wives, died by execution in boarding school era

-continued cousin contact.  5 children later. 4th out of fifth married an amish farmer in Pennsylvania.  Didn't tell anyone about Jewish heritage among the Amish.  10 children born to an "Amish-Native American" family.  Amish farmer was part Irish.

-Jewish cousin wrote letter to mother, and encouraged to go to Germany after father's death.  3 out of 10 moved to Germany.  1 married by Jewish tradition, had 8 children.  They practiced a 2nd cousin marriage. (Einstein married his first/second cousin)

-War conditions brewed.  Father couldn't hide his "tan skin tone." Father was accused by Nazi's of so many different things before the war started.  Went into hiding for 4.5 years.  Parents had 3 children in hiding.  Conceived before arrival at the concentration camp.  My father and mother had a tattoo.  They survived.

-I was born in the USA.  Cousins told me many stories about life in the concentration camp while growing up.  Horrible events caused night panic.  I never saw the events...but I know they existed, because family reminded me.

-Mother's sister died of sepsis in the concentration camp they said.  Photo of family holding me while attending a memorial for her.  She was not given treatment in her pregnancy they said that had gone "bad."

-Two years old.  Pharaoh didn't like "Jewish Families".....he hated their existence and was Jealous of their God.  I turned 2 years old.  My family took care of me.  That is what I know, that is what I needed.

-School in America.  Attended for 3 years, then private school.

-Brown vs. Board of education.  MLK. Stuff changing in race relationships.  Mother died in the year 1961 due to cancer, the same time Roe vs. Wade decision was made.  Turns out the woman in the case, ended up not choosing "abortion" as her option....but chose to give breath to the child.  Slight hippee phase had children born at home.

-The year I looked up my family tree history.  My events in my Jewish heritage began long before I was born.  I have Native American, Irish, and "amish" cousins within the 5th cousin range.  Father died this year.  Met my Armenian relatives the other day......some of whom live in Iran.  One of my grandchildren ended up being "born out of wedlock."  How did it happen?  Infidelity.  The results.  Adoption.  The family that adopted, chose the "anabaptist" lifestyle.  Another grandchild was born with congenital defect.

-The year Trump was hated.....for being white and having a Jewish grandchild.  I am 73......I am still a human.  I live in Iowa.  I was conceived during WW2.  Remember folks....who created....the human heart.  One of my grandchildren is a five year old with down syndrome.


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