Sometimes while people are going through life, professional care may be used to care for the children. As the child enters the teenage years, it may appear that the child is not brought up in a "godly" sort of way, so the children may be at risk of developing a sort of "hatred" towards family, friends, neighbors and even towards God himself! This didn't develop in one day, it developed the moment the parents or guardians decided to forsake knowledge from on high for their children. Hatred that looms in the heart can develop into variant forms of psychological problems! Yes, the "supremacist" who has hatred towards another man, can eventually develop psychological issues. On his death bed, all will be able to determine his eventual fate.
Furthermore, when a person is put under pressure to perform or not perform, a sort of psychological pain can develop on the child. As a result, the child may need some sort of assistance in overcoming the burden to "look good" before the rest of humanity. To "meet up" to their standards is what looms. But the reality is, that the child can ONLY meet up to the demands of the CREATOR. He or she simply cannot meet up to the demands of HUMANITY. So to relieve this sort of "psychological abuse," if you will, it is better to let-go of the pressures from the past, and rather look forward to the redemption qualities.
As a way to FEED the children the goodness of his or her creator, ensure to develop the understanding of what it means to overcome his or her "own" selfish pride. Seek ways to relieve his pressure, not by eliminating truths about the design of humanity, but instead have the child focus on their own heart and character. Memorizing and knowing things from the scripture, like in the psalms and proverbs, can eliminate MUCH of the pride that brews in the human heart. It is a way to develop psychological relief, even under intense demands of humanity.
What about connections and social conditions for the children. Sometimes a sort of "professional" atmosphere is needed to ensure that people assist others in reasonable social ways. There are variant sorts of support groups for addiction patterns, race related issues, sexuality addictions and more. The layout of allowing the social group to be "controlled" by a sort of professional "social worker approved" indoctrination group could spell a disaster on the individual soul. Even "professionally established" church denominations appear to offer relief to the burdens of humanity, but they simply don't offer the fullness of his redemption! So buyer beware, ensure that a "professional faith group" is encouraging the fellow person to SEEK OUT KNOWLEDGE on the foundation of truths in SCRIPTURE .....and.....the proven truths from scientific or historical evidences!
Will children absolutely "need" a faith group to function in a "christ-like" sort of way. The answer is simply this, the child will need to know that His or Her character matters! This can be understood merely by study of the scripture! Once the child knows the scripture, then he or she will have a capability of knowing what types of "social professional groups" are the right fit to feed the soul.
What happens when there are problems in the home and family? Is a professional family therapist needed? The answer is simply this. Relax. If your family went through a sort of persecution, know that even the trees in the forest go through heavy storms in life! Do the trees simply "give up"? No, they continue to grow in the direction they are supposed to grow, even given the difficult circumstances. Essentially, a family matter that seeks to sway in the direction of the savior without need for "worldly advice" is what the family matter truly needs, especially in difficult areas, where family life appears to be swayed by the attacks of the enemy. Yes, there are false sort of family matters, given matters of religious or non-religious upbringing, that do not confront SIN as it is, and seek ways to eliminate the SIN from the heart. The heat of dealing with another family member's sin, is not always something the individual family can deal with, especially in sin matters for those aged 20 years old and above, but the matters of SIN in the heart of the youth, can be dealt with by showing the children WHAT sin looks like and WHAT it does to the human being, from conception onward. All in all, if the family matter is serious, with severe abuse, a person WILL need to flee the person who is causing the pain. If the family matter is a minor issue of annoyance, then simply allow one's self time to deal with the matter, when the time is appropriate to deal with the matter. Concern should be more focused on one's personal health and safety than to solve every little matter in a family. The creator himself KNOWS who is shining forth radiant humility and who is shining forth a false sort of selfishly-directed praise.
What about SEVERE persecution that comes from a family matter or family member? It could be a racial issue, a performance issue, a religious beliefs issue or any other matter. Do not try to put out fires by direct insult back at the family members who are causing the turmoil. It would never help the matter. The bible says to flee persecution. You in your own person-hood are NOT meant to make all family members feel welcomed if the family members simply do not repent of their sin. The individual family members simply needs comfort from the HOLY SPIRIT and the HOLY SPIRIT found, based upon in the WORD.
Essentially, in issues related to social conditions of family structure, consider that each individual has spiritual needs that need to be met. Each family unit also has needs that need to be met. With one "force" gaining more power than is realistic and necessary, a lawless or excessive law driven approach, and without the element of forgiveness, the likelihood for success only looms in the balance which the creator provides. When family structures run smoothly, the in-laws can live in or near the same household as the others, safely and efficiently. Without annoyance or compromise. The elements of gossip are entirely eliminated. Understanding from historical and racial elements are built up to levels of complete empathy. Burdens of "testing" the limits are not put into a cauldron, but are reproved by gentle corrections, based off of wisdom and scripture truths. When a family can function this efficiently, then a person knows they are achieving personal victory in favor of the desires from the creator and redeemer. Only with pure, empathetic and listening hearts is this entirely possible.
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