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Friday, April 27, 2018

The "false accuser" .... "know it all".... more threatening than Syrian refugees.

First of all.

The "false accuser" is a person.  Man or woman who says stuff like "stop having children."  Don't marry that man because of his "skin tone."  He or she keeps heading towards the "obscenity culture" which caters to lawless stuff.....like that found in transgenderism and in pop-artist game abortion catering.  That person is a problem as a whole.

They are essentially "know it all"..... oh they come on-line and say....don't you know that your "post" wasn't accurate about this or that......as if they are trying to DEFEND the "obscenity culture" instead of confronting the issue that the "post" is trying to address.

For example:

A person may use a "celebrity video" to illustrate a POINT.....perhaps the issue is that FAMILY is actually of multiple different shades, tones, life-styles etc.  The closest family will be-like friends.  So a person posts a video from a "celebrity".....and says in their "post"....."Hey you guys, look at this video of FRANK SINATRA.  See how people can actually get along so well..... Be like FRANK SINATRA...."

Ok.  So then.....on comes someone who says.....as if they are trying to promote the "obscenity culture" just because someone's POINT wasn't as accurate as a complete PUBLISHED and OFFICIAL paper......"You have transgender phobia, you are a closed minded person because you don't want children dressing up in a sexual way, you need mental-health treatments, you are creepy, don't breed more children...... etc etc."

We all know that "online content" is NOT official documentation, UNLESS it is proposed and created to be official documentation.  It is people scribbling.  It is of people's meanderings about this or that.  The "content" is not officially "copyright" unless certain people WANT it to be that way.  Which, I DO believe in not plagiarizing stuff.....even something as simple as a comment that says: "My great Aunt Martha died.  She was a fantastic woman.  She believed in overcoming all things difficult."  Copying and pasting that out of someone else's "facebook" or other social media post and then taking those words and putting it into your book that you WILL sell for a profit, is a sort of ......ahem....plagerism of someone else's life.  Now no criminal activity happened with "great Aunt Martha".....but if it did.....those words, whether accurate or inaccurate.......

In fact, in USA history people have inaccurately described MANY different things about others.....like the belief that all native americans are savages.....and....... like the belief that all "middle eastern people" are Muslims.

Here is the TRUTH.  As far as I am concerned, Masaman, the author of the video-you-tube-Chanel is MORE accurate than the "official textbook writers" because he CLEARLY explains the TRUTH about a certain group of people, instead of generally assuming that ALL people in a region are "anti-semitic" or vice versa, due to religious value/ indigenous culture value structures.  Text book writers in general "water down" factual evidence or use information to purposefully indoctrinate children or improperly informed adults.

So once a person understands the principle that NOT ALL PEOPLE express certain truths the same way.....but a GENERAL underlying TRUTH about humanity exists, a person NEEDS to address the REALITY that **OBSCENITY CULTURE (that which caters to "law-less" ideals) is a THREAT and INSULT to the good of humanity.

Ben Shapiro (whom looks and acts like some relatives of mine....middle-east heritage and all) confronts a woman and exposes her hypocrisy.  A person may claim that they are not "racist"..... BUT if they are catering to the "obscenity culture" (definition at **) they are a. insulting themselves if they are Jewish or b. insulting a family heritage because "incest" is a lawless thing and in opposition to biology.

Essentially, the person that says someone is "closed minded" because THEY "know it all" and YOU don't (simply because your post about FRANK SINATRA was wrong), because you believe in the importance of not catering to "lawlessness,"  well, I will take that "false accuser" as a divider against the GOOD for HUMANITY.  They can call a person "closed minded" all day long.....until they are blue in the face.......and to me, they will continue to look and act like a -NAZI- for a very "open-minded.......which IS ACTUALLY closed minded" view of this world and how it works.

If someone says you are "closed-minded" because you don't cater to the "obscenity culture".....I would take that as a compliment.  When THEY don't OPEN their BIBLE....and OPEN THEIR MIND.....TO God's word ..... THEY ARE CLOSED MINDED!!!!  I can see behind their racist mask and they don't even know it.  Essentially, they DON'T know God's word (especially the laws...first five books) well enough to have an argument.  All it would take is meandering through the book of "Leviticus"....which stands for "sacrificial unconditional love" and they would stop their meandering away from sensible judgment towards man-woman-child...on into extended family and kinship relationships.....jewish/middle eastern and non-jewish/middle eastern.


If someone insults God's laws.... they are insulting Jewish people!!!!!  that makes them......RACIST!!!  

go to jewfaq.org if you don't know his laws very well........even if you call yourself....or your friend calls him/her self a Christian.  Those things STILL apply.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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