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Sunday, April 15, 2018

His LOVE-Defense before a relationship/marriage....

We as humanity are VULNERABLE!!!!!  SOOOOOO Vulnerable!  It doesn't matter if we are male or female!  The false accuser.....the defamer of character is out on the prowl.....(Joseph was sent to a prison, Tamar was seduced and raped.......)

We can try to pick up some cues about the behavior about someone before we start that relationship with him or her, but in reality we need his defense, because we can't defend ourselves.

There are others that say to avoid relationships all together because they are so risky.  Be aware that the "enemy" is out there seeking to devour our souls in empty relationships that will not value YOU as a complete person spirit, soul, body and all.....

How do you defend yourself from issues in relationships like: http://infidelityhealing.com/

Considering that the problems like Infidelity appeared on the condition of David's heart......yet the Saviour came from the ancestry of King David.......... we need to know the truth about what WAR we are fighting!

What war is this war?

It is a war for our heart.

A war that gets our heart to dislike something about our human conditions........such conditions are to learn the ways of the "world" instead of "brotherly and sisterly love"......

Secular songs are there and send a message......but HIS message is clear.  HIS message is permanent.

We don't need to go to a special pastor/priest/spiritual leader to find it!  We simply TRUST in HIS LOVE by KNOWING his word........and deciding that HE can help us OVERCOME ourselves with the GIFT of his SACRIFICE (read the book of Leviticus).

We DON'T have to live in Sexual impurity problem relationships.  WE CAN rely upon HIM to defend us.

Pray about a relationship before pursing it.  Ask your family members to CHECK that relationship before HE or SHE lays a finger on your "skin".... (touch can cause some heart strings to move too quickly, this is a scientific condition of divine design which causes sexuality to brew).

Those family members may or may not be the ones who grew up in your home.  If you are adopted, then consider if you fully TRUST your family or anyone in your ADOPTIVE FAMILY's EXTENDED FAMILY.
If you can't fully trust the family members in your home (sibling rivalry issues can brew for a generation or more unless one gives up the fight for self-ish desires), then seek advice outside the immediate family home with prayer and consideration of biblical advice.

Values from "the law" are good ways to TEST the character and DETERMINATION of that relationship to continue towards that which is GOOD or EVIL.  It only takes about 30 minutes to go through each "law" and see if the reaction towards biblical themes are for or against what you know to be true and in line with YOUR values from the person who would like a relationship with you.....or you would like a relationship with them.  Any MAJOR red-flags =  a problematic relationship could brew and start a "wild fire" of confusion.

To be real, EVERY ONE of us has broken "the law"..... but how we react to it.....after we have REPENTED of this condition, SHOWS the fruits in our heart.  GRACE and LAW are like peas and carrots.....sometimes we can eat "just" peas and sometimes we can eat "just" law....but in order for things to be in fullness, they need to go together.  Study HELPS us know appropriate conditions for the "peas and carrots."

If you are developing a relationship with these family members that you know are trust-able (note: there WILL be family members you simply can't trust....as they may be too political, "false accusation" natured or something of the sort.  It is NOT your issue, if you KNOW the word in your heart.), they could have more potential to HELP you if there is a tragedy that comes upon your immediate family after a relationship!

Know this.......that in the last days, men will be lovers of THEMSELVES (instead of developing positive relationships in marriage and out of marriage).......so there could be issues in people's hearts that they don't recognize......idolatry.......racism.....envy.......hatred...... so PRAYER against those forces is OUR HOPE.

If you have already started a relationship and it wasn't "checked" or others help you check their character.....just slow down.....and relax.....build off of what you have.  If it is SEVERELY dangerous, then you may need to get out now (being single is better for your heart and strength), especially in physical or severe psychological abuse cases (ie. a terror minded or severe anti-semetic problem)...HE alone sustains us with HIS love.   Not ALL infidelity cases are the SAME.....some are severely dangerous, and some are BETTER than those that never had the problem.  BUT HIS LOVE is what truly keeps things going.

This is an old song..... but it is STILL true today...... the KING of HEAVEN holds the victory over this battle!

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Songs of Love and Hope