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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Who is "shem" of the bible? Who are his descendants?

Maybe you have heritage from "Shem" and you don't know it.  Maybe you have "clues" that you are a part of the "shemitic" culture but you were brought up under more "western" or "twisted literature" (psalm 56:5 kjv) type of culture.

Jesus (Yeshua) is a descendant of "Shem."  Most importantly from Abe, Isaac and Jacob.  However, MUCH of the bible is reflection among "shemitic" people (aka. India is listed in the bible......).  Note: Just because someone has "heritage" from Noah (even Shem's heritage).....does not mean that the person is "saved" or "redeemed" by Jesus/Yeshua......they need to accept the gospel from their heart.

There may be "white people" who are descendant of "shem."

There may be "black people" who are descendant of "shem."

The wise-men of the bible were more than likely descendant of "shem."

Sure they may "fit in" with the "white people" culture or the "black people" culture, but the spirit says otherwise.  All people came from the tower of babel........

Astronomy is a -BIG- part of SHEM and his consideration of the human coordination within this universe.  The indigenous and shemitic calendars are commonly nature-moon-seasons coordinated (sugar moon, strawberry moon, barley harvest before passover, tishri fall harvest moon, Chinese lunar new year etc).  Even the MENORAH has historical and natural connection to the "moon" and its phases.  (Just think, every time I see a menorah, I am considering a people group that considers the moon phases as coordination with time).  What about the Northern-Lights?  Who in the world would create an earth where people need to coordinate with the forces of "magnetism"?.......when the earth was created there was a positive-negative force......light/dark etc etc.

However, one thing to notice among people who are perhaps from -SHEM- is the eye shape.  The eye's are "sharper" than other eyes.  It is the "eastern" eye.  One would be surprised how the "eye" is found among different people groups.  The video mentions xyz number of years.....but I believe in bible-time for the number of years based on ages of the fore-fathers.

Observe the -EYES- in these three videos.  Notice the -sharper eye- appearance.....(no wonder some people think Native American are lost Jewish.....tribe....and Columbus thought he hit "India". ;):

Somehow.....my children look like these children in this video....... though we, and my parents/ancestors as far as I know, haven't practiced anything "Jewish culture" related.

Go ahead, look at your relatives and friends and make a guess to see if they have ancestry from "shem."

The world often sees "shem" or "eastern cultures" as mysterious.  Which it can be in the belief in super natural and battle between good and evil.  Miracles are desired to prove the truth.


what else to say......


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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