Focus on "the law" so a person knows what a "dirty pipe" looks, smells and behaves like. The law is the school master that brings us to Christ to redeem us. God knows the after effects, we just need to know that "dirty" is not good for our hearts, souls and relationships. It is like drinking "mud" instead of pure water. So why do we "try" to purposefully teach others, even children, that is now "ok" to be dirty in our hearts? To me that just simply doesn't make sense (even in the law it says it is wrong to hold hatred in our hearts.....). God continues to put four chambers in the human heart and he is still doing that today from conception to aged widow.
The aerodynamics and mode of movement through the conditions of humanity should be apparent to a decent person (a person who is kind on screen will be kind behind closed doors), especially one that has not had a frequent teaching and exposure to the "dirty" stuff. Of course, ANYONE can get dirty from time to time, but a SAVED believer does not want to stay in the "pig-pen."
Yelling at "feminists" won't cause people to pay-attention to "the truth," (in fact it could make people believe that the accuser is racist in some way or another due to poly lifestyles), neither will calling everyone "homophobic" create a positive atmosphere of redemption, but expressing basic principles, encouraging words and brotherly love will allow people to understand the importance of keeping things "clean" in life and living.
----This verse emphasizes that feeding the people "bad stuff" is not good for the soul. Accusing a person of being "bad" for giving "clean water" is also not good for the soul. The major and minor prophets of the bible would be considered (xyzphobic) on a modern college campus that does not approve of the holy bible or "the law" in some way or another.
(Eze 34:18) Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?
(Eze 34:19) And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.
Anyhow, we need LESS focus on the obscenity teachings of our world! These teachings could be in our schools or magazines or even local friendly town newspapers! That which trades goodness for the lies. Anything that promotes "sexual impurity" as "good," is an obscenity teaching. These things could be on the internet or in books or elsewhere. Any teaching on "same-sex" conditions (especially full nakedness attractions), pornographic "how-to" from teen magazines, promotion of incest, promotion of infidelity, promotion of rape-culture, promotion of feminizing men, promotion of women having many lovers, promotion of pedophilia, promotion of idolizing the woman as an object various ways to "sneak" a glance at someone whom there is no long-term relationship and so forth. Things could even get into the teachings of maternity that turn women into a "baby machine" rather than a mother. Teachings about abortions without knowledge of how to preserve a potential life or dealings with an actual miscarriage, teachings about surrogacy as superior form of maternity, birthcontrol pill and other unnatural mechanized birthcontrol practices and promotions, teachings about how to properly "mess around" but yet not remain in committed relationship and so forth. All these teachings are "easy access" in our world of "anything goes." The more we need to be forced to "learn" these things, the less we as humanity actually have opportunity to IMPROVE our selves and our lives.
It is better to learn that "attraction" to people is normal. (Yes, the pop-singers are not all out there to ruin Christian faith as even the Song of Solomon is in the bible) Friendship is normal. Teachings that are about sexuality and teach in FAVOR of the bible, without ignoring the whole law, are better than other types of teachings. This is something GOD gave us. But we end up HURTING our selves or our friends when we promote obscenity culture and we end up "back-fallen." Our body is not a toy, it is a temple for our creator.
We need more teaching on how to be a person of noble character, dignified wisdom, awareness of persecuted people(yes, even those in the obscenity culture are persecuted), build a health relationship with spouse, raise up children who love and obey the Lord in many ways, historical persecutions and negative conditions of those who promoted obscenity, ways a woman can enjoy her home and conditions of nature, health based teachings that increase strength, basic life-skills and so much more. There should be more ways to be a person of "dignity" than a person of "obscenity."
Click on the link to see an example of POSITIVE and ENCOURAGING teachings.
My suggestion: DO NOT read the "trashy" teachings, except for knowledge of safety and warning to others but that is only for ADULTS to know and children to avoid. READ MORE BIBLE so a person knows what to avoid as far as dignified teachings vs. obscenity teachings are concerned. Yes, there is "humour" out there, I will not say that a person is promoting obscenity when listening to the humour, but if it turns into mockery and scorn, it can become problematic.
Consider the understanding of moral standards from the book "Porn Generation"
As far as "upbringing" is concerned, "The Duggars" were very good parents and seem to be great grandparents. There may have been some "prejudices" towards minority or other culture in their understanding of biblical values, but in reality they knew that the heart was important and that obscenity destroys. I have seen and heard of other parents who were very good at eliminating "obscenity" from their child's life and the child grows up to "rebel" BUT even in those rebellious adults, they can and do permanently leave that life of "shadowy" existence, because they have learned that the pure water is better anyhow. In summary, point the child to know that "obscenity" is there and it is not good (even if people claim that a tribal group practiced those things historically or still practice those things). Point that "attraction" is normal and it CAN be put into self-control. Lastly, explain that the path of godly living is the best and most fulfilling in this life.
Now when going through life like a "duggar" who had a "plan" to deal with obscenity and they specifically trained their children, would proove in some ways beneficial. Kind of like teaching children how to avoid the bad habit of "smoking cigarettes." Other bad habits could be laziness, scorning or other things too. But when a child is "trained" to purposefully -BLOCK- messages that come through the computer or the various media resources (books, magazines, parades, community this and that etc), he or she is spared from the trouble.
Have a day of training to delete a "bad image" type of message in an e-mail or messaging inbox.
send a simple "x" image to through a messenger and have the child "delete" the image.
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