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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Conservative blogs....like Lori Alexandar: A problem resource?

So there is something called -STATISTICS- that transforms the way we look at conditions in humanity.  Statistics affect everything from how we drive our car to how we wash our hair.  Why?  Because people "test" things before they put things on the market.  Even social conditions are tested.  How much longer does grandpa live if he is visited frequently by family?  The same goes with education: How much more can a child achieve if he is skilled in algebra and shakesphere?

Sometimes I notice that Lori Alexander will say a general statement like, all public school children with working mothers have "mental illness."

Now she is SAYING THIS without looking at actual "science" and/or "statistics."  Children without GOOD education can ALSO end up with "mental illness" or feelings of "depravity."

There is nothing wrong with a family that cannot afford time and energy to give ALL that there is in education to their child from home because the family has disability or severe social problem.  If she only knew that some family social structure is so forceful and degrading there is almost no way to motivate a child to learn reading, writing and math from home.  There may even be some sort of persecution on a person's culture going on by the state.

There is something wrong when a family cannot afford time and energy to give ALL that there is in education to their child from home and the school itself is also depraved of educational resources to the point where they only indoctrinate (they falsely teach about the tribes of the earth) and teach obscene things.

In some ways, she is correct, as neglected or partially neglected, latch key children eventually do feel symptoms of depravity.  But in other ways she is wrong.  It would all depend upon each family and their needs.  For this reason, raising children is more of a "team" effort.  A godly aunt.  A long-time good friend who lives in the area.   A wise grandmother.  A faithful grandpa who knows carpentry and avoids idle lifestyle etc.  All these people can benefit the child when the parents are weak and unable.

So, should a person listen to Lori Alexandar?  It depends.  If you feel like her words are "racist" or "untruthful" (the things are not statistically proven or are severely merciless) then don't listen to her.  But if she is pointing out something that is beneficial, then a person can listen to her blog.

My life is filtered through this video (including knowing and talking to a guy friend who worked for Rolling Stone magazine....communication is important part of education yo).  I went to college and I was around "friends" of many different nationality....including the ability to play piano.  I know how "statistics" work per say.  Hence, I don't keep up with everything Hollywood, but I do pay attention to Charlie (he has middle eastern and German ancestry.....hence familiarity)


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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