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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Encouraging abortion in "social problem" environment? Racist and Spiritual Error?

A man who wrote a recent opinion, and is made in the image of God (maybe he doesn't understand middle east people very well and has poor theology teachings), is wrong when it comes to "woman's rights."  He is not putting himself in the cases where abortion was forced upon a woman when she was actually in a socially distressed environment.  Abortion, even abusive prescription pill use, never ends with beautiful healthy results even in socially distressing environments.  STD's, psychological distress, loneliness, relationship problems and so forth can erupt due to poor choices.  Saying an unborn child that is in a womb of a mother deserves death is in actuality a racist and/or spiritually distressing error (John the Baptist came 6 months prior to Jesus, and Elizabeth knew her baby was alive).  My "cousins," and my friends are middle-eastern and only "months" apart from me in age.  THINK OF OTHERS, especially women who are thrown into socially problematic environments like concentration camps, slavery, war torn environments like Syria, and immigrants thrown around by winds of false leaders and radicals.  Pregnancy termination is and really best only for safety in the life of the mother when her life could end despite every effort to bring about a healthy pregnancy.  Abortion is not an "excuse" to continue on with social chaos and support continued social distress or socially corrupt behaviors.  Adoptions are possible.  There are many crisis pregnancy centers in our state, a spiritual resource, the comforter, and other women who would love to help others in need during hard times.  Biblical references that support the challenge to "choose life": Rom 1:21, Psalm 137:9, Jer 29, Jer 1, John 3:16-17

Holocaust survivors are still alive.  Maybe they went through a forced abortion!  Women can still remember horror into their 90's and beyond.

From a "logic" standard viewpoint: Should all women in the USA abort their children because North Korea is creating social distress environment and as Donald Trump says nonsense statements?

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