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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Christian Liberty: Removing Difficult Circumstances (4)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

Do you understand reality?  Do you understand God's reality?  What is God's reality for you?

Maybe you grew up in a household with middle-eastern-relatives.  Maybe you grew up in a non-resistant household that only allowed hymns and 'Foxes book of Martyrs' to be read for entertainment.  Maybe you grew up in a household of indigenous american and African tribal celebrations.  What ever the case may be, there is a "reality" that represents God's reality and there is a reality that represents traditions and values we grow up within.  Basically, respect of cultures and values will reveal these things.

Right now when you read this sentence you are living in the present.  Do you feel safe at this present moment?  Do you have food, shelter, clothing?  Do you know of someone who could threaten you right now in this present moment?  If the answer is "no,"  then you are ok.  Of course now EXPAND this present to your family circle.  Your siblings, your aunts, uncles and cousins and then on into extended family, on up to the 5th cousins.  Is there SOMEONE in that extended family who could be threatened by something in this present moment?  If the answer is "yes,"  then you KNOW that there is evil in this world at this moment.

However, consider this.  In the PAST were those particular people whom you know and love, or would someone like you have been threatened?  If the answer is yes, then that is a condition from the PAST.  (post-traumatic-stress DOES pass on through generations and across family or close friends).  In the FUTURE would those particular people whom you care about be threatened or would someone like you be threatened?  If the answer is yes, then that is a condition that could happen in the future.

The past has come and gone.  We cannot fix the genocide problems of our past.  We cannot fix the slavery problems of our past.  We can remember good values our ancestors taught us, but we simply cannot keep reliving the horrors of our past to continue dwelling in the future.  What about the future.  Should we fear the future, considering that at times someone is threatened by something for no reasons.  Law-less people come and go in our lives?  No, we should EXPOSE and EXPLAIN the evils and horrors of our past to those who are uninformed and misinformed, but we simply cannot fear the future because GOD is there.  He is our reality.  He was our reality in the PAST, and he will be the reality in the FUTURE.

What about stories about how our family or personal life was abusive?  A father or mother who neglected or hated you for some choices you made.  A church leader who forced people in marriages to stay married to abusive spouses rather than separate for a time and seek proper love and support.  A boss or co-worker who harassed you.  A school classmate who was a bully.  Those things in the past do not represent you right now.  What about getting into issues where someone WAS law-less in someway against you.  Raped you, vandalized you, false-witness against you, unfriended you because of your opinion, gossiped about you, ignored you when you were in need, aborted their own children thinking you were a problematic patriarchy supporter and so forth.  Should we go to the lawyer to "fix" the past?  Should we let it be?

These situations in the past are LESSONS for us on how to deal with people.  The PAST is not what JESUS wants us to dwell within!  Yes, these bad-guys (who may even be close to you in someway) who did bad things in the past to us, did do bad things to us.  Maybe they even murdered loved ones in our lives or in someone else' life are simply that, in need to redemption and forgiveness.  If they don't REPENT of the past wrongs, like a racism issue, then they can't get forgiveness even if you shower them in it.  You cannot carry that weight, you can only carry the load the JESUS offers us.  His yolk is easy and burden light.

Essentially these LESSONS are ways to build up our own strength and endurance in trials and suffering.  We who KNOW the bible, know that they are in the WRONG, but we don't have to "fight against them." We need to fight against the principalities that are preventing the "Bad-guy" from coughing up his evil and darkness hidden in his or her heart.  Prayer overcomes these issues once and for all.

Because "darkness" can brew in the heart of men and women at anytime.  These issues from the "past" can come up and haunt us, YEARS down the road, it is BEST to get into a survival mode.  KNOW the herbs in the wilderness that will heal your cancer.  KNOW the plants in the wilderness that are edible so you don't have to starve if a bad-thing happens.  KNOW how to spot the "terrorist" and keep him at bay.  If he won't repent of his deeds, then he will end up where he belongs.  In his own mess.

If we know how to survive from the PAST errors in humanity, then the FUTURE will have more potential, especially if we carry on with the heart of forgiveness in the LESSONS we learned.

If you don't like the way people treat you now in this present moment, wait a while.  Give it three years (Jesus went through his ministry in three & 1/2 years).  Move to an area with lower population and less people to deal with (Jesus lived in a town with 200 people, Nazareth).  Change will happen.  To create a better humanity would require the practice of respect.  Some people pray facing "east" some people pray over others, some people simply give others space and show them how to meditate on the word, some people pray over foods, plants and animals and some pray before going to sleep.  What ever the case may be, changes in the heart do happen even if people pray a little different from one another, eat a little different foods, meet together with a little different people and so forth.  Just learn to respect that fact.

God's reality is that we understand his REDEMPTION and his POWER in the middle of times where people lack GOODNESS.  PRAYER does things in miraculous ways!  His power and friendship connection is there!

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