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Monday, December 4, 2017

Coordinate Venus Cycles to the time of EDEN and Qumran Calendar.....

The key element is 56 years!

Yes, every 56 years.

56 years fits into the Qumran Calendar Calendric cycle easily because 56 is a multiple of 8 and 7.

So this chart shows the Astronomical Position location of Venus on 4-10 (the likely time when Jesus would have been on the cross in AD 31) and every 56 years prior to that date, up until the time of creation (around the year 4000).

Further more a person could possibly convert the chart even more into metonic cycles to determine the phase of the moon and the "ABIB" for each year.  Consider Axiel Precesion changes in the location of the sun for astronomical position changes (it isn't a big gap...but the gap is there).

Consider comparing events of the bible (particularly the timing of Jacob and his age, 147, is more accurate than man-made time fluctuations) to the Venus Astronomical Position chart above.  You may find some patterns!

NOTE: ALL Qumran calendar, astronomy study charts, historical data and comparisons are likely to "change" if further details and accuracy are uncovered.

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