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Monday, December 4, 2017

Can you trust that "spiritual abuse" website?


KNOW THE DEFINITION of a CYBERBULLY and how to identify one via. using an actual BIBLE.

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1. See who the author of the website happens to be.  Have you found another website that says the website is a "bully" website?

2. Check to see what "types" of "spiritual groups" they like to target.  Far-left seems to be the bad-guy?  Far-right seems to be the bad-guy?  If they are one-size-fits all from this particular group, then there is a red-flag.  (Jesus confronted far-left (Capernea was worse than Sodom and Gomorrah), Jesus confronted far-right (evil men who do bad things to children should be drown with a millstone instead))

3. See if they are "merciful" if there happens to be a "mistaken" accusation or a "false accusation."   If they say that people with "lots of money" are always bad guys who buy a lot of lawyers, then they are not TRUTHFUL about whom JESUS himself walked, talked and ate with!

4. Look at the comments.  Are there a lot of mockers, scorners, gossipers etc.  They keep the "bad comments" that disagree with what they say "off their website."  The comments alone should indicate if the website is a GOOD or BAD resource because of their ability to "listen" to differing opinion.  For example: the TV Show "The View" only looks in favor of far-left ideals as good, ignoring the part where Jesus said Capernea was WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah:

For second example: opinions such as polygyny(a neutral practice) is practiced by some Christians, before and after conversion to Christianity.  Comments such as that are general "truth" and are ignored or mocked in their comment section.

5.  Where are their references coming from?  Generalized resources?  Political resources?   Pop-art media?  Textbooks?  The bible itself?  If they do not want to USE the PSALMS and PROVERBS in their "spiritual abuse" investigations, more than likely they are trying to keep people away from what the bible actually says about Jesus and the abuse HE suffered for US.

6. Who are their friends?  Do they avoid associations with Jewish people (believer and unbeliever)?  Do they associate with non-Christians?  Do they associate with Christians who are more left-leaning?  right-leaning? Do they avoid your "friendship" on social networking websites?

7. Do they charge people "falsely" when they don't even follow the same "method" of doing their sort of religion?  Maybe one person comes to Christianity from an indigenous person type of Christian belief.  They say "I am Native American first and a Christian second"?  Or another says, "I respect Christian belief and the simple life aspect of Buddism, but I know Christ enhances my life."

8. Do they KNOW historical abuse of Christians who were burned at the stake for their faith?  Do they care to acknowledge persecution of Christians outside of their "realm" of what is considered abusive behavior?  Do they admit that abuse in churches comes from RELIGION itself, and NOT from RELATIONSHIP with JESUS....or a general knowledge of the TRUTH of the GOSPEL?  Do they ever acknowledge false-christians and their abuse  of the tribes and nations?

9. What types of resources do they recommend?  Do they recommend "bible passages" that heal?  Do they recommend a secular resource?  Do they recommend forgiveness?  Do they recommend holding-off on forgiving a person who will not repent of genocide issues (racist remarks)? for those who have suffered from abuse?  Do they recommend resolving an infidelity case and praying for a lost spouse?  Do they ever acknowledge that God alone is the BEST solution for dealing with wicked men, as his ability is in judging things beyond what man or woman can see?

10. How do they deal with their OWN personal injustices that they have caused on OTHERS!  Do they ever admit that THEY are sometimes wrong in how they "report" spiritual abuse cases????  Do they study the scripture in such a way to find their OWN flaws and misunderstandings of what GOD requires of his people? (this is probably the MOST important aspect)

So if many of these questions are answered in a negative way, you can 100% guarantee that the resource you found is NOT a good resource for dealing with "spiritual abuse" cases.  Many times this resource/website/reporting is always "racist" as well.......so it will not amount to solution for humanity and its overall condition of suffering.

I have looked at a couple of websites who claim to be "reporter" websites, who actually have "racist" tendencies......so the resource is NOT a good place to find counsel when it comes to spiritual abuse.  www.thewartburgwatch.com and www.spiritualsoundingboard.com etc.

A good illustration of this particular issue is the youtube video by a Jewish man named Charlie Puth.  Yes, this video IS inappropriate for -godly man-.....and he even sings about it as being BAD!  Charlie Puth is not considering himself a "Christian" so to speak and will even speak with people have actually been bullied!@!  Charlie is wealthy and claims he is not addicted to that "stuff" so......then as Hollywood would say.....he isn't as long as the evidence is there that he isn't an addict.  Jesus hung with the sinners too....and he was not "addicted" to their sin per say.

Don't trust in "spiritual abuse" websites........TRUST in HIM!
WHOM do you TRUST!

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