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Monday, November 20, 2017

A wringer to wash clothes saves money.....

The cost for a basic wringer is about 200$ if you include shipping and handling. 

However YOU will more than likely spend OVER 20$ a month washing clothes if you use a pay-to-wash-clothes machine at the laundry mat.  So get in the habit of saving up 20$ for 10 months and you will NEVER have to pay high price for washing clothes again, as you will have enough on hand to get this particular wringer.

At first it may seem as if washing clothes by hand is "time consuming," but in reality, it is about equal to doing dishes by hand and exercising every so often each week.  So if a person gets in the habit of washing clothes by hand, it is like a fun past-time.


The more NEED people have for wringers (instead of pointless exercise machines), the more supply and availability will be on hand!

Furthermore there are other ways to learn how to save a buck or two here and there.  Check out many of the ideas listed in The Tight Wad Gazette.

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