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Monday, May 1, 2017

Feast of Unleavened Bread: Miracle Planet Alignments

The image above shows the pattern of the moon as it traveled during the Feast of Unleavened Bread in Ad 31.

Not according to modern day Judaism Calendar, but according to arrangements from Qumran Calendar (new moon below the ram of sacrifice)....leads to patterns in the heavens.

1. The evening of Passover (14th) the moon is positioned above Mercury.

2. The 6th hour to the 9th hour (14th) the moon is positioned above the planet Jupiter.  A TRIPLE conjunction (moon-planet-sun)

3. The 15th day of the month (special high Sabbath) the moon hits no planets and Christ/Messiah is in the grave.

4. The 16th day of the month the moon hits no planets and Christ/Messiah is in the grave.

5. The 17th day of the month the moon comes just before the planets Venus and Mars in conjunction. Christ/Messiah is in the grave.

6. The 18th day of the month is the Sabbath.  The moon passes the planetary conjunction of Venus and Mars.  Perhaps Christ rose at the time when the moon passed the conjunction.  No one visited the grave at that time.

7. The 19th day of the month is the First Fruits and First Day of the week.  Scripture Mentioned that the Messiah was visible on the first day of the week.  The moon is near the planet Saturn for the fifth movable planet to find itself located near the moon.

8.  The 20th day of the month is the 6th day of the feast of unleavened bread.  The crab represents sight/hidden refrain from hidden distractions

9. The 21st day of the month is the final day of the feast of unleavened bread.  The moon is positioned exactly between the claws of the crab and the crab looks directly at the moon.  Direct pursuits to that of spiritual readiness, insight, holiness, self-examination, and elimination of bondage.  Eyes focused on scripture and seeking whom is in need in the world, overcomes burdens.

ALL SEVEN movable visible heavenly bodies are visible during this week within the given time frame (moon-sun-first 5 planets).  Timing of biblical events line up with the planet positions.

Further Information: Feast of First Fruits: http://raggedycottagegarden.blogspot.com/2017/04/first-fruits-ad-31-vs-ad-2017.html

When did Jesus Rise from the Grave: http://raggedycottagegarden.blogspot.com/2017/04/first-fruits-ad-31-vs-ad-2017.html

A person can use this information and decide to follow the Lord in Truth (perhaps start a Messianic type of fellowship with a Qumran Calendar coord-i-nation) or a person can simply accept the truth as it is and continue living for the Lord right from where he or she is planet-ed.

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