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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Holy and Unholy Seed with God's grace

"For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass." Ezra 9:2

The verse above is the verse I choose to look at for a verse to reflect upon today.  As we can read above, the men chose to mingle with daughters and women whom they were not supposed to mix among.  Today, I know that Christ has already died and rose again for all these sins in the Old Testament so it is more important not to mix with unbelievers and be married to them.  Sometimes the person may claim to follow Christ but really they are not.  The spouse may also still give into sin and dysfunction so there is no guarantee that the spouse whom you marry will behave fully according to the words of Christ and according to his grace.

For men I believe they may improve upon their lives by reading and doing the journal activities from the portions from daily success at Institute of Basic Life Principles.

For women, it is good that the soul is filled with knowledge of God's truth and truth about the world around us.  Ladies Against Feminism website is a wonderful resource to get started in the right direction and defeat the lies that surround us.  Not only that but it is also a good idea to invest in prayer on a regular basis for your husband (even if he is living not according to the word) and for your children.  Character Journal has some wonderful ideas on what to pray for each day.  Ladies also practice praising your man rather than nagging or condemning him.  God created him as a unique man so definitely invest in showing him his godly strengths whether he is a believer or not.  Fascinating Womanhood pdf is a wonderful resource in that regard.

For both men and women, taking the time to read 5 psalms (like psalm 1, 31, 61, 91, 121 and proverb 1 on first day of month and psalm 2, 32, 62, 92, 122 and proverb 2 on second day of month and so on ) is a good way to have a free devotional that will never change and it will even give you insight on how the future will hold up in any given country.  Investing in reading the words of Christ regularly will give freedom from institutional churches.  Investing in reading one or more randomly selected old testament portion and one or more randomly selected new testament portion will also help "test" your spiritual levels and faith as ALL men still need to learn more of God's truth.

I hope you are eager to bring God's word and principles to your life and home and instead of running to the divorce courts because you married an unbeliever find ways to please the other person even if it means suffering for Christ.

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