Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Sometimes I don't know what goes on in the family tree.....the knowledge is from ABOVE!
Video on mute.....
supplying NEEDS on earth......during the COVID....19...... causes some plagues to spread! And rumours too (ask Dr. Mike about his looks on youtube...BUT the truth is that CNA's are the ones putting on a closer approach, even than the nurses!...to the heart to heart...face of the family on the wall...day in and day out.....)! Faces covered up (cough cough).....but the singing voice....comes through....hopefully hitting the HEART....Puriim and Valentines in similar respects in the TIME under the one who created the MOON just as the one who created family....as it remains as a TIME-TABLE.....telling humanity TIME and ORDER in heaven! constellation …..Leo....and BEYOND....the blood line and DNA tests....here on earth.!!!
Background song....
I DIDN'T DESIGN the FACE of those WHOM are in the FAMILY......sometimes face images, hair styles etc. only have a slight variation....Rachel....and Joseph had to deal with some things.....beauty and handom appearance.
I DIDN'T DESIGN the FACE of those WHOM are in the FAMILY......images we can't see here on earth....
......how many photo's does this patient have on his/her wall???? DOES ANYONE notice how the patterns of the MOON line up with the FACE IMPRINTED on the HEART......the movements of ORDER in the REAL KINGDOM....(face is implanted on human's at six weeks along....all....go through the BLOOD...timing in MOTHER).....pay attention to the CREATOR'S order..... menorah symbol? lines up with the feasts of the bible....to remind persons of this and that!
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