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Thursday, October 11, 2018

The problem with websites that claim to help victims....but DON'T

The websites are out there.  There is NOTHING wrong with helping victims.  There IS something wrong with helping -FAKE- victims...and claiming political games in the middle of the turmoil of life.

But they simply DO NOT..... I repeat.... DO NOT seek to find out if the victim is actually a victim or if she (or even he) simply has a form of hatred brewing in the HEART.

This particular website LOVES to claim to help "victims" in Church based abuse....BUT they "wipe clean" their comments....especially when it reveals that a victim is FAKE: https://spiritualsoundingboard.com/

As far as I am concerned... STAY AWAY from TRUSTING websites like that!  THEY will put YOU and those you LOVE.... in HELL....through HELL and will call all others YOU LOVE in a bad place....socially, morally and ethically!  They do this simply by ignoring the TRUTH of the conditions in the HEART of man(woman).  The conditions of the HEART will reveal who was actually a -victim- and who is a -fake- out there to -falsely accuse.-

If you are actually a VICTIM of something like "rape" or other things...... DO NOT run right to the "authorities."  DO NOT run right to the "experts."  And definitely, DO NOT run to the "websites" that claim to care!  Run to the SCRIPTURE!  YES!  SEEK what HE wants you to do with WICKED MEN!  HE KNOWS what to do.....in domestic life....and in non-domestic life (wild parties.....like Job's children or prodigal son.....bully life etc)....  Jesus said to "turn the other cheek" for a REASON.....  (false NAZI agenda things are out there.... in the unchecked reality of life)

The SPIRIT tells us the TRUTH.  But websites the claim to help victims CAN and DO.... GOSSIP and SHARE LIES.... instead of LIFE found in HIM.....and HIM ALONE!

unfortunately some claim to have some sort of "Jewish" connection...but if one looks into things deeper...they really don't seem to LOVE the "Jewish connection" ..... like Esther cared about her cousin Mordecai.



catering to political realm is sure to leave a person LOST.....

but there is HOPE....


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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