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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

People are NOT naturally carefully observant.....

Ok, so many many people grow up hearing the bible story about "palm sunday" when it is actually referencing a time before a specific Jewish festival of passover.  In fact, by biblical interpretation and by Jewish tradition the "lamb is specifically selected" on this particular day.

People either go along with tradition, or just simply believe the story without careful study.

Leading on to other things.

Family life has this and that in it.  Cousins, family, friends etc etc.

Even today there are people in the middle east that do this and that.....social structures this way or that way....

Now notice in the video......Matisyahu is older than the girl.  What if the girl is a relative to Matisyahu?  The information is not given in the video as to whom the girl happens to be.

Apparently, many people follow through on Christianity things, without noticing their entire lives what the Book of Esther actually means and its significance.  Jesus, riding that donkey, would NEVER have occurred, if there wasn't the events of PURIIM taking place prior to the gospel events!

The interesting thing to note is that, to this day, VERY FEW ever notice that Esther was actually a COUSIN to Mordecai!  Far-lefty folks don't even LIKE to look into scripture that deeply.....because family life simply doesn't matter.......just calling the shots and calling everyone a "nazi" apparently fixes things.....on this planet..... in their mind.  http://www.askmoses.com/en/article/265,56502/Was-Esther-Mordechais-niece-or-cousin.html  Unfortunately, these things are very sad, because JEWISH heritage people exist within my children's family for sure.  Within the 2nd cousin range there are a variety of OLDER JEWISH heritage MALES.  I am not going to specifically describe the details of this condition or how it works that way....but it is truth according to actual DNA test and listening when an uncle (not Mordecai type thing who was a cousin) told me these things by ear.  Sorry far-left feminism crowd......Esther.....wanted to protect the life of her MALE cousin!  That is the SECRET to her woman-strength!  I could also say within this family there happens to be an IVY LEAGUE graduate or two....but I wouldn't tell too much about that, as TRUTH that comes from the HEART matters even more profoundly, than intellectual strength.

Even within family life, some folks are not super observant of their older cousins and younger cousins, fitting together parts and pieces of heritage......and history.  Even here in USA (melting pot America).  Because of this, it simply TAKES TIME......it TAKES TRUTH.....and in some cases it TAKES GUTS to stand up for what is right in the case of false accusation against other family members (male or female) as the case may be.

Family members matter in cases of emergency....but one NEEDS to be humble and accept the TRUTH about things.  (A house that's broken down)

all in all.... find the "little things" in life to make life revitalized in what ever way.... these things are a part of life too, in order to build up relationship and so forth....keen observances keep family and friends safe in the storms....

As in the observation of complicated music (which cannot be accomplished without practice and awareness)...the same is true about bible study and putting forth works that prove the faith is real.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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