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Monday, July 9, 2018

Should "homeschools" be required to learn about the -Holocaust- or other genocide related content?

In Germany, they require each school to be "certified."  The reason they do this is to ensure that every youth that goes through Germany has exposure to the horrors of the Holocaust.  Does "America" need these types of exposure classes?

America is filled with diverse culture and heritage.   Unfortunately there is SO MANY conditions where people suffered and then immigrated to the United States, that there is NO WAY that every school can meet up to a set "standard" to ensure that each student understands the horrors of genocide or other horrors!  Furthermore there are VARIOUS conditions where humanity "hates" others over various matters.

In a way, a successful school WILL explain that "evils" exist in humanity in one way or another.  There is no set way to know if the students are exposed to EVERYTHING under the sun as far as suffering.  There is also no set way to know if the students are EQUALLY exposed to the VARIOUS types of suffering that exist, even in America today (homelessness, poverty, bullying, disabilities, extremists etc).

The best thing to do is the concept of "love thy neighbor"......  If you MUST have a required teaching program, it should be a condition where a special school encourages the school to teach "love thy neighbor."  The class could include ANYTHING that has suffering and exposure to it.  Without knowing of these sufferings in human history (much reading content describes these suffering conditions), there is NO WAY to know if the student is prepared to work with humanity in a kind-natured  (perhaps law-driven-biblical) way.

Essentially, the class could be about WW2, but it may also include Christian persecution in history.  It may include Native American genocide and the things surrounding that era.  It may include concepts of negative effects of communism and socialism.  It may include studying the negative impact of "genetic-race research" and "Charles Darwinism".......  It may be the negative effects of abortions.... It may be the negative effects of elderly abandonment in neglected areas in the USA, particularly poverty areas.  What ever the case may be, exposure to the problems in the conditions of humanity STARTS with biblical instruction (Psalm 22 for example) and then goes from there.

Should each home.....school......private school etc. be required to EXPOSE the children to these negative conditions?  YES in cases of EMPLOYMENT.  YES in cases of VOLUNTEERING time.  YES in the case of ensuring the "cultural stability" of the United States and TRIBAL CONDITIONS (heritage).  YES in the case for Christian parents and family members concerned about the negative conditions of humanity (anti-antisemitism and similar motives should be REQUIRED for ALL "bible-based" Christian homes)

People as a whole FAIL when they have no knowledge.

If a group of people do not KNOW about the proper methods to restore and grow a tomato plant, how in the WORLD can a child learn the conditions necessary to make a better world for tomorrow?  The evils in the heart must find a resting place, and the resting place is REPENTANCE before a HOLY GOD and creator.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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