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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Quirks in family life.....restoration in the hope of "biblical sexuality" conditions....

Here is a few videos that illustrate the reality of what it is like to have these "Quirks" in family life, but yet you care for them......immediate family are usually those closest to you in heritage, and you also grew up around them.....  Some families will absolutely NOT tell you what went on in "domestic life" as there are various secrets that need not be shared in the streets, and differ even among the different households.....due to internal damages in the heart.

These things that occur to humanity are partly related to stories of others that have endured "suffering" in various ways.....some severely, some just misunderstanding things....as they are.....these funny and strange questions one can find on the internet.......(I know how midwifery works quite well....ahem)

Realization that  a better identity is need.....as the pain is felt in various ways and from various situations....

Victory in HIM......


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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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