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Thursday, May 24, 2018

They want to call us....."phobes".....but my birthday was.....

about 6000 years ago.

So there are some folks who like to play the "sexuality" game to get away with calling people transphobic or something.

In actuality, my birthday happened in the time when God made Adam and Eve.....which was ABOUT 6000 years ago.  I cannot tell you the exact year, but I can tell you that the age for Adam is given as well as the other Patriarchs of the bible.

So my DNA history record shows that this ACTUALLY happened.

Yes, there ARE Darwinist believers out there.  Well, let them believe what ever they want to believe.  We humans are still not yet 9 feet tall and the bible says that there were once "giants" in the earth.  Looks like humanity is "shrinking" instead of "evolving."


So how old am I DNA "wise"...... about 6000 years old.  The next time someone want to call you a "phobic" simply remember your TRUE DNA age.........hint hint.  They will NEVER want to call you a "phobic" again, once they realize they are duped by the "politically correct" folly of this age.....

All in all, be wise.  Ask them how long they have been "breathing" on this earth.  Ask them how long they have been at a "certain height."  Ask them how long they have had a "beating heart."  Ask them how long they have had family members, even extended family members that were older or younger than them.  Ask them how long they have ...... you get the point.  Jesus was WITTY with the foolishness of men.  He didn't let a thing slip by.  The truth was and is always the truth.  No man can say that they are born BEFORE their own biological mother and father.  Such is simply not the case.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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