Consider the video:
Now, we who are raised in his POWER know that in order to LOVE, there needs to be sacrifice. Without sacrifice, we only have a natural man, and not a spiritual man. An earthly man can only think on things on this earth. He cannot think of the image of man from the image of God (a heavenly image). As a result, the relationships don't function appropriately or in coordination with scripture truths. The man and woman of this world thinks of earthly things when he has not repented of his sin and come to the knowledge of the truth.
As far as I am concerned, it is better for a little bit of the problems like what King David went through (his sin problems and admitting them in Psalm 51) than to be controlled by the love of money. Total career mindedness is not what the creator gave us to accomplish. Rather, the career should involve thinking of others.
I cannot say that being "single" is a bad thing for Christians to do (John the Baptist was single and he did great things!). It may be necessary, if much licentious behavior surrounds the individual. But I can say, that to entirely FEAR relationships and bearing the burden of family is a symptom of the bible that says "men become lovers of themselves" 2 Tim 3:2. This is not a good symptom and is a condition of "worldliness" for sure. I would rather see a woman that is 10 or more years older than a man, get married to a young man who is of college age and enjoy each other fully, than to hear about so much "hatred" and "fear" of the opposite gender and family life........
What about terrorist countries where mad-men exist? Should women and men avoid having children, because there is possibility that the children may suffer from PTSD? Well, I can say that people do survive through the worst conditions! Yes, children survived various Christian persecutions of Europe. Children survived through the civil war. Children survived through WW1 and WW2. Children survived through Vietnam. Evil has existed for a long time. Evil probably won't go away unless people take a stand to stand against it. In this case, not wanting a "family" or "relationship" according to God's will, in some way or another (even if it is a little messed King David's family had its issues) is a sort of evil to the soul and being of man and woman on this earth.
If your family or friend is "fearful" of raising children in this world, and there is no known set-backs or disability, you may do a few things, 1. simply hang out with other godly families to make them jealous 2. don't give their "lover of themselves" a whole lot of attention 3. if they are raising the children in a fool driven way (addictions to daycare systems and alcohol for example), then don't cater to their own children, unless the parents recognize their folly. 4. continue to raise children like Noah had to raise children after all the wicked people "died"......when they see that the CREATOR himself provides, then they can understand their need to depend upon him, and him alone. John the Baptist lived in the "wilderness" if God can provide for him, then he can provide for children.
Pray and ask for wisdom and creator God does provide for ALL families on this earth! In the meantime, try a resource like to get better understanding. Listen to music and inspiration that builds up faith and hope for more LOVE......even for one's own country and community.....and perhaps for God. God said in the beginning that he created all things GOOD, that includes sexuality and bearing children.
Live in India may be a better place after all, if one considers the value of cherishing the keep life and culture alive along with dependency on divine wisdom.
Living in a concentration camp is a bad place.........the people were FORCED to WORK and were not allowed to love their spouse and CHILDREN! I don't know why a group of people would WANT that when HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE has been given for all of us.
The faithful friend is available!
Life is GOOD when God is with you......even "secular" things are GOOD if you consider that God made man and there are GOOD things.
Love of a temporary rush.......
Day by Day.....find his everlasting presence to keep up with TRUE SECURITY...... The LORD HIMSELF is near!
LOVE is good....don't be afraid of it.... (I've worked in the nursinghome and the people that feel "love" are the most calm and secure in their position)
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