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Sunday, March 11, 2018

When are you considered "smart"?

I have relatives (1st cousins, 2nd cousins, aunts, uncles etc) that went to graduate, law or medical school right after receiving their bachelor degree or raised children who went on to such educational levels.  Some of these relatives had another close family member that went to an Ivy League school or actually went to an Ivy League school themselves.  I would say that these family members have fairly decent character despite the negative-character ratings of other "geniuses" among us. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have negative qualities, Bill Gates has negative qualities and so forth)


When reading the article given above, one will find this reality:  Not all colleges are alike.  Not all college classes are alike.

If a person went to an "easy college" and took "easy college classes," and ended up with a GPA score of 3.75, that same person would actually end up with a GPA score of 2.75 if they went to a "hard college" and took "hard college classes."  Essentially, a person who graduated from a college with 3.25 GPA in Math and Accounting and attended a "challenging college," is a smarter candidate than a person who graduated from a college with 3.89 GPA in Classical Art Studies from an "easy college."

Overall, challenge is the KEY to what makes a person smart.  Rating is based on difficulty of the class in general and what types of things a person must do to achieve something, it is NOT based upon the general GPA score.

 Obstacles ALSO determine the intellectual capacity of a person.  An individual who went to school and NEVER worked with disabled people, but wants to get into medical school with a high GPA is LESS intellectually capable of handling people with disability, than a person with lower GPA who frequently worked on the fields with disabled people.

So when are you considered smart?

You are considered smart when you can think independently of the reality of the general population.  You can solve problems that the general population cannot solve.  You are considered to have GODLY CHARACTER when you can apply that which you KNOW to your heart and have the determination to overcome the burdens of others (family, friends, relatives, neighbors, even enemies) with your skills and knowledge.

All in all, if a person went through all that education and cannot answer this question: Anishinabe na kidow?  Then they have not learned very much while living on american soil......The people are waiting for truth and reality from university.  America's universities......

Here is testimony that HEART condition, through REDEMPTION is more valuable than the education we attain on this earth:


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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