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Monday, March 19, 2018

Does IQ affect morality?

There are people out there who investigate the relationship between IQ and racial traits or conditions.  Some may say that Asians have high IQ or that Scandinavians also have higher IQ due to larger size in brain capacity.  However, the IQ test only looks at the skills in math, language and perhaps writing.  It will not evaluate other strengths like daily life skills, ability to be sensitive to changes, emotional factors, spirituality factors, survival skills and more.

Of course a higher IQ can assist in improving other areas for necessary survival, but does IQ relate to moral aptitude?

I can say this, no, it will NOT equate to moral aptitude.

A person with a high IQ, may posses a BETTER ability, and have the ability to dis-cipher folly in the extremist movements (can reason through the extremists), but it will NOT equal moral aptitude.  There have been wicked intelligent people in human history.  There have been cases where murder occurred well before the writing of books and use of written languages among indigenous cultures, so the indigenous culture recognized good vs. evil behavior without need for IQ test.

Can the IQ relate to an improvement in moral choices?

It is dependent upon whether a person is "bored" with the ability they have been given, and if they are squandering their talents, or if they are using their talent to improve the conditions for others.

An IQ test does not mean that a person has the ability to establish a stable relationship and family life.  There have been people with very average, to lower than average IQ's who are more socially stable and capable of establishing a quality home life in which to raise a family.

Essentially, when people had their languages "separated" at the tower of babel, the men, were left "confused" as to how to continue on with their life.  They could no longer "dicipher" each other's ability to reason and could not come up with a functional way to overcome this burden of communication.  Does this mean that God purposefully gave some people with certain languages, a more meaningful ability to communicate in an intelligent way?  I have to say, I don't know why some people are more intelligent in certain language groups, but that shouldn't mean that they are intelligent overall.  Rather it is the ability to sense the creator and how the creator cares for each person individually.

All in all, it is quite common for people with the ability to be a professional of some sort, to have higher IQ.  A Doctor, Lawyer, Professor, Large Company Manager and more, are more likely to have high IQ.  This doesn't mean that EVERYONE with high IQ needs to attain the career of "professional" and find the means to "make money."  Often people with degrees higher than a bachelor degree have the highest IQ among the general population.  The higher IQ professional is likely to fit into only 2% of the population!

In fact, it is probably likely that Jesus had a high IQ, considering that he could question the difficult people of his day with questions like, "He that is without sin, cast the first stone".  As a result, the people were left hanging in the balance realizing that they were NOT better than other people.  Did Jesus say to trust "professionals"  ?  No.  Did Jesus purposefully live a lavish life?  No.

So just having a high IQ does not equal moral strengths.  Just as the case for JESUS, who perhaps had a fairly high IQ, but yet humbled himself to that of a servant.  He knew the Leviticus law, I am sure.......so he would find strength in his own weakness........

There is much evidence that a person is in BONDAGE, even if they have high IQ.  Symptoms can include depression, addiction, sexual impurity, eating disorders and more.  So having an IQ doesn't free a person from sin problems in this world.

However, a person with high IQ is more likely to engage in finding a way to "escape bondage" and free themselves from their own condition.  As a result, they may look to biblical things (memorize biblical texts) or discover their own thinking patterns that are leading to the bondage.  Because of this, a person with higher IQ that has been influenced by biblical things and conditions is more likely to seek some sort of "freedom" from his or her condition.  The strongest people will actually apply biblical things to their life or to the lives of others (pray for another person's healing strength, pray for enemies, pray for peace and so forth).

The gift of having a "higher IQ" than the general population does not mean that a person should see their own nationality or heritage as "better" than others in different nationalities.  No, it doesn't work that way as most families these days actually look more racially diverse.  It wouldn't make sense for a family with "supper geniuses" to attack and make life difficult for the other family members that never attain such skill.  It is also apparent, that wicked people try to "redefine" things, especially biblical definitions, in order to justify their own wicked intentions.  Jesus himself had to confront SATAN with knowledge of the LAWS of the bible to keep evil out.  He had to know the definitions of what was truth and what was lies.

Knowledge of THE WORD keeps evils out of the individual with higher IQ.  It is apparent in their life choices.  The results are that an individual will attain professional skills, but will attain and prove their actual worth before the heavenly father by doing something with that knowledge.  Perhaps adopting a needy child or two or three.  Perhaps taking time away from wild-living.  Perhaps building a better shelter for the homeless man.  Perhaps becoming a person who defends the weak, fatherless, widow and the poor.  Perhaps saving lives in the ER.  So on and so forth.

PS.  Yes, I have family members who have professional degrees.  So I am assuming, they also have high IQ.  However, I am not sure on the faith beliefs.  Some are driven by their own "biology," and some are driven by their own ability to read truths and apply it to life, to overcome the burdens of humanity.  I have an IQ equivalent to that of a common professional in the upper 2% of the population, but I prefer a simpler life.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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