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Friday, February 23, 2018

Is the "headscarf" neutral? Does it enhance or oppress women's rights?

Watch that video.  Now note, the video states that "people" cannot make their own moral choice.  So the headscarf is NOT protecting women or men when it comes to moral choices, but the people WANT good moral choices.  The sad thing in these countries, is that the "headscarf" is enhancing or preventing these women from getting education that they desire.  (note: even though this video points to these "positives" in Islam that are better than Christianity -like pleasuring the spouse,- these are ALL false constructs because there is no -salvation- from people who sin/abusive in the marriage)

Isik knows that there is "Wicked heart" in men and women even if they wear a headscarf (she loves Old and New Testament holy bible).

Linda Sarsour has been caught promoting "false" women's rights and keeping things secret, yet she wears a headscarf.

In summary:

-The headscarf is not the issue, but it is symbolic-

Christians USED to wear headscarf.  Some still do and rightly understand its purpose.  I would encourage understanding of the "headscarf" from a -judeo-Christian- perspective....... because a person can understand the Hebrew nature of headscarf and modesty.  Remember Jesus was (err um still is) Jewish and celebrated -feast of Dedication- (Hanukkah) (John 10:22).

I don't think that headscarf style particularly matters, unless a particular faith group would like a certain color or style.

From my own "heart" I can say that a Christian women who is "locked" in a majority Muslim country and wears a headscarf, and believes in submission to Holy Bible (fruits would be brotherly love) and Husband, is closer to a clear-headed sort of Christian belief, than a woman in a western-culture who claims that they love "Jesus" but promotes evil sorts of women's rights (abortions on demand, hatred towards modesty, high power career for selfish reasons, false accusation #metoo etc).  From my understanding and experience the issue is in essence "submission" or eliminating the "false accuser."  (the liar, deceiver, the racist nonsense among men).

Accusation towards innocent men (like these boys) who are starting their life, and claiming they are causing #metoo issues, is wrong.  The innocent are innocent unless proven guilty.  Women who wear "headscarf,"  even Christian women, may or may not want to be a "tom boy" for a while (thats kinda stuff I did when I was in college...... sorry.... I'm not that angel you were hoping for).  Modesty can, in essence, prevent some issues with men.....but it is NOT always the case (because men have to deal with their own moral inadequacies and need for a Savior).  I went to a college class, without a headscarf, and all the 20+ young men, did not cause me any harm.

This is a part of Christian belief, no matter WHAT the secular (or other religions) culture says and does:
"1Co 11:9  Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. "..... in essence the "headscarf" is symbolic that women are created for the man.

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