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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Christian Liberty: Removing Difficult Circumstances (2)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

The Jones' are your neighbors.  The Jones' are in your school.  The Jones' are in your church or faith group.  The Jones' are active in your community.  The Jones' are in that one internet group.  The Jones' married into your family!

YOU know the Jones' do not like "biblical values" because they believe biblical "jargon" is outdated.  They may even come to the point of throwing stuff at you or vandalizing your property.  How do you deal with the Jones's and their problem?

Some may say, you should call the police.  What if this is a difficult circumstance and the local authorities are not stable as entire communities are interested in protesting their government to provide food and basic resources?  What if you call the police and someone on the police force knows you follow the bible and will report you to the "religious police"?  What if the police authority are fully supportive of LGBT agendas to the point where they know you didn't bake a "cake" for a celebration?  What if the police know that you didn't want a certain doctor to take care of your children, because you knew there was a child-pedophilia problem with that particular doctor, but the STATE says you must give your children to that doctor for healthcare resource?

The Jones' could be anyone.  They could be into drugs.  They could be into political things (this can be called idolatry).  They could be into pornographic literature and movies.  They could be quite wealthy and hate the sight of a "homeless" man sitting on their lawn trying to sell pieces of art work.  They could be quite "religious" but fearful and hypocritical.  Who ever the Jones' happen to be, they are "merciless" and really don't have unconditional love as a whole.  DO NOT try to "meet up" with the Jones'!!!  NO!  Meet up to what GOD wants you to do, as that is all you really are designed to do.

Depending on the situation at hand, consider SERVING the Jones' in any way possible!  Yes, give them what they "want" if God provides such and such resources unless it will put innocent people in danger.  If there are no resources available, consider seeing if you can show them the bible passages to help them overcome their "emotions" and "burdens" if at all possible.  Sometimes an act of kindness can get hard hearted "Jones' to repent of their corrupt mind and heart.  Pray for the Jones.'  This can overcome burden as well!

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