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Friday, January 5, 2018

Sexual impurity is a vicious "empty" land of darkness...

If a person gets into study of history and discovers what the bible actually says about issues like "sexual impurity" one WILL discover the truth about the crude inventions of men and how men try to avoid the right things.

Read about NERO and his coming to power and being, and then one will understand that life under the influence of wrong leaders leads to disaster.

I'm not sure what the story line in this music video happens to be as it does portray a "fantasy" world....but that fantasy of wanting something that just "isn't" can turn into terror if one doesn't apply the word of TRUTH to one's life......

There is only one hope......it is the ROCK with the words of TRUTH applied to the heart:

If a person considers the "nature" of the scripture....it is like playing a fine piano song that requires careful examination and careful practice to get it to "sound" correct and in line with the gift of abundant love.

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Songs of Love and Hope