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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Bad/Good stuff that happened in the Victorian era.....

1.  They took photos of dead family members.

2. They practiced "wicked" forms of family-size management.  They hired a woman to come around and gather "extra unwanted children."  Sometimes those children were taken to orphanages, and sometimes they were drown!  We are still "dealing" with the aftershock of "pharaoh-like" mentality and behavior in humanity.

3. Racism.  For obvious reasons.....wicked stuff, that led to genocide issues.  This led to slavery issues.  This led to corrupt forms of education.  This led to keeping people off of the land they have liven on for thousands of years.

4. Misogyny.  Patriarchy without love basically.  A home with no gospel, was likely to be a victim.

5. Medical practices were absurd or really unnecessary.  Some medical practices were "more abusive" than anything due to poor-spiritual understanding (unwed mothers for example).  No connection with minority groups who used herbs for many centuries, kept them away from basic free-medicine from nature.

6. People didn't "think" any more than the dollar bill in their hand.  Education wasn't really focused on "ethical" things.

7. Gossip and scorn!  Oh the victims of mere minor errors here or there!

8. Maybe they did not take very good care of their elderly in those days.  Yes, more resources for Helen Keller and so forth were available.

9. Death by disease was idolized.  Seemed that people were getting various diseases or they were using those diseases as a biological weapon.  Then came the vaccine development.  But many people lived into the 70's and 80's.


Anyhow, yes these were the bad things.  There were GOOD things that were happening too!

1. Gospel development away from -cult-like- institutional methods of scripture understanding, more focus on scripture.

2. Family life was a "blessing" (yes, there were some families that had issues).  But both rich and poor did believe in family life.

3. Meal table was available in the home.

4. Outdoor life was the normal life.  Gardens, harvesting, wild-edible foods.  Reading outdoors and so forth.

5. More people found interest in the "church" functioning.  Some may have gone through persecutions in Europe and elsewhere.  Some church groups today have found the "love" of God and function off of his strength anyhow today.

6. Patriarchy was not seen as "weird" but a good thing to think about and behold.  "Strange" marriages were not heard of at all.

7. Community focus and encouragement at the local level.  Community events were common.

8. Modesty and Sobriety were seen as good things.


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