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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Lori Alexandar is a promoter of feminism, which she despises.

The famous book and blog writer at The Transformed Wife.  Even though she doesn't claim that she is, she does this by opposing the scripture as a WHOLE body.

The ENTIRE scripture is necessary to understand the gospel.  When she ignores the book of ESTHER, which was a real event in the life of the bible, then she is saying that it doesn't matter that a woman was in a troubled marriage where Genocide problems were surrounding this particular woman "Esther."  Genocide problems HAVE existed all over the place in humanity.  If you are educated in anything under the sun, including the events in the history of the USA, you will know this to be in existence.  This problem existed in WW1 and WW2.  Even in WW1 and WW2 women were promoters of stay-at-home life, while there were wicked wild feminist women who were in essence RACIST as a whole.  If you are educated in anything about the events in the middle east, you know that there ARE wicked men that exist, like the situation of ISIS.

When she promotes eliminating "something" from the bible, she ends up creating her own "laws" that are not biblical laws.  As a result, the law in the scripture which forbids "rape" and other terrible things to women is eliminated.  If she doesn't pay attention to the "abuse towards woman" laws in the law portion of the bible, then she is ALSO ignoring the FEMINISM is a problem verses in the law.  The verses about "Sexual impurity" are ALSO ignored by LORI ALEXANDAR simply because she wanted to ignore the laws about abuse towards woman.

It is not wrong to promote PATRIARCHY or WOMAN STAY HOME type of life style as a CHRISTIAN.  It IS wrong to claim superiority to the scripture!  Ignoring the cries of the abused woman is simply wrong as a whole......and she ends up promoting FEMINIST beliefs that are corrupt.

If she doesn't like the laws of the bible, she must be saying she wants corrupt laws like SHARIA law!

As one Jewish friend stated, the law and gospel go to-gether and are married.  To separate the two is to break apart covenant.

If I was a Christian and concerned about the promotion of the gospel as its truth in all parts of the world, I would NOT connect with the beliefs of LORI ALEXANDAR, I would warn others of her corrupt teachings.

This "Transformed woman" which she speaks up about ONLY exists because of the LOVE for God's laws and ways........because the "transformed woman" caused the husband of Queen Esther to change his heart of confusion, into a LOVE for his Queen.  Hence the "transformed woman" needs to know that a "transformed man" is on the other side of the puzzle of life.

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