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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Information about the FALSE calendar forced on Jewish

Here is a link that shows that the FALSE calendar which holds some Jewish traditions, but was not the original calendar they used was forced on them by the ROMANS.  I am assuming that the "Qumran Calendar" Jewish group would have followed a different calendar than the one described in this article, but YET it was used and usable around the time of early bible writers. 


As quoted from the article:


Prior to 1990, I thought that it was the rabbi's idea to change the calendar in 358 A.D. I said that no man could change God's laws; not the Pope nor even a Jewish rabbi named Hillel II. God gave us a visible calendar to observe and He told us how and when to observe it in the Bible. It's not confusing or complicated like some people want to believe. It's a little different, but so is everything else associated with God, from keeping the Sabbath and the holy days, to tithing. God tells us to "come out of Babylon" to be different.

Little did I realize that the calendar I was attacking was pagan to the core and directly from Babylon. Let's look and see how the Romans forced a corrupt calendar on the Jews. After the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., the high priest was without a sanctuary. He was like a minister without a Church. The position he held could no longer be carried out without the temple. Instead of a high priest as their spiritual leader, the Jew's had a NASI, pronounced (naw-see). He was the head rabbi or chief leader, like the Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church.

In 351-352 A.D. the Jew's revolted against the Roman emperor Gallus & his commander Ursicinus and lost. After this, the Romans limited the power of the NASI and forced him to give up the authority to proclaim the new moon and the fixing of the festivals. Hillel II agreed with this to save his neck and sold out God's law. A calculated calendar was instituted and published with its rules in 358 A.D. (Encyclopedia Judaica, Hillel II)."

So essentially, this is like the way the Native American people were treated.

Indigenous people had their way of life.  The women didn't need to go to doctor for child-birth.  Women knew her herbs.  Women knew how to get food for her family without much farming practices.  She knew the wild-edible foods.  The indigenous cultures ALSO had/have their own calendar structure.

For example, the Jewish months coordinate with "nature and moon" changes, not with the "sun and shadow."  Indigenous cultures do the same.


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