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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Should you pursue that relationship?

When a person is a true, repentant and born again believer, the view of "this world" is not the same as the way a "natural man" views this world.

If a man or woman would like to pursue a further relationship that could possibly lead to marriage, it is VERY important to make sure he or she is aware of the VALUE of God's laws and ways.  

If the possible future spouse seems to be a little off the track, in their understanding of the approach to God's laws whether it is the more conservative laws or the more liberal serving of the poor types of laws, then it may not be a "good idea" to go further in the relationship to the point of pursuing an actual marriage.  Even a little "hint" of rejection of the way Jesus addressed Capernea could spell disaster in the future of a marriage.....or at least a very serious spiritual battle at hand. (an in-law of mine is currently dealing with the trials of this type of issue in marriage)

So, make SURE that the person who identifies themselves as Christian and is seeking a relationship is sincerely certain to SUPPORT the giving of God's laws to Israel people or they could be opposed to the words of Christ in some way or another.

Even the words in the law "be fruitful and multiply" can have an impact on the marriage.....so ensure that everything in God's laws are in agreement before pursuing the marriage, and the marriage is likely to succeed under the Grace of our savior......

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