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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Poor govt' based healthcare provision: Immoral people are the problem

The condition of healthcare in the USA is not ruined by Jim and Sue who raise 5 children, give their children healthy meals each day and provide a basic safe home for their children.  They teach their children that the boys will be boys and the girls will be girls.  End of story because the bible is the good story.  In fact, it is the story of how men and women have had to suffer for such faith.

The condition of healthcare in the USA IS ruined by frivolous Jake who wants to be named as Kate for thousands of dollars in costs to change what God created.  He lived as a smoker, drank a lot and now expects the govt' to pay for his foolish choices.  Yet, when people mention that "natural herbal" remedies and other "free resources " from nature are available, he/she still insists on attention grabbing!

Furthermore, the govt' itself does nothing to stop a box of gloves from costing 50$ per patient when the patient is charged services.  Such folly in spending to make extra money creates more problems for the patient in the long run.

Thankfully, some doctors are wise enough to start up services that are more economical and practical to the patients, in such a way that they KNOW where their money is going and what is HAPPENING with the money.

Like I said, USA can be a wonderful nation, if people recognize the "frivolous" spending, and recognize that morality PREVENTS such frivolous needs.

I do believe in providing some govt' services or pay-as-you-go for the neediest people:  Children under 18 health-services for BASIC needs(no abortion services to cover up the pedophile), basic schooling for the children 8-13 so that reading and math can be sufficient for the work-load in English language(most people never read beyond 8th grade level on daily basis), elderly or veteran services for those 65 and older, major disability services so long as the faith/relationships of the person are respected.....

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