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Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Community Relations
-her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land

This is a Proverb's 31 series post 


There was a date in time when people spoke slowly to their neighbor
There was a date in time when the only other family that was known was one's next door neighbor
There was a date in time when it was not necessary to own a bigger this or that than one's own neighbor
There was a date in time when your only friend was your next door neighbor
There was a date in time when all your social gatherings involved or included your next door neighbor
There was a date in time when your service to the community was simply to help your next door neighbor
There was a date in time when all the information about the world came from your next door neighbor

Did such a date exist?
What became of facebook and all its networking ability?
Perhaps you should ask your next door neighbor TODAY.

Perhaps that date in time when perfect relationships with neighbors can exist is today.
It may take some problem solving but try it out and see what happens.  Watch your character change and grow to something better than it was before.

It doesn't take any money to keep up with and become friends with your next door neighbor.

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