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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Helping your child read before age 3

In our public education school system, it is believed that children cannot read until they are 6 or more years old. This is entirely NOT true. It is possible to teach a young child to read before he or she reaches school age.

I posted earlier about assisting my oldest son with reading as a toddler. If you are diligent and work with your child daily it is possible to see results with very little effort in using the flashcard methods. Repetition is the key. Repetition is the key. Repetition is the key. VaRiaTIon gains attention. I also use the brill baby website to gain ideas for teaching my child with reading. My son loves to learn new words. Right now we are at the stage transitioning between reading a full book and picking up new words that were not previously observed. He is also capable of reciting a book that has been read to him several times and rhyming a list of words......Language is fun at any age!

In the near future I plan to personally teach my child hebrew, and greek. Although I do not believe an individual can gain full spiritual depth by learning the languages, I know that it will help greatly when my child chooses to study the scriptures at a deeper level. Helping one's child have an interest in scriptures starts at a very young age!

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