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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sabbath day always happens on Saturday? Order to the days?

First of all, the bible itself uses the ANCIENT lunar calendar, it NEVER uses a solar calendar. More accurately a lunar-solar-astronomical calendar is used to describe things in the bible and the various events. However, if a person is NOT observant enough he or she may miss the concept that planetary AND lunar patterns does in fact produce a "7 day week cycle."

Yes, a person CAN determine the "day of the week" by attempts to understand the patterns in the heavens.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Now, yes, I do agree with the video in stating that the calendar is "paganized" instead of based directly off of the bible.  Because something is "paganized" does that mean that men cannot understand the redemption?  It could influence this effect and men can become "lawless" instead of redeemed.  The "pagan source" is the problem, it is NOT the structure of astronomy and the written word.

People are not to judge other believers based upon the "sabbath days" or "special set-asside days"...... but they should not disrespect God's orders of creation and allowing a time of REST for Old Testament believers and others into the New Testament.

Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Patriarchy vs. Dangerous grooming gangs......racism issues??

Ok, I live near a "multi-culture" town.  From what I know there have been some conditions off and on where women "out side" of the particular culture or heritage were affected by "rape" or other things.  I don't know about "incest" inside of the camps, but there have been some cases like that in some circles too.

When many different cultures "come together" in one area, the -young girls- are going to be the number one target of evil, no sense of self-control type of men.  It happened against "indigenous native american girls."  It happened against "little white girls" who were brought up around native american tribes.  It happened among the "slave girls" of the south.  Lets put it this way.  It happened.

So how do we know what type of "men" will have the highest chance of turning into evil "rape gang" men.  To me these are the HIGHEST form of evil against humanity, because they do not make a conscious effort to control themselves and respect the good of humanity.  Things like this even happened in concentration camps where the women were trapped by concentration camps already.

I don't have a "secret formula" to help identify these types of men when they showed up like in the case where Harvey Weinstein was caught in lascivious acts.  But I DO know the one who redeems man from his own sin of LUST.  The more a man knows the "word" the less likely that man will commit the acts.  Furthermore, the more a man has KNOWLEDGE about this criminal behavior and "different ways people express their sexuality"  even among different cultures, the less likely a sort of abuse will brew.

The HIGHEST chance types of men to act this way are those who DON'T consider scripture as a resource to find "self-control."  This has even happened in various "church groups" or "social church functions" that don't take the bible seriously.  Commonly the "man" doesn't meditate on biblical things in some way or another.  The second HIGHEST chance types of men to act this way are the men that are not informed about what is right and wrong from a "professional" or "educational" point of view.  These men act out on their impulse with no "professional conduct" types of standard.

So, consider wisely and teach daughters to "be careful" around certain men.  Don't read literature that teaches girls to just "trust a boyfriend" or other types of things.  

Try these resources to help protect children: Resources for girls, Tips on giving The Talk

All in all, a man of "middle eastern" decent NEVER indicates the Character of the man.  To believe so is a form of racism.  That is a HERITAGE.  NOT an upbringing or set of beliefs that leads to right behavior.  Jesus was Middle Eastern.  Yes, there were corrupt people in Israel in Jesus' day.  He said so!  But he knew how to identify men that had lust and hypocrisy in their heart, so consider HIS method of removing the "lust" problems from within the heart.  

All in all, yes, "teen boys" will chit chat about this and that in regards to what they "think about" from time to time.  That does NOT mean they will turn to the -bad stuff.-  It is a part of development of developing "attraction."  To label someone as doing something that they didn't do (a sort of opposition to Patriarchy) is a form of "false accusation" or "defamation of Character" of MAN.  In some cases, it could turn as bad as racism problems.  So consider WISELY what cases are REAL DANGEROUS abuse, and what cases are the general DEVELOPMENT of man......or perhaps a different culture issues.

Patriarchy is NOT the bad-guy and it DOES NOT cause these "Grooming gangs" that is a misconception about the possibility of REDEMPTION of men from their sin.  In fact, patriarchy if it is based on REDEMPTION, restores and preserves humanity FROM these VERY things that create evil in the minds and hearts of the future generations!

YES, there are some PATRIARCHY conditions that lead to these things, but consider if that man believes in REDEMPTION and FOLLOWS the REDEEMER.

Furthermore.....when talking with differing people from "middle east"..... some don't really know that they have "Jewish heritage".... the woman speaking in this video .....found out later in life that she has Askinazi Jewish heritage....  so outward appearances are different than inward (holiday or religious appearances).....  If this woman speaking in this video or her daughters would be affected by a grooming gang would definitely WANT some sort of justice.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Monday, May 28, 2018

Christian Liberty: Untampered Maternity, Childbirth and Death (4)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

Life is hard for some people.  Life is short for some people.  If there was a "magic button" that would prevent death on earth, I would like to know where that button is located.  Apparently that button doesn't exist on earth, so humanity has to look forwards to heaven if that is where they will go.  But those who promote lawlessness and death for others on earth (the murderers etc), are simply not a part of his kingdom and his plan.

All in all, as a Christian when other people treat you poorly, keep being you.  Don't let someone else's bitterness, confusion, error in their ways change the person who you are inside.  The news media has an array of death scenarios that happen each and every day.  Not a day goes by in the news somewhere where someone died because of anything from domestic violence to terrorism problems.

Unfortunately, due to poor instruction and guidance, humanity puts itself in vulnerable situations which could lead to earlier deaths.  Some people go as far as to believe the government itself will fix this problem with early deaths.  Yes, the government can do research and investigate the "bad guys," but it simply cannot eliminate all death and may even cause unnecessary death on others for a variety of reasons.  There have been eras of severe persecutions against Christians, so why is the world any better today than it was then.  Clearly it is not any better as people live as in the days of Noah or the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, heaping destruction on themselves.

Furthermore, knowing the life of Jesus, which eventually led to his death on the cross, should ring a bell that life on earth is not forever!  The Roman system itself led to the death of Jesus on the cross.  The condition of his heritage, being Jewish and growing up in the particular culture and practice frustrated and fractured the concept of Roman power that is of this world.  The world system continues to hate people and misunderstand people because of their nationality, heritage, DNA or any other manner of things given to humanity as conception.

Genocide is real.  Genocide existed in history.  Genocide exists in various places around the world today.  There are people who deny the genocide problems of the past and there are people who deny the genocide problems of today.  The only hope to stop unnecessary deaths on this earth is to show forth what LOVE means.  Show them the truth about who you are as a person.  Who your family is as a body and whom loved and died for them in real human flesh so they do not have to continue those evil acts of genocide on this earth.  The kingdom and power from on high must come to earth eventually as all evil is eliminated from the heart of men.

Do not be afraid in death.  Rejoice in the life you have been given with Jesus as the best and truest companion that will never leave your side.  If death comes upon yourself it may not be as hard to deal with on this earth.  If death comes upon a loved one, it can be harder to deal with on this earth.  Never cease to embrace the possibility that any person you care for could pass away at any time.  Do not be afraid to love unto death.

Of course there are certain things we can do today which could prevent unnecesary deaths.  Study various statistics.  Do things like prevent car-accidents and other accidental deaths.  Keep people away from suicide if at all possible.  Self-hatred comes from an origin and it is hatred of the one who gave us life.  Judas was around Jesus, but he didn't repent and didn't understand the power to preserve life, even the satanic delusions of the mind and heart.

Job's children died after they hung out with the wrong crowd of people.  It would be painful to forgive and move on in certain circumstances where family makes bad choices and ceases to exist on this earth.  Hanging out with the wrong crowd, statistically created an earlier death for Job's children and also creates the same havoc today.  Some crowds are so wicked they turn to terrorist activities.

Not all risks which could lead to death are a bad thing.  Learning how to drive in and of itself was a risk.  Learning to ski, scuba-dive or go mountain climbing can help build endurance and physical strength to last longer on this earth.  Taking up the risk to talk to certain crowds of people about the gospel may be risky, but it can lead to a longer life if the timing and certain precautions are taken.  Jesus said to be friends with the unrighteous people of this world.

Essentially, social care is important to help live a better, longer life on this earth.  Ensure you have a good group of faith-filled believers who believe in the word and meet with you regularly.  If they are local people, that aides in preventing unnecessary death because you only need to walk to the place to meet with the people.  If the first century Christians only had legs with which to walk, the days and conditions for men and women are not any different than they were then.  In fact, they couldn't even carry around anything to project their message, they only had their lungs they were given.  The faith that endures is not afraid to meet with others regularly and to project the message of hope from generation to generation.  Even since the time of Noah, wicked men thought they knew the way, but God had the better plans.

All in all, to endure a solid godly life on earth requires a certain amount of wisdom.  To keep this wisdom and pass it on from generation to generation takes special care and attention.  Visiting and helping widows in their time of passing, gives wisdom about what is good and necessary habits in this life.  The more one sees the joyful people verses the ornery people as they pass from this earth to the next, the more a person knows what keeps the joyful people joyful.  Certainly it is hope in his redemption glory!  Bible meditation and reflection ensure greater vision and perseverance for humanity.  So take care of those among you now, because you will not always have that opportunity.

As the day passes on, and time on earth comes to a close.  Whether it is by violence.  Whether it is by accident.  Whether it is by illness.  What ever the case may be.  A person does not need to rely on professional care in the end of life remedy.  There are ways a person can prepare their own medical resources in advance of this time.  Unless a person has decayed to the point of absolute "insanity" or "mental incapacity" a person can truly rely on the promised one to endure the end-times of life.  Study the life of Jacob towards the end of his life on earth.  He endured life with much strength.  He did not give up simply because he was 147 years old.  He continued to trust in the redemption power and glory.  He continued to forsee what would happen to his own children, well into many generations, to eventually arrive at the coming of the lion of the tribe of Judah.  Jacob's end of life experience, shows that his redemption continues to dwell with us and continues to guide the future generations well into old age.  There are other cases where the kings did not look to the "physicians of this world" in the end of life, but looked towards the final calling.

We as Christians do NOT look at things of this world, but look forward to his return and to his kingdom coming to this earth.  We should not look at the will of men, because the will of men, is always on unstable lawless ground.  His glory is the truest hope.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

How do I study the bible?

The answer is simply this.

I use a variety of opinion, experiences and resources.

The BEST exegesis offers "raw data" or "directly implied information."

Knowing a few Jewish people can help because of the reality that Jesus came through Abe, Isaac and Jacob.  Knowing some people from the Levant also helps (their ancestors played a role or two or three....in the bible stories).

Anyhow, I grew up under the instruction of Anabaptist types of bible teachings.  Friends and family practiced this faith.  I agree with many aspects of this faith, especially non-resistance and "feed thy enemy"....  Read through -Pilgrim Church- by Broadbent and the TRUTH is revealed about the conditions of suffering the true Church has endured for many centuries.

I went to a Lutheran College.  I do not follow the far-left types of Lutheran beliefs.  I also do not cater to the thinking and things of Martin Luther as some of his understandings of minorities, Jews and religious different people were not good.  Never-the-less when I went to the college I took a basic class which tested my knowledge of the bible.  I received an -A- in that class.  I also took a class that allowed me to understand the Hebrew letters and words.  I received an -A- in that class too.  These things built up some strength in my understanding the bible, despite coming from a "Lutheran" resource.

After college, I went through a FULL DETAILED on-line bible study class.  www.ttb.org.  The speaker was not in favor or understood the concept of Sabbath Day worship, but he did have conservative views.  By the way the Sabbath Day is not a "bad day".....Paul practiced Sabbath Day, Jesus practiced Sabbath Day.  The "Sabbath Day" is mentioned MORE times in the New Testament than the "Lord's Day" (first day of the week).

Later, on I came across a parashah reading method.  This is used in Jewish circles and in messianic faith groups... http://raggedycottagegarden.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-bible-reading-system.html
I use the bible reading method and then "mix it up" a little bit by randomization, so I "test" my scripture knowledge.

Essentially, I make sure I study enough of the bible to get a good understanding from the bible nearly 3 and sometimes more times a day.  Constantly knowing the scripture, builds faith more and more.  Pray through the scripture also helps.  How do I get the "time" to study that much bible?  I know how to manage food supplies to a ration that is reasonable, instead of trying to eat gormet all the time.  Living simple does this.  All in all, it really takes about 1/2 hour a day or so to get a good amount of scripture study.  I don't even consider my self an "expert" student, just a basic upper-level bible study student.

By the way, I do NOT require my children to read this much bible in one day.  Rather, they listen to little bits here and there.  They read "child-size" portions and faith-based articles.  At this stage in their life, there are other things to explore beyond the bible, but hopefully they will decide that "bible-thumpers" aren't so "crazy" after all.

Why read so much bible in a week?  It builds up ideas, strength, encouragement and more......simple as that.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

The Right to Life starts at time humanity is given DNA.....

Look at it like this. Look at your "grandmother" or "great grandmother's" family through your mother's side of the family. Would you today decide .....oh I want to go and "murder" that family member because their heart is "beating"...... the family member is OBVIOUSLY an entirely different set of DNA than your own. Obviously you WOULDN'T want someone else to remove this or that family member from this earth as we speak.....because well.....they are RELATED to you and murder is WRONG......but who TOLD us humans that MURDER is wrong?
The DNA conditions of JESUS are listed in the BIBLE. These were given to him at CONCEPTION.....not at 6 weeks....not at 6 months. He obviously was "related" to some people in the bible.....like John the Baptist.  All in all he was definitely related, had ancestry that were related and interacted with people from the "Levant."  There are MANY of those people around to this day!
So if Jesus didn't murder "John the Baptist" why even discuss the possibility to eliminating one of woman's own biological DNA relatives......found within her own body? (surrogacy is very rare and very expensive and has more errors than one or two by the way....so 99.9999% of babies conceived are biological relatives to the mother) The cases for pregnancy complications are "likely" in a woman's lifetime.....but WHY ENCOURAGE woman to embrace the "right to murder" her own kind??? The cases for family members dieing before full maturity or aging a full life on earth, on even a mother's side of the family are likely and very sad; same with pregnancy complications. Why encourage death even in suffering? What about family members caught in their own "bondage and sin"......so too....we should not HATE those people for any reason......else we would be hating ourselves. Why encourage the path of bondage?

We are given life through healthy food, shelter, clothing, water and time for sunshine. We were allowed to see good and bad events and people in this life.....Each life matters.....That is that.

Our family is the testimony of "abortion survival" even "ethnic cleansing" in some ways due to husband's slight minority status.....because the mother of my husband was a unwed-teen-mother.....who carried a child through some bad situations like what King David did with Bathsheba.  Despite these "sins" of the parents........the GOSPEL is STILL THERE to restore hope!

Jesus himself was conceived and brought up in difficult circumstances so practically ALL the excuses for "abortion" except in the case where a mother's life is in physical health danger and/or the unborn child will loose life function soon after birth.....are null and void......because a woman's body is IMPROVED with pregnancy.

Study the conditions of DNA and creating a WIDE VARIETY of humans on this earth.  Not everything looks-like we think people should look to our own eyes....rather it is based on conditional changes and movements around the world.  (PS.  the number of "years" given in the video are hypothetical and not based on biblical accounts)

By the way, what happened to John the Baptist?  The bible is a pretty simple book.....and human life is a simple book too......God kept records then from times of Moses when Hebrew people could barely read Hebrew language.....and he keeps records now.  If we keep record of "hidden things" and "revealed things" in our lives, God would do the same....

For the people who don't believe that "the guys" have self-control......hmph....


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

The "fifteen minutes" summer goals to change your child's future.....

Some of these things can be slightly home-school nature, but don't worry about making it as structured as a home-school.

-Fifteen minutes of running outside (physical health)
-Fifteen minutes of having the children ask the names, number of siblings and names of parents in a social setting (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of sharing the gospel with strangers (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of reading (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of saying kind things to family members (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of doing an art project or drawing (creativity health)
-Fifteen minutes of doing a worksheet puzzle (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of memorizing a poem or passage (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of memorizing bible verses (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of bible reading (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of preparing healthy snacks (physical health)
-Fifteen minutes of chores for a needy family member (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of chores at home (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of "cleaning up" - hair combed properly, changing clothes etc (physical health)
-Fifteen minutes of talking with an elderly person (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of "no gossip" "no mocking" "no scorning" (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of dressing up in "modest clothing" - for those who do not already practice this brings awareness of plain-nature of life and provision (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of watering/weeding the garden (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of sorting something (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of doing something for a family member (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of contacting an extended family member (social health)
-Fifteen minutes of quiet time activities - no screens (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of outdoor play (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of researching something (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of repairing something or putting together something (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of praying (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of singing godly songs (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of listening to a godly themed story or devotional (spiritual health)
-Fifteen minutes of turning something that can be recycled into something useful (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of learning how to do something new (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of putting together a puzzle (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of board games (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of learning a new language (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of studying the current conditions of the sky at night (intellectual health)
-Fifteen minutes of doing things the "old way" -non-electric off grid skills (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of caring for pets or animals (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of caring for plants (work ethic health)
-Fifteen minutes of giving away things/money to a charity or other group (social/work ethic health)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Christian Liberty: Untampered Maternity, Childbirth and Death (3)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

childbirth 2, unhindered living methods

When it comes to childbirth, many healthy women can endure nearly any type of situation.  Financial hardships do not need to be a deterrent to a healthy birth.  Native American women who were in movement across the American plain, simply stopped and knelt down and then picked her baby up and continued walking after giving birth.  She had no fear of birth but knew she must keep up with the tribe.  She did not worry about the condition of the baby as she simply knew that life would come forth.

Most pain in child-bearing is because of "embarrassment."  The body itself says to "shut down" and do something else because a "stranger" is in the room.  So pain doesn't come from giving birth alone, it comes from the opposite, the presence of a stranger.  This is because blood stops flowing to the womb when a woman feels the distress of a stranger in the midst.

What about determining if the baby will be too large for birth, there will be more than one baby, labor will be prolonged, the baby will be in the breech position, or the baby will have a cord wrapped around the neck.  All of these situations do bring fears, but the creator and author of life gives wisdom on how to handle such situations.  Sometimes a dream is given to a woman to help her determine how best to handle the situation.  Obviously, one can look up statistics and figure out the chances for the "sad outcomes" in childbearing.  Typically there is about a 3% chance for congenital abnormalities in a biologically safe birth if ultrasounds and other tests were not taken.  Look up the statistics for the other sorts of chances for failed or difficult circumstances in birth.  A woman should typically know if her baby will be extremely large if she is on her second or more pregnancy.  The more a woman knows what to do in those "bad" situations, the more likely she will overcome the situations, even on her own.

All in all, childbirth has become a "religious practice" that is controlled by the professional medical world!  In fact it started with the condition of controlling how and when women conceive children!  It tells the women when to conceive children in the right time, Mary being too young for the system and Elizabeth being too old, instead of teaching women that the creator and redeemer wants women to be blessed on this earth.  Trust is given to men, instead of to the creator of the universe.  Even due dates are not given full trust.  The angels told the shepherds when Jesus was born, so why do we trust in "man made" beliefs about due dates.  Yes, even women who carry past 2 weeks have given birth to healthy babies.  When others in the medical profession control women by giving more pharmacy drugs instead of better nutrition therapy, like eating more green foods, the woman is not allowed full access to the creators ability to keep her safe and healthy in the pregnancy. 

A true woman who is fully focused on her creator, does not fear the conditions of men even in the process of giving birth to children in this world.  This world becomes healthier for humanity if women know they can put their trust in his redemption abilities than in the "man made" conditions.

Now for the woman who was in a severely abusive situation or severe physical health and danger, do not assume you need to be a super woman and fix this situation of bearing children on your own strength.  JESUS is the good shepherd.  He told us that the good Samaritan was there to help the person tossed aside and beaten on the side of the road.  The man did need care from another to heal his wounds.  Same is true for women in need of specific medical care.  Our redeemer watches us from above as we show concern for women in dangerous or troubling situations, so pray for his guidance and protection at all times.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

They want to call us....."phobes".....but my birthday was.....

about 6000 years ago.

So there are some folks who like to play the "sexuality" game to get away with calling people transphobic or something.

In actuality, my birthday happened in the time when God made Adam and Eve.....which was ABOUT 6000 years ago.  I cannot tell you the exact year, but I can tell you that the age for Adam is given as well as the other Patriarchs of the bible.

So my DNA history record shows that this ACTUALLY happened.

Yes, there ARE Darwinist believers out there.  Well, let them believe what ever they want to believe.  We humans are still not yet 9 feet tall and the bible says that there were once "giants" in the earth.  Looks like humanity is "shrinking" instead of "evolving."


So how old am I DNA "wise"...... about 6000 years old.  The next time someone want to call you a "phobic" simply remember your TRUE DNA age.........hint hint.  They will NEVER want to call you a "phobic" again, once they realize they are duped by the "politically correct" folly of this age.....

All in all, be wise.  Ask them how long they have been "breathing" on this earth.  Ask them how long they have been at a "certain height."  Ask them how long they have had a "beating heart."  Ask them how long they have had family members, even extended family members that were older or younger than them.  Ask them how long they have ...... you get the point.  Jesus was WITTY with the foolishness of men.  He didn't let a thing slip by.  The truth was and is always the truth.  No man can say that they are born BEFORE their own biological mother and father.  Such is simply not the case.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

"Worthless people"........"worthless life events".....

Too often we see people in this world as ...... "worthless"...... but they have more worth than we could even imagine.  Too often we see events in our life as ........"worthless events"....... but they have more worth than all the events of our life.  

The bible lists all those people.
The bible lists all those events.

Make the most of those people.
Make the best of those events.

Have a good day.

**Think of others**
**Choose life**
**Follow the redeemer in unconditional love**

If you would like to know how the bible lists all those people, consider checking for various pieces of information about these people.  DNA heritage is included in the matrix of information.

If you would like to know how the bible lists all these events, consider checking for various pieces of information about these events.  Location and historical context is in the matrix of information.

Are we ever going to be 100% perfect in these matters?  No.  But we who are saved know upon whom we can rely.

Coffee Shop events seem like a "worthless" secular trip to......who knows where.

See through the "lies" and get to the truth.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Christian Liberty: Untampered Maternity, Childbirth and Death (2)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

The bible doesn't say that Elizabeth went to a hospital to give birth.  In fact, she was OLDER in age.  Does this mean that she was also healthy enough to give birth in her old age.  The bible says she did not die in childbirth.  Some women in those days who were not healthy died in child bearing.  Should women fear "death" in childbearing or embrace the gift of giving life.

But does "death" itself solve the problems of this life?  God himself was watching Jonah when Jonah said, "Jon_4:8  And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live."  So even in Jonah's life and death situation, God choose to bring life instead of death to Jonah! Essentially, we fear the unknown day in and day out.  Fear keeps women from realizing her potential to influence the the world to do good instead of evil through the love of Jesus.

Midwifery has been with humanity since Adam and Eve.  Eve did not have a midwife present at any of her births.  Did eve continue to live after the childbearing years?  Yes.  Same happens in human life and bringing forth babies, even today.  There is no fear to those who know that God himself is preserving life on earth for humanity miraculously.

What types of things could a woman do that is in persecution areas and told she must enter a hospital to give birth and then give her baby over to a special persecution religious group.  A woman in that situation may need to choose child-birth from home!  It is the best and only option to flee such persecution.  There have been countless suffering Christian and non-Christian woman (like slaves) in the past who were forced, whipped and brutally treated while in the process of giving birth.  Did these woman survive?  We don't always know, but if they did, God wanted these women to continue the message of need for redemption on this earth.  Did the child to be live or die in the process of giving birth?  We don't always know, but we know that his redemption was still there, even in those times of trial.

So if a woman is in a situation of giving birth and the persecution is minimal or moderate towards Christians, it is entirely possible to refrain from giving over to the professional system to give birth to this child.  In fact, it is healthier if the woman carefully monitored her own health through the maternity stages and the child-to-be-born was not in major distress or health complications throughout the pregnancy.  Pregnancy and childbearing are simple.  FEAR is what creates pain in childbearing.

Going back to the story of Elizabeth.  Remember how Elizabeth was old in her childbearing years?  More than likely Elizabeth did not go to a professional healthcare worker's location to bring forth her child.  Mary and other close friends or relatives helped her bring forth the child.  Should we fear that we are less capable of bearing children than even Elizabeth?

Remember too, that persecution towards babies was on the horizon, when king Herod wanted to remove all children under two out of areas where Jesus was located, so bearing children even in the middle of persecution doesn't mean that women should stop fearing the creator and redeemer, instead it means that women should KNOW THY REDEEMER in all situations of life, even in childbearing.

All in all, women can and should stop catering to the worldly ideas that childbirth needs to have a lot of pain in it to bring forth new life.  Women who are not poked, prodded, embarrassed and more can have a practically pain free childbirth if she focuses on the end results instead of the fears.  No, it has more JOY and compassion for our frail and dependent human condition.  It teaches us to depend upon our creator and redeemer instead of on our selfish ways.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Is "married to my first kiss" biblical advice?

Now, this is why I can't support 100% ideals from far-right patriarchy groups.  Yet, I know they mean well, and often mean and show better life conditions than left-leaning evangelical Christian groups.

They don't see through the "lens" of people who suffer or people who take care of those who suffer.

First of all, the stories of the bible, Dinah captured the attention of a man that Jacob did not want to be a father-in-law to.  The man captured Dinah and took her in.  He simply wasn't a man of good character.  As a result, rioting broke out.  Was it all Dinah's fault for all the rioting!  NO!

What about Tamar of the bible.  Was it her fault that she did not know that she was going to be "seduced"?  NO!

Furthermore, there are many cases where a woman is forced into a child marriage and later becomes a Christian.  She is "disowned" by her husband.

What about families where the young girl was not given instructions on how to protect her self!  Maybe a male or female relative who could care less about "levitical" standards asked the girl to act as a "whore."

What ever the case may be, being "married to my first kiss" may not be truly biblical advice, due to evidence of "abuse" that a young girl may end up suffering for various reasons.  I would NEVER encourage any girl to "suck it up" sista and deal with it!  That just is contrary to what the bible says as a whole.  Her sexuality was damaged in some way.  Just read the "song of solomon" and see how she was treated in the "streets"

What about the women who are taking a volunteer or paid position caring for people who are in need.  These people often need warmth, hugs and even kisses.  Now the workers may NOT give the patient any type of "kiss" but the worker may be "kissed" by the patient.  If the care-giver is working in an environment with a lot of disabled men (like a war or refugee environment) and she is the only female around, the chances of such a situation of being kissed is even higher.

Last but not least, there are areas where persecution occurs.  Women are raped.  Women are beaten.  Women are kissed for reasons they don't want to be kissed.  Women are forced into a marriage that they do not want to be in.  These instances are all cases where a woman is "kissed" and she really didn't deserve it or want to be in a marriage to a man that kissed and gave her that "first kiss."

YES there are cases where a girl IS out of control and is playing the "harlot," so to speak.  She also is giving kisses where she ought not.  Outside of a marriage is NOT the best thing to do in reality!  Will religious persecution against a "prostitute" solve the issue of "sexual impurity" going on in the woman?  No.  The solution is simply this.  LOVE without PERVERSION!  Show her the PRICE JESUS PAID for her sin.

So in essence a woman who was in any of those situations, may either be "persecuted" for that "first kiss" or that woman may not have "repented" of her sin yet.  So, there is no way to say that only the godly Christian marriages a made under the lens of the "first kiss" and that is the "only love" this woman has for the rest of her life.

All in all, a woman CAN be thankful if her true first kiss was actually reserved for that "special man".......the one and only that GOD himself planned for her!


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

"Far-Left" values are against woman's rights???

Yes, you read that right.

First of all, the "far-left" just SAYS anything that comes to their mind.  They take no time to think of others.  Linda Sarsour often practices this and is very popular among the crowds.  One day I hope she realizes how FOOLISH and CLAMOUROUS she actually is, even though the world thinks she is "intelligent"......  um....I too have connections to people of the mid-east (and grew up in and around possible vulnerable scenarios).....so I know what is wrong with Linda Sarsour......

Here is an example of the "far-left" woman:

Yes, it is easy to "tell" if a woman from the "far-left" actually cares for other women, if she is catering to trends in "religious conditions" or if she is actually concerned if a woman is raped......like Tamar (in the Holy Bible....still under religious conditions but pure motives).

There are other women who claim "woman's rights" by becoming a marketed "evangelical feminist."  The typical, "Evangelical feminist" thinks it is "good" for women to go about her business of dehumanizing the principles of womanhood (including bearing of children first and foremost).  Elizabeth of the bible would be BETRAYED, instead of EMBRACED (as Mary the mother of Jesus visited her own elderly pregnant cousin).  Mary of the bible would be BETRAYED, instead of EMBRACED because she raised a child in her through a teen-pregnancy.  Elizabeth (old women in pregnancy) and Mary (younger women in pregnancy) are both obsolete or a burden in the "evangelical feminist" mind.  Many fake christian woman who commonly practice "evangelical feminist" ideals due to various things and lack of trust in the creator, often dislike the idea that women who are aged or young may give birth to children, some of whom may even have disability in the older age of the woman.  The younger age of the woman may need assistance for basic needs because she has not yet established a household and stability.  Of course there ARE cases where a rape/incest occurred in the young woman that needs to be "helped" and there ARE cases where an older woman's health may be in jeopardy in elderly pregnancy.  Never the less, both MARY and ELIZABETH embraced their ability to BEAR CHILDREN instead of running away from it.

Essentially, things can get worse, as a woman promotes a lifestyle that caters to "whore" lifestyle (production of obscene entertainment), "infidelity" or other things that are opposed to real-life conditions.  Essentially, the outward condition of a woman is more important to these far-left women......and the men who cater to them.  The fruits of the "far-left" lifestyle could be anything from getting an STD, to an out-of-control son or daughter, to extreme hatred of innocent men who are taking care of a sick wife at home and more.

Yes, there are ALSO women in the "far-right" who are against "woman's rights" and only seem to care about people in her own "circle" instead of considering that others too would like to "come in" to the "fellowship."  Even the women "caught in adultery" and was willing to repent of that, needs a person to know she does not need to be a victim of harassment.

There is NOTHING against general "woman's rights" as a whole and this is even biblical advice.  There are WOMEN in the bible who participated and enhanced sharing the gospel.  Godly women in history were martyrs for the cause of Christ.  Godly women in terror infected countries were martyrs for the cause of Christ.  May these women be embraced in heavenly glory.

By the way, here is an example of a FAITHFUL JEWISH woman who EMBRACES both "woman's rights" and "womanhood" without fear or compromise.  Though I do believe the JESUS is the Messiah, I still appreciate the REALITY of what it means to LIVE LIFE in favor of FAITH instead of DISCOURAGEMENT.  I also do not feel "afraid" of a "muslim" woman who is in modest clothes, lives simple, submissive to a husband and embraces motherhood, I just get concerned when I notice she teaches her children chilling "supremacy" things, practices FAKE "woman's rights" or tactics to distort the living gospel that is only found through JESUS.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Protect small business from religious or philosophically different customers

Protect "small business" from legal nonsense based on religious or philosophical differences???

Perhaps a sign like this on the door or a frame on the wall of a business. This could apply to businesses that sell creative things or cater to events or otherwise.  Maybe the business already has a "faith based goal" in mind.....:

promoting obscene filth
catering to supremacy
intentional terrorism or cutting heartbeats short on time
falsely accusing someone through slurs and sayings

You can find service else where but not from us....


Have a good day. The creator wants you to be blessed, not cursed.

with brotherly love, not hatered of Holy Living:
diverse wisdom from diverse tribes, not one race and tongue mentality:
choose life for your neighbor, not choosing death before their time
reveal the truth about neighbors, not assumptions of their character


Consider wisely if you would want to work for employers (even public places of employment) who promote certain things, before catering to the "low life" mentality.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Christian Liberty: Untampered Maternity, Childbirth and Death (1)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

Did you know that a woman doesn't need to attend a clinic for prenatal care unless there is an actual illness?  In fact, if there is persecution or moral chaos going on, it may not be advisable to attend a special clinic.  Instead, prenatal care can simply be done from the comfort of one's own home!  Simply obtain a book on midwifery which teaches midwives how to do prenatal care and then ensure that the woman who is expecting, is getting the right nutrition, rest and care as needed.  A woman can write down the various conditions she went through during her pregnancy in case she needs to inform the "professional" world.  Further complications even to the woman, often result when the unborn child is invaded.  Instead of structuring life around the ultrasound, trust in the conditions for birth to be positive and good for bringing life to earth.  Each birth is designed to further the existence of people and love on this earth.

Now if the woman is older, has a severe health issue, had a pregnancy that wasn't biologically safe, like incest, she may need to check for abnormalities in the unborn child in order to ensure a safe birth.  But for the majority of pregnancies, there should be no abnormalities.  What about the conditions where a miscarriage is likely.  Does the woman absolutely need to attend the doctor to get care for that issue?  Not necessarily, unless her body is starting to avoid dislodging the tissue.  Usually a miscarriage that happens before 12 weeks will dislodge naturally.  A pregnancy over 12 weeks may need assistance if the pregnancy failed.

All in all, reading the right inspirational books that show a woman that birth is possible and maternity care is simple, brings comfort into the process of giving birth on this earth.  Even the pregnancy for the people of the bible was simple and enjoyable.  The miraculous conceptions ensured that God himself was the designer at conception and not man.  The ability of a babe to leap in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary was pregnant with Jesus shows us the power to connect with the HOLY when a woman is in the condition of pregnancy.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

When religion makes man blind.....Cousin marriage?

Very scary that this is allowed to continue, or even encouraged to continue even in this century.  "Lawlessness" in rejection of scripture, as well as lack of knowledge from a scientific perspective creates this problematic conditions.  The scripture time and time again tells us to love people who are DIFFERENT than ourselves and our conditions.  In my opinion, it is better to marry a partner with infidelity issues who is unrelated (difference in sin problems like Hosea), than a cousin.

There ARE cousin, and other relative, "look alikes" out there.  I don't know but I believe in exposing the TRUTH to the lost "cousin marriage " people.  Encourage them to find cousin "look alikes" or something.....to get them to deconstruct the lies of their "fathers."

There are more than one nationality out there to make life interesting.  Consider OTHERS and THINK OF OTHERS will make ANY marriage work@@@!!@!@!!

If I know that someone wants a relationship that is .....ummmm not so clean.... and it is like "marrying yourself".....against levitical and science things.... I too, loose my appetite.  I reserve my right not to attend certain marriages on this earth.

Now there are conditions in the "jewish faith" where the wrong ideas are presented before men, so the conditions of "being jewish" and having cousins (Mary and Elizabeth were cousins etc  but Elizabeth was YEARS older.....) may make men blind to the reality that being "born again" is better for the soul and spirit.  The scripture is written with "no errors" in reguards to relationship status conditions.  "Religious" conditions have twisted the scripture out of context and meaning.

I don't think every man in a particular faith group gets up tight and takes the "nasty stuff" seriously except in extreme cases, and each man has a general feeling of wanting to be accepted.  Always check "blind spots" by asking outward opinions and insights and perhaps science studies to bring out the best in humanity: 

Needless to say....."sexiness" is a part of life.  It can build up humanity in good ways.....even if jokes are around.  

Non-religious value can ALSO make man blind.  I am sure there are cases where female cousins believe in marriage to each other!  They will demand the "state" to change the "man-made" laws to suit their own desires.  Behind the scenes these crazy cousins pick up the swinging ideas that they need man after man after man after man (from multiple different nationalities) and continue to call it a "good marriage" because they are sharing "SO MUCH LOVE."  Goodness no.  The crazy ideas behind that are crude punishment that our CREATOR doesn't want.  He died for ALL our sin so we (cousins and all) do not have to live like that.


I choose to trust the "everlasting redeemer" on these issues and more.  There is NOTHING wrong with "brotherly love."  Concern for various suffering a cousin (and perhaps distant relatives) goes through.  The conditions of this have been there from the beginning.  It is ok to marry a cousin's cousin, a cousin's friend or a cousin's suggesting for a marriage partner biologically and spiritually.  Family coordination can help eliminate "blind spots" in relationships and character if the family is willing to work with that aspect.  I have some very smart intelligent cousins who went to ivy leagues and have varying degrees of professional status.  But I should encourage the ENTIRE TRUTH in their lives and the lives of others.  Due to redemption, some people feel that marriage "on this earth" is not for them, but they want to feel accepted by family.  That is ok too.  Though it is better not to fear.....the condition of marriage.  Crude perversion.....NEEDS redemption.

Consider if attending a "church" if they willingly study the "first five books" of the bible.  If they refuse to acknowledge the books or say "that is not for today"..... I would pick the bags up and leave, as that is not the purpose for humanity, to ignore the origins of Christ.

Kingdom mentality......keeps the fires burning in the right way.  Even if the ENTIRE earth (supposedly this condition is as high as 10%!!!) is practicing these things.....keep HIS KINGDOM in mind and heart.

There are many DIFFERENT people on this earth.....BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE:


Be wise about all these things in the earth.....

Three Wise Men G

ONLY ONE LOVE truly defends us!@!!!!@@!@!!@!@  Jesus came through the line of "moabites" through Ruth and Boaz which led to David.....who had Lot for a great great great......grandfather.  But thankfully JESUS overcame the SIN of "sodom and gommorah" and all that .......sexuality corruption stuff....especially when he confronted the disbelief of Capernea (Mat_11:23  And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.).  The value of the creator is that he knows by name the people's DNA from within Bible-Lands and the people's DNA from people outside of Bible-Lands....


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

Songs of Love and Hope