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Monday, February 28, 2022

Driving to Ukraine in style....

 So they said....

those with males in their household.... over 6 ft tall....

should re-ID themselves in the 

5'5" tall female category....

I'm sitting here re-learning about the LOCATION of UKRAINE and hoping some of these people can ID their roots and return to WHERE EVER it is they came from....


5'5" 120 lbs.... its a number for some people in some situations but not for others.

Deal with the trails when they lead you to where YOU need to be....

in the VOTING BOOTHS its just what the DRIVER and the DRIVER can see....no more, no less.... 


If you don't like the conditions of this world....then....well.... think more efficiently about HOW these people come up with their "license" to be in charge..... basically.

We canNOT control the OUTSIDE WATERS....

but we CAN do something about the INSIDE....

the HEART..... aka YOUR water QUALITY for YOUR NEIGHBORS depends on IT.


A JOKE....but REALLY.....don't MISS the MARK of what the MATH-MODELS will ID in TRUTH and ..... add JESUS to the MIX...ANOINTING!


All right.....lets see how this one goes.... Turns out Elizabeth Warren has some interesting "roots" to Ukraine.... after she invitationally WANTED all 6'1"+ males to PROPERLY, in her mind, identify as 5'4" females..... in USA....she STARTED LOOKING into her REAL ROOTS...... I says to her: ENJOY YOUR TRIP and don't come back as an INDIGENOUS MALE with 6'9" tall tales anymore! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


the DOUPLE GANGER.......trails and TRIALS of LIFE...... only ONE LIFE given.....  CHAI..... spelllllllll 

Stuff in the BASKET of FLOWERS among US.....

 All I said was that my hair was WAVY.....

and they tried.....throwing rocks....

I'm like.....



I KNOW the conversations and discussions about FACE themes.....

CAUSE they ALL gonna FACE the BIG COUSIN.....upstairs....




friends are friends foreEVER when JESUS is LORD of THEM.....

Human Hair Mats Clean Oil Spills. Why Don't Big Companies Use Them? | World Wide Waste - YouTube

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Douple Ganger "Expression" Twin Family


A DOUPLE GANGER "family order" and chance based on ..... HAIR????  ASIATIC chances? and other things???  

These are NOT WEIGHTED chances:

(If they WERE properly WEIGHTED chances it would MAKE the chances even LESS likely!  What about a DIFFERENT family with RED HAIR?!)

MULTIPLY the CHANCES TOGETHER!!!!!  EXAMPLE: 1/2 for SON or DAUGHTER TIMES.... 1/7 for HAIR TYPE CHANCE! = .07142 compared to JUST 1/2 for Male or Female of a CHANCE!

WHOM has these SAME FEATURES in their FAMILY in this world????

****Add other similar UNIQUE features****

*A Grandpa from the family with SAME NAME?
*A Close relative with the SAME NAME?
*Mother Born in VIRGO?
*Music Talent in the house? (as stated by OTHERS)
*Levant and/or pre-ww1 story in close relatives and/or conditions? (kinda like duh...but then again pre-ww1 history??? changes the chances a bit!)
*Asiatic features (kinda goes with the reason for the season of life....aka Chai can be SPELLED from at least ONE first name in the house)

RESULTS...... like more than 1 in 1,000,000 chance~!~!@!~!@!~!@#@!~!@#$


Psalm 119 is the BEST picture.....really..... because its GOD'S WORD!

Well...... the themes of BIRTHDAYS..... hmmmm in the MOTHER???

I have no Idea where that chance came from????

No, I did NOT plan on the GRANDPA chance...... (It COULD be a "cousin pocket" of some sort)

As the song says..... they are always BLOWING UP the PHONE......----> Talk to my MOTHER-IN-LAW about things FIRST.....

No.... I do NOT encourage the "lake of no clothing" thing..... in terms of some expressions.... I'm not going to say ALL pictures on the internet are ultimately immodest if something like lack of shoulder covering or belly showing or things of that nature are there..... but that we CAN be PURIFIED by just BEING..... human.... the video above is PRETTY GOOD anyhow.... for what the message is saying!

I get the point of features.....even.... without trying so HARD on things like that.... (maybe its the born before 1990 crowds that have that puzzle solved?  i don't know for sure?)  ..... but REALLY I am LOOKING for the SOUND!!!! and the MESSAGE in the SONG!!!!

We should LISTEN to the SOUND of the HEART.....as THIS is ULTIMATE theme !!!  Even if our worlds are different....and maybe they ARE more similar (douple ganger nature) than we REALIZE!  TAKE the TIME to LOOK for the WHISPER in the WILDERNESS of SIMILAR TRAILS we FACE!

A friend of a friend and other connections of the connect the dot nature.....among us everyday....


Personally, I do NOT know the full "maternity" conditions for the mother of this singer...so I don't actually KNOW all STORYLINES for the situations given.... only what is LISTED..... aka did "the mother" have other guys in her life? did the FATHER and were the relationships CANCELED before a birth? what were OTHER situations given like a loss here or there???? ----> Things to THINK about.....as the NATIVITY STORY of the bible says things like they ARE.... basically.... Levites are Levites and Mary says what she says!


Something to Think about.... when it comes to having a GRANDMA ESTHER in the family tree:

Esther's mother had 13 children in the family (I went to this family reunion)

4 siblings

Great Grandmother

1st cousins
2nd cousins

3rd cousins -> through the siblings of Great Grandmother Esther

4th cousins -> through the Siblings of Great Grandmother Esther's Mother, or 1st cousins of Grandma Esther!

Great Grandma Esther MAY have the ability to recall her OWN 2nd cousins!..... does SHE matter?  SHE is still BREATHING!

So anyway.... the NUMBERS from our household???  the numbers of COUSINS?

I would say within 2nd cousin? 100+ individuals..... some with Jewish??? maybe may be not?  LEvant yes?  The cousin of a cousin thing....throws people through a loop sometimes.

Within 3rd cousin? 200+

Within 4th cousin? 500+..... and a FEW that reflect their lives in JEWISH conditions???  Yes.

Within 5th cousin?  ...... THAT is JUST going back to ....the HOME ANCESTRY COUSIN...... range (Europe? Asia?)....maybe a COUSIN POCKET of CHARLIE-------CONDITIONS......  with the INTERNET age YES...the cousin of a cousin finds folks these days.....

The ties........ go BACK to JERUSALEM.......


whom is the "her"...... 

The one who tried to MANIPULATE...... the RECORDS and things of that NATURE....since the time of the NATIVITY STORY of JESUS....basically.... (Cousin "Mordechai"....knows better!)

video on mute above....


speaking of douple gangers..... my husband says...this looks like cousin so and so...

If CHINA were in charge....its not the culture that is the problem... but the CULTURE of COMMUNIST DICK-TATOR-TOT-SHIPS are the PROBLEM...... then....well.... then say WHAT my friend???? (aka free speech?  Freedom of GRANDMA ESTHER's sort it out now....... BIG BROTHER..... RELIGION...spell it RIGHT..... RE____igion..... say wha?  where did the LAMED go????? cough cough.....the concept of the WORD and NAME----> STEPHEN in BROTHERLY terminology!)

WHA.....GRAMMA ESTHER have to say bout ALL THAT!!!@#@!~!@#@!~!@#???!@#$?!~!@#$

Support and Don't Support


[  ] Jesus first --> He actually CARRIES the burden of RACISM and ETHNICTY to the Kingdom of HEAVEN.... He shares ALL features with all Nations on the earth (through Noah).... some people understand these things some people have yet to learn.  Study Hannah.... and her going to the temple.  The ancestry of SAMUEL is listed BEFORE SAMUEL even arrived.  King David is a "social theme" connected to Samuel!  the TEMPLE is....well.... THE....temple.

Examples of similar features trails:



people GROW up in SIMILAR FEATURES on this earth.  Some people agree with people on these things, some people have yet to learn.  A person does NOT have to fully UNDERSTAND or GRASP the OPINIONS or CREATIVE ELEMENTS to SUPPORT another man!  MOST men in a variety of different nations have YET to understand the CREATIVE ELEMENTS of the TEMPLE in JERUSALEM....SOLOMON'S TEMPLE....so why judge things you don't fully "Grasp" or "understand"....  LEARN about them as you go through LIFE!  So what if a person claims ATHEIST beliefs.... well did that ATHEIST create his own GROUND that he stands upon?  HE is given ONE LIFE like EVERYONE ELSE!

[  ] Moses.  Yes, STUDY MOSES accounts.  Not because I'm telling people to "be religious" but because of the STORYLINES!  People grasp for straws and end up with COMPLACENCY and HATE when they don't follow through with the PATTERNS of human life illustrated in MOSES accounts.  JESUS and MOSES are in AGREEMENT with each other

[  ] King David.  Jesus is basically listed as SON of KING DAVID and from KING DAVID area location.  Why not?  Celebs are Celebs....but King David is King David.  Study his life.  How did King David work with JERUSALEM? How did King David work with ISRAEL?  Think about these things as not much has ACTUALLY changed....its that MAN'S hearts have wandered....THAT is the issue!

[  ] The creator of the animals of the wilderness and the domesticated animal.  Man didn't do this for a reason.  Because MAN doesn't design the FACE of MAN from the womb that well or put the CORRECT order in the HAIR STYLE on MAn very well.  Its a good thing MAN didn't design the PEACOCK.


Do not support:

*Literal Cult Leaders (Go down to the LGBT+ beliefs out of wire and out of sync....and the people that refuse access to Sermon on the Mount and Parables....)

*Gossipers and Mockers (this one seems like a DUH issue...but REALLY follow the TRAIL and one will FIND their nonsense spilling out somewhere..... you want to put a stop sign to Racism...think about this one first)

*People that refuse access to Sermon on the Mount and Parables.... hey EVEN synagogues where JESUS isn't actually preached...mention "Good Samaritan" as a "Good Guy"

*IVY LEAGUE cringeworthy pornographic or dehumanizing evils.... yes, that means even INTELECTUAL GIFT can be ruinious!  Keep the SAME old SNAKE out of the chicken coop!-->anti-police rehtoric is on the fringe...even Obama would be rejected if he mentions what he believes...

*LGBT+ re-wiring of what is REAL about 7 year olds and domestic violence.  Sorry, talk to the REAL ER doctors before claiming that REMOVING GOD will fix "things".... EGO and PRIDE leads to HATE..... JESUS knew this....and said xyz was worse than S & G for a reason for a season...but YET he hung with sinners......Be accurate about BROTHERLY and SISTERLY love.... storylines of REALITY (heal the SICK and WORK WITH the poor etc.)  Ecclesiastical themes R as HUMAN as anything else under the "rotten apples" sun.  Beauty features on "Joseph" of the bible doesn't = automatic "overdrive" towards lust....

*People who know your name and address...or others in your house or closely connected to YOU...but...well.... go back up to the Gossipers and Mockers issue.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The enemy is a Narcissist and keeps control-freak nature of CAIN....

 The enemy is a Narcissist.....






I know what TYPES of shirts people WANT to wear and WHEN they want to wear it and for what type of reason.....

because I'm not that filled with ILLUSIONS.....about the "made in his image" condition.....

**I don't know EVERY SITUATION on this planet(yes JESUS healed the woman bleeding and HANNAH prayed in the bible)...but I can do some man-made vs. God-made math**

The TRAP DOOR was that they didn't WANT to admit TRUTH in the first place....


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXjYJdvunsY (Cain and Able???? they were BIOLOGICALLY related....but because of SIN and REJECTION of the promise..... CAIN held onto HATRED instead of REAL LIFE as it IS....in the PROMISE....)  CAIN and ABLE did NOT create the ORDERS of the "lights" above!!!!!!!  Cain didn't choose the  NAME of his parent ADAM and his other parent EVE..... Able didn't choose  the NAME of his parent ADAM and his other parent EVE.... Note: I didn't chance it and GUESS the gender of Cain and the gender of Able.....  Able was a HIS and Cain was TOO!  Where did the "female" come from in the STORYLINE of ADAM and EVE!  -----> Think about it for a second or two..... CAIN and ABLE..... TWO .....people or TWO MALES?????  SAME DNA strands!  Do the MATH!  I've been a TEACHER before for under age 17 year olds..... How many 17 and under year olds CHOOSE the name of their biological PARENT?  IF you answered: NUN....you are CORRECT!  Then the moral of the story is that NUN'S have NOT always interpreted BIBLE things correctly in the PAST because..... well CAIN....murdered ABLE....and some didn't see it that way and some SAW.....what JESUS was able to SEEEEEEEE way back then!  LUNAR ECLIPSES are visble and so are YOU to the CREATOR'S EYES~!~@!~!@


A modern example of a CONTROL FREAK:

A woman says she is 5'8" and is the same "weight" as Taylor Swift.  Is it likely that this woman will say a. I want to be 6'5" and 300 lbs or b. I want to be 4'11" and filled with warts and scars.....  Note: I didn't even mention heritage conditions of a. or b. 

the CONTROL FREAK of nature....... obviously doesn't WANT QUEEN ESTHER to be "fair featured" and support the ELEMENTS of LIFE....that is the ANSWER my friend!

“I have a pimple and this was offensive lol” Charlie Puth via TikTok | February 20, 2022 - YouTube

I still remember what was served at our wedding: Easy Cinnamon Rolls Recipe - YouTube

Charlie Puth - Loser - YouTube


God helps those who WANT to do DAMAGE to SATAN's kingdom.....

Anyway.... I was walking around _____uther College campus and talking to someone who was SCANDINAVIAN....by heritage....and....Lebanese???? Is it LEVantanese or LEVanese? ummmmm who would have known by FACE alone..... so we DON'T live on FACE alone my friend!   Charlie Puth - Loser - YouTube  No man..... lives on FACE alone.....  don't you have a FRAME?  A BACK?

So anyway.... what happened to the BACK of that one guy that was on the cross in 31 AD.......????  The orders of NATURE on the ENTIRE globe are NOT in-sync with the lights BEYOND.....the MOON PHASES...but TIDES are affected by the moon my friend......so anyway...the DAYSTAR rises on WHICH side of the EARTH no matter WHICH part of the GLOBE you are STANDING!@~!~!@#!~@#$????  Did CAIN or did ABLE choose which location for the RISING of that STAR when it's a MORNING STAR????  Where is the Cinnamon Recipe again???  so the ER DOCTOR said stuff ....and then.... Easy Cinnamon Rolls Recipe - YouTube  the SIGHTS..... and LIGHTS.... Charlie Puth - Loser - YouTube  BREAD ALONE......fools.....are just that..... FOOOOOOOLS in the wild-ER-ness that make a MESS! ---------> WHERE is the MISI-SIPI river???? hmmmmm....the WESTERN WALL bother's some folks....because .....its AN......in-animate object in the WILDERNESS!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8h0LtNd9Kc&t=896s of only ONE HEAVEN and ONE EARTH! ..... How Long - YouTube ----> How long until ATHEIST sees the LIGHT in the HEAVENS and orders??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbO1WSuvkT8 from the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE!

If you know even one or two people PERSONALLY from ISRAEL and there is a FRIEND of a FRIEND....thing..... a person really CANNOT say they KNOW alll the things of the CREATOR....that WE CANNOT CREATE ourselves.... CityAlight ~ Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me (Lyrics) - YouTube ---> City A LIGHT.......

When you are working with a ....well a Gender confused????? Ask which ONE ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden FIRST..... was it ADAM AND EVE or was it ADAM OR EVE...... If they can't answer you correctly.....in the TERMS given...... then you have FOUND the TRUTH......  -----> The answer is obviously it COULDN'T be BOTH when there can ONLY be ONE! Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Nockels, Hymn with Lyrics, Contemporary) - YouTube  -----> there is ONLY -----> ONE <---- CREATOR and REDEEMER of MANkind!

ONLY an inhumane man of CAIN-TYPE of thinking...... says I AGREE that all LGBT+ persons should willingly give themselves ..... to all the LUST they could ever want and RAPE and mutilate themselves among themselves..... think about it....  Jesus never said that they should either..... the woman caught in adultery???? what type of Adultery in the bible story you should ask basically.... JESUS just said: SIN.....no......MORE!

Do you SEE the difference?  Ruth B. Ginsberg and Supreme court "voting records" on how to define marriage ----> It can be what MAN wants it to be when ever MAN decides he can "be like Cain".....  If two......cough cough BROTHERS......cough cough..... well..... MALES are MALES..... cough cough....

Jesus says to the woman in Adultery  ---> Sin no MORE  ****Keep in MIND that sometimes ILLUSTRATIONS and STORYLINES are GENDER-NEUTRAL even though they are referencing a "woman".....so to SPEAK .....wisely to the SITUATIONS!****  ie JESUS loved MALES--->the Disciples but WITHOUT SIN.....so that means that FEMALES in the MODERN ERA can approve of SISTERLY LOVE and speak WISELY to situations like TRAFFICKING or other EVILS among MEN....


THE....Narcissist (doesn't agree with the FACTS of the NATIVITY STORYLINE basically.... MAry and Elizabeth from ISRAEL): When someone says to you [in the past its Mary and Elizabeth of the bible] that you hate JEwish people because you LOOK ISRAELI/ JEWISH/KNOW HEBREW LANGUAGE/SUPPORT PEOPLE WHO LIVE and COME AND GO FROM ISRAEL....... tell them they are GOING to hit a powerline and their lights won't work anymore.....  Solve puzzles according to REALITY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBXQu8ORnBQ  “Please don’t make this a trend” Charlie Puth via TikTok | February 12, 2022 - YouTube ---> The impossible dream..... <----  It's the one JESUS had in mind....for this earth!.......the ENTIRE earth.....

It really doesn't matter if a person READS old PATRARCHY types of "white man" books or history lessons..... it is ALWAYS going to BE the one who RULES the HEAVENS knows how to FIX the HEART of MAN because HE died in the PLACE of "CAIN".....!  FAKE healthcare initiatives that are ROOTS in SIN..... aka where in the WORLD did people come up with the idea to "flip" hormones on healthy children and adults?  ANSWER: REJECTION of MOSES/JESUS : Nurses Sell $1.5M In Fake Vax Cards - YouTube

Simple Advice: Do NOT trust the LEGAL system that CAN'T decide if JESUS' statements to the WOMAN caught in ADULTERY is a BETTER STATEMENT than.....xyz when it comes to MARRIAGE and LICENSE..... and do NOT trust the LEGAL system that CAN'T decide what is considered "a life" when the baby has XYZ heritage in the WOMB (or its origins....if the WOMB itself is handling "the life") when the LIFE is ALREADY ID'd via HEARTBEAT....from the SAME ORIGINS of CAIN and ABLE.....  WHY did CAIN murder ABLE?  the ANSWER: is because of ADAM and EVE's SIN!   Wonderful, Merciful Saviour - YouTube      Spiritual Blindness - YouTube

How to Remove Spiritual BLINDNESS: Step One --> If the bible says WOMAN and has no "ancestry trails" then the STORY is REFLECTION for ALL background.  It could ALSO be a "neutral" reference for MAN even though it says WOMAN  -->Mat_13:33  Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.<-- It would be a same reference as a BAKER who hid three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.....  Step Two --> Don't walk in TUNE with your NEIGHBOR when your NEIGHBOR is doing the THINGS that put JESUS on the cross: Mockery, Scorn etc etc listed in the PSALMS and PROVERBS!!!!  even in xyz HISTORY TRAILS the VICTIMS were..... you know....not TREATED as the PARABLES and SERMON on the MT requires of man..... Step Three --> See Jewish people and ISRAEL as a "people" not as a separate class... for some it is easier....for others who have been brought up to "Believe" there is something "wrong" with ISRAEL/JERUSALEM..... because of RELIGION/false teaching..... they WILL have a harder time with this UNLESS they REPENT of inaction towards the KING of KINGS Step Four --> Stop believing that CELEBS are "out to get Christians cornered".... no not really.  YOU have to take the necessary STEPS to promote the GOSPEL!  Let the GOSSIP fall apart when the REDEEMER has changed their HEARTS and MINDS!  What does this have to do with anything "Bad".... its just a man being a....piano player?  When the bible says MAN or WOMAN..... it DOESN'T reference ANY FULL STORYLINE trail....then the BIBLE can reference ANY MAN or WOMAN.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

JESUS called.....and some followed....

 (Mat 9:9)  And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

(Mat 9:10)  And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

(Mat 9:11)  And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

(Mat 9:12)  But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

(Mat 9:13)  But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

(Mat 9:14)  Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?

(Mat 9:15)  And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.

(Mat 9:16)  No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.

(Mat 9:17)  Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.

Ok.  Laura DOES NOT know everything!  I do NOT want to hold responsibility for "everything" under the sun.  I don't even think Solomon would want that!

However, TRUTH can be calculated!  7 and under is an age in humanity!  7-21 is an age group in humanity!  81-107 is an age group in humanity!  107-114 is an age group in humanity....very few live to 114-120....but Moses achieved that AND he fasted in the wilderness too like JESUS!

Exodus 34.

Imagine that.  80+ years old and fasting 40 days and nights!  Ummmmmm  OHHHHH KAY.... I doubt that a large sum of 80+ year olds sign up for that -->Calling<-- but I do believe a person of that age COULD FAST from FOOD for 7 days and be fine!.... but I doubt the "no water" thing....

A 20 year old "face" is an 80 year old face in REALITY from some people's perspective ;)

We are in the year 2022.... 31 AD for the time of JESUS on the cross perhaps?  hmmm.  We are past the age where "confusion" exists and people don't know about the Dead Sea scrolls and Qumran Calendar.  No.... themes and storylines fall into place....

I see no reason to despite people who follow Moses things closely in the modern era.  Enough is enough..... and time wasted trying to get the water to the people....is time wasted.... whom ever says that S & G was a "safe" place.... has lost their marbles when they realize that the "protected" class of so called LGBT+ individuals wasted no time doing EVIL to the prostate cancer under age 25 year old victim.....what kind of evil?  the ER doctor warned them.... they didn't listen....until they HAD to recognize the CREATOR in the STORYLINE!  Moses' storylines and interpretations are NOT meant to be a coverup to commit actual HATE towards so and so.... its a WAY to DESCRIBE the PROPER measures to PICK UP the brokenness of man.....

***New Wine is JESUS.... ***

***New Wine is admitting things about the corrupt interpretations from past theologians which led to WW2 events***

***New Wine is focusing on support for ISRAEL.... I know this sounds like a "clanging symbol" to some...but I'm talking SPIRIT of ISRAEL and GUIDANCE from HOLY SPIRIT in CORRECT sturdy foundations.... which REFLECTS in the REAL people who dwell in ISRAEL***

***New Wine is seeing the "vulnerability" of the women in the Nativity Story account and the IMPORTANCE of the TEMPLE attendance as CULTURE and themes which led to JESUS growing up in and around and then preaching around "Solomon's Temple"***  A person CAN....NOT change their own ancestry trails...but they CAN study these things!

***New Wine is admitting that OXEN are large animals and if someone isn't skilled.... then they are NOT skilled.... stop giving credit to the ones who have never worked with OXEN***


I hope that explains...

one last one....

***New Wine is admitting that EVOLUTION and FALSE BIG BANG THEORY really has NO GUIDANCE for the FUTURE HOPE of humanity....yes, that means constitutional themes need support legs to KEEP AMERICA in alignment with PROPER freedom conditions!*** ---> now HOW many years did it take JOHN the BAPTIST to begin PREACHING in the WILDERNESS....???  No "evolution theory" will explain WHY he was BEHEADED and the STORYLINE behind the PARENTAL BELIEFS!!!!!!

then the "woking" class woke up and realized that Queen Esther of the bible ..... actually Existed.....

on to the story about Hamantaschen.....  spellllll that work and understand that word without looking at it again.... ok..... next lesson plan.  A computer doesn't quote on quote CARE to understand...but PEOPLE need to CARE about what is here and there on screen and off screen!  The computer cannot "process" "Caring".... !!!

Computers do NOT invent LUTEFISK..... or well.... you know.... ways to OPEN DOORS when that one old-lady couldn't well....she just couldn't.....and THEY....alllllll knew it....about KNOWING about that......  who "cares" about that one great uncle named JO (seph?????...the thinking of those who came BE$ U) of all names that existed..... ($ = 4 by the way....... I just KNEW big brother's WANTED .... $$$$ more than the 4!.  because THEY do not actually CARE about those who are.....well....just .... aren't there right now!  as in GOD breathed into Adam..... but the bible says that because of .... ADAM's sin.... he......)

Convert the 20 day venus cycles of MAYAN calendar to QUMRAN CALENDAR

 How to convert Mayan Calendar 20 day cycle into 40 day cycles Qumran Calendar

40 days and nights

364 *7 + 364 *7 + 364 *7 + 21 +  364*3 = 8757 days

8757/40 days = 218.925

147 years --> 147/24 = 6.125

8757* 6 = 52,542 days

**The 40 day "time" chunk

52542 / 40 = 1313.55 **

0.125*8757 = 1094.625 days

1094.625/40 = 27.365625 **



147 years = 

364 * 147 + 21*7 + 5 * 7 = 56690 days .25 addition or one day every 4, 147 year cycles (21 is number of leap years every 7 years, 5 is number of leap years every 28 years where 7 days are added in leap years)

56690/40 = 1417.25 which is a fairly EVEN number **


Calculate the DAY of JESUS on the CROSS using MAYAN CALENDAR TIME in comparison to QUMRAN CALENDAR TIME is PROBABLE!

1991 /147 = 13.544 147 year spans

13 * 1417.25 = 18424.25 **

What is 13 * 147 and the Gregorian conversion? = 1911 or 31+1911 = Gregorian year 1942

Now the 40 day time theme from 1942 on ward!


In reality..... a person could POTENTIALLY and ACTUALLY calculate ALL the way BACK in time to the time of NOAH!  using the comparison of 147 year.... 40 days cycles!  the BIBLE itself LISTS the time Noah landed the ark and the time-frames for events!

Keep in mind the VENUS CYCLE is 8 years.... 147 / 8 = 18.375.

BUT the QUMRAN CALENDAR operates on LUNAR phases.  so go with a 24 year REPEAT and ASTRONOMICAL POSITION repeat! So that is 147/24 = 6.125 which is STILL a fairly even number!

Think about the FACT that JESUS is king of the UNIVERSE!  HE is of SHEM mainly....but there are "middle men" we don't know full ancestry trails!

ALL features of man are REFLECTION of ONE CREATOR GOD who was in the garden of EDEN!

WE committed ACT of racism towards OUR CREATOR.....!!!!

WOMAN's health doesn't really "move" from tribe to tribe....but interpretations do sometimes....don'y be a FOOL to the "hormone flop" crowd!  yes, there are VARIATIONS in expression and strength and variations in TIME for this that and the other (aka under age 35 have gotten diseases of female or male theme)...but it's the SAME creator!


BUY the TRUTH and sell it not!  The creator was EXPRESSED in the LEVANT people groups and tribes....no other OPTION given.  SIN of man creates problems in LEVANT regions and among LEVANT people!  (the crazy stuff we hear about in Palestinian vs Israel.... things???) no, its one man against the other man...and they despise the AUTHORSHIP of creator!

Remember now: MOSES married an ETHIOPIAN!!!!!  so JESUS and LEVANT are of AFRO-ASIATIC conditions!

OR another picture is that the HEBREW scriptures were written down...but the PATTERNS are in the LANGUAGE of the CENTER of the bible... PSALM 119:

Psalm 119 trail:

176 verses

147 years = 

364 * 147 + 21*7 + 5 * 7 = 56690 days .25 addition or one day every 4, 147 year cycles (21 is number of leap years every 7 years, 5 is number of leap years every 28 years where 7 days are added in leap years)

22 Hebrew letters...

56690 / 22 = 2576 and 9/11 ---> Translation: 22 Hebrew letters.  56690 days every 3 Jubilee 49 year cycles.... 22 Hebrew letters

56690 / 176 = 322 and .1022727272 or 9/88 ---> Translation: 22 Hebrew letters.  56690 days every 3 Jubilee 49 year cycles.... 22 Hebrew letters.... but the bible chapter 119 contains 176 verses so it's ---> 56690 days every 3 Jubilee 49 year cycles divided by 176 verses = 322 and 9/88 

PSALM 119 is in the CENTER of the BIBLE....for a REASON....its TRIBAL and PICTURE GRAPHIC things in one STORYLINE!

Psalm 119 trail:

176 verses

147 years = number of YEARS in 3 Jubilee 49 year cycles.

364 * 147 + 21*7 + 5 * 7 = 56690 days .25 addition or one day every 4, 147 year cycles (21 is number of leap years every 7 years, 5 is number of leap years every 28 years where 7 days are added in leap years)

22 hebrew letters...

56690 / 22 = 2576 and 9/11

56690 / 176 = 322 and .1022727272 or 9/88

The big brother systems HATE the image of JESUS..... and from HIS origins....and conditions....  

**Keep in Mind no one who knows ASTRONOMY would VENTURE to automatically GUESS something PSALM 119.... because....well.... math is neutral....but REALLY MATH didn't begin except by NATURE PATTERNS and human images are NATURE PATTERNS too.....

**Qumran Calendar was NOT available prior to 200 years ago!  So the 1619 project only PROJECTS false ID for people of the "modern era" because it attempts to RE-ROUTE people of minority ancestry BACK to their "original" conditions....but doesn't take into account the TIME for "bread baking" from ..... xzy in the wilderness and TIME for "language barriers" overcoming!

**Northern Lights and Astronomical precession have always existed.... I'm thinking even Egypt knew astronomical precession.
**Racoon? Moose? Hummingbird? Monarch? etc etc are THESE animals found on the entire globe?  At the same LATITUDES?  if the answer is NO......then the orders of CREATION and language MATTERS in that calculation of CREATION timelines.  Languages from "the other side" didn't HAVE these words in their dictionary until xyz in timeline.


Sunday, February 20, 2022


The bible says we SHOULD JUDGE false beliefs and ideologies! 

It is NOT "woke" to have questions and investigate things.

--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m9RMBhGTFg&list=WL&index=310



What is wrong with China?

Its not the culture or general LANGUAGE....

It IS...the METHODS they use to SUPPRESS TRUTH!

**No access to REAL truth..... starting in ABRAHAMIC beliefs....

Yes, people of indigenous "roots" to ABRAHAMIC faith sometimes have ASIATIC features....but indigenous NATIVE AMERICAN features are NOT chinese features!  The storyline is NOT the SAME!~~!~~!  China has NO respect or consideration for hypothetical "Jerusalem" and they believe in complete suppression of any discussion there in.  that INCLUDES facial themes in the FAMILY TREE stemming from there!

Friday, February 18, 2022

YOD...... fer ya....

 Hannah's womb didn't threaten ELI....  she did NOT run to the SURROGACY or "flip-gender's around" dictionary for her DEFINITION and LOCALE of her decisions and actions in the TEMPLE!  SHE respected the CREATOR of the TEMPLE!  Don't be deceived ..... yes. HAIR of SAMPSON....is just that.... HAIR-ITAGE....  KADOSH......YOM KIPPA..... themes at HAND.....  The TEMPLE means ------>ALMONDS are in that REGION.....listed in DECORATIVE things on the MENORAH!

What is the "social trail" of King David?

ASK the wise man in the HAT to reveal the SOCIAL TRAIL first! ------>aka RESPECTUL NATURE of MAN!


the DNA trail!


Where would some people be without .... xyz people who were AWARE of SOCIAL LINES of SUPPORT for the SUFFERING!

so and so knows so and so....who....well...social trail social trail.

Its not about win or loose.....

blood itself doesn't threaten ANYONE.... (obviously PLAGUES have been a part of the human conditions....and DISEASES are SPREAD when people don't do the right thing with BLOOD!  Rumours exist and some are infections of THE disunity of reality in HOW to resolve the presence of DISEASE in the BLOOD.....)

nor does "woman's womb" to speak to the point of existence of humanity to use this earth for the CREATOR'S GLORY....

So in the bible MOSES was placed on the ____________river........  YOUR MIND fills in THAT blank!!!!

DOUBLE CHECK the information.... do a SEARCH of the KJV..... for the WORD you think exists!  This COULD be a SERIOUS error in THINKING!!!!! aka the elements of WW2 because a part of EVERYDAY life people because they WANTED what a severely CORRUPTED political leader wanted!!!!!  THEY did NOT have extensive computer access in THOSE DAYS!!!!!!  concordance book in only SOME HOMES!!!!

BUT .... here is the FACT..... the WORD "HAND" and "HANDS" exists in the bible.... if you don't USE your HANDs..... you are NOT thankful for YOUR CREATOR and the one who GAVE those to you!

Adam and Eve are the ones who "filled in the blank" with THEIR version of..... ahem.... the story book of LIFE!   you really cannot spell Israel....without....you guessed RIGHT!  The story book of LIFE that .... has many many many many mentioning of .... ISRAEL.... but THAT would NOT be PROBABLE or possible without the ANCIENT man....with his ..... YOD.....

I typed this with my ...... 

Basically JOHN LEGEND....is more than JUST.....a LEGEND (similar ringtones and understanding about the BLOOD WORK and how it goes through the EAR before it worked properly and allowed a person to ACHEIVE such recognition on stages of life!).....  WEDDINGS and SOCIAL THINGS of ...... LIFE mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Why do people HATE the CREATOR of ...... THIS.....bible verse???? ---->Psa 119:73  JOD. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. <----

think about it for a second.....

I'm actually NOT pointing people to "racial things".... all the.....TIME (but PASSOVER is continuously LISTED in the BIBLE as an IMPORTANT TOPIC....for ISRAEL)....but the FACTS of LIFE as they ARE in the SAND..... even thankfulness for HEARING.....SEEING.....TASTING..... things of that sort....even HAVING HAIR on one's head...... for SOME.....

Horses are NOT indigenous to areas NORTH of the MISI-SIPI river....

It is is GOOD to NATURALLY know variations in languages and tongues...because COMPUTERS do NOT replace people and cultures.....or even ANIMALS placed on the ARK for that MATTER......Mr. Racoon is A PEOPLE by LANGUAGE and differentiation explanation!

basically....if YOU have PROTESTANT....."P"utheran.......trails....you......are a PART of that STORYLINE.....

YOD = I in Israel = Hand

Psa 119:73  JOD. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. 

LAMED = L in ISrael = Shepherd staff/Blood

Psa 119:96  I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad. 



the Picture of the PERFECT MAN????

BASED on the SPECULATIVE DETAILS of ISRAEL....where he WILL return!~~!~

scripture was NOT written down by the HAND of man....  but the CREATOR used the hands of man to write it DOWN!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Despised their image....

 Despised their image....

(Psa 73:19)  How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.

(Psa 73:20)  As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.

(Psa 73:21)  Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.

(Psa 73:22)  So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.

(Psa 73:23)  Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.

Ok..... I know what features are on man and woman..... I'm not living on a different planet.  Where is earth?  They said.  I say to them who ask....Earth is the place where God specifically placed Mt. Zion as a FOUNDATION for his son to dwell.... and they KNOW what his "image" is....based on facts, figures and calculations even down to the LAST strand of hair from that particular region.  Unearthed archeology could reveal the FACES my friend!

Go specifically WANTED the priests to remember the ORDER of birth and the NAMES of the tribes.  The stones on the shoulder pieces were written in that regard!

Douple Ganger twins exist....but only a few mention douple ganger family conditions.... like similar household features and things like that.

Its kinda like a similar "theme" in the family of origins between the households....maybe a cousin pocket and/or trail of some sort..... 

Think about this one..... ORDER, GENDER and FEATURE in similar conditions of appearance on this earth!  THE CHANCES are LOWER, when the probability is LOWER!

When similar themes are on this planet.... a person SHOULD in general respects get "I was pricked in my reins."

What if there is an accident..... then the HEART moves if it OUGHT to move as it SHOULD!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Good luck trying to have a GOOD valentine's day without the LETTER "L" in your midst!

Good luck trying to have a GOOD valentine's day without the LETTER "L" in your midst!

Let alone WEDDINGS and things like that.....

LEVITICAL DAY of ATTONEMENT.... hmmm his mother's birthday! (time of VIRGO in the heavenly orders as they ARE established and ALL EYES can understand those orders of nature that MAN cannot MAN-ip-ulate!!!)  the singer BELOW!

Well, the storyline goes like this.... LAura Ingalls Wilder......wouldn't even have a SERIOUS series of books for children around the age of 7 withOUT...the FACTS of LIFE for CHARLES..... coming first to the PLAYING FIELD called LIFE!

 :17 --> 2

:33 --> add 4

:49 --> 7

1:49 --> 3

1:45 --> 2

2:01 --> 7

25 times....use of the letter L in this song......


I'm sitting this one out....because GUNDER BURGER's and WEDDINGS are remembered.

 matron of Honour says: sing this song --> All of Me - John Legend (Lyrics) - YouTube it doesn't really matter unLESS they remember how to fix the orders of nature and alignment with REALITY first.... HOLY SPIRIT or else people crash and burn.....

Our Best Man..... his wife....paints pictures...... maybe of faces and things like that... but the tattoos on his arms...and things like that.... well.... it is APPARENT that ALL the PARENTS bring forth different features into the next generation@!@~!@# aka.... all features and trails and trials even names are different.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJOTlE1K90k  yes, that includes Ellen D. G.  ----> PLEASE read LUKE 7 in context of the book of RUTH...... solve things correctly so people don't end up with DAMAGED conditions especially when .... well BIOLOGY eventually ends up with.... well.... work in a dementia ward for a while.

Flip of the switch....and the features are around the town here and there....

The word Flip has the letter L in it.... LAMED of the bible.... is in the center....

The word Mississippi river has no letter L in it.

I know what my husband looks like basically.... I'm not that kind of dumb.  Things CAN look-like the same household.... Levitical things aren't really "yesterday's news" basically.... trails and trial and error on the radar screen.

I remember WW1 veterans....think about that one for a second... The year 2000 = People alive at the age of 110 for the highest I believe I could have encountered!  I can recall a 106ish person....

HAIR TYPE and STYLE stays with a person for LIFE....even above age 100!!!!....ahem...for some!

Hair-itage well the HAIR is a protein so the VALUES of who is related to whom can be shown beyond the grave basically!

The thing is that MEMORIES of WHOM spoke at WEDDINGS isn't really written into the DNA charts!!!!!!  Think about it for a second or two....

Elizabeth Warren would just wish....that she was related to the people that live and are ACTUALLY ALIVE near the FIELD of DREAMS landscape of faces and themes like that ;) ;)

There are a TON of TRAPS..... on this earth when it comes to LOVE..... only JESUS is the FIRST and LAST!!!!  JESUS hears that the world is getting COLDER and COLDER.....

When a person TRIES to make this world a better place....

do a BIBLE SEARCH for the NAME ENOCH..... LOOK at ALL THE NAMES...... in those chapters of the BIBLE.....

NOW.....try to READ your bible WITHOUT STORIES behind those names......listed in those chapters....

Jesus spoke........ Aramaic..... on his cross was HEBREW writing....

immigration patterns from the north to the south....

There really isn't a different "story" on this planet except one thing: OLIVE TREES do NOT grow up NORTH.....indigenously!  GRAFTED in....is JUST that....and of variations in the FAMILY TREE as a whole... the STORYLINE behind the CULTURES of this EARTH.... based on the TREES in our midst!

Good luck trying to solve racial differences and conditions without the STORY of FREDERICK DOUGLAS basically!

THE OLIVE TREE from .... region of MT. ZION!


Wouldn't it be a disgrace to humanity if a person went to a wedding and they didn't like the feature of B_____ACK HAIR in the GROOM or the BRIDE one or the other....

And the bible said that King David had RED Hair......just go with THAT reality among the DECK of CARDS!


Clues to Levant people?  Cousin marries Cousin did take place..... on this earth.  I've heard that it still does in certain pockets ....

It's not really necessary though because.....well... .... Ruth....and Esther are written down.


when the people tried to DIVORCE themselves from the letter L for the day.....when they were celebration time of something called a wedding or .... Valentine's day....

compare this video above....to the video below....and you should see what I mean....

and WE have similar feature variations as the Household of the PUTH household that he grew up within....  flip of the switch basically....  even male female themes.... (difference? asiatic blue eyes... or more east of Jerusalem conditions in features!)

Why all this and that....under the SUN.....because no MATTER where they say xyz lives matter on this EARTH..... WOMAN'S HEALTH is the FIRST PLACE where MAN is given FEATURES to LIFE!  the letter R is in the word FEATURE.... RESH in HEBREW = HEAD!  WINGS like EAGLES...... the EAGLES features and FEATHERS.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whom is the one who put man on this planet?  so THAT he can ADMIRE the condition of HIS SON that came to MT. Zion..... go with THAT!

When a person throws a bunch of ROCKS into the well....the well though it is LOW...... never runs DRY.  Buddy Holly did eventually DIE.... so think about how to manage that well of water.....and blood....to keep it going under the sun....the HOT sun.  Features CAN be similar but NOT all trails and trials are the same.... RESPECT the facts of what is written in scripture.... SOLOMON came from ....well, the scripture says what that is!

The woman's womb....isn't really a "toy".... its requirement is things in the bible..... like HANNAH.... NATIVITY STORY.... on down to SARAH and ABE (remember features of the people listed!).  The LOUD advice is that JESUS attended the WEDDING in CANA with his MOTHER = SOCIAL FRAMEWORK requirements at hand.

***Has some references to Homo-sexual conditions.... not going to say much EXCEPT that ONLY JESUS is completely free from ALL issues in MAN as far as sexuality is concerned.  Not in a RELIGIOUS way...but in the FOUNDATION of the EARTH way!***

There is NO such thing as a FAMILY REUNION (post WW1 and post WW2 society) UNLESS JESUS and MOSES storylines are considered wisely!!!!  Re-watch the video about how DIFFICULT it was to CREATE that computer calculation machine!  modern day "singers" and "celebs" are simply EXAMPLES of how humanity has its ups downs and frailty just like people of the BIBLE....and like YOU and I (hopefully with scripture we are the WISER ones)!  some people can't be helped because they "think" they understand....all the "cousin trails".... they have no idea all the "story lines".... Charlie Puth - Look At Me Now (Official Video) - YouTube ---> advice... Potiphar's wife....

sometimes just use the ILLUSTRATION of 7 year AGE GAP to illustrate the WEDDING BANQUET for the lost!  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Nockels, Hymn with Lyrics, Contemporary) - YouTube a woman's womb...and the ORDERS of TIME and TALENT in the FEATURES of MAN.......CHARTS.  Wedding of CANA.....the POINT of VIEW from ISRAEL first!

Put the puzzle pieces together.....  Hair-itage or otherWISE.....  on the books among the trees in terms of CULTURE and feature landscape drawings....  Protein in the HAIR...and other things.... this EARTH as a whole is tempting to align with the things of the world.... but... its other themes.

Air in the middle of the Baseball Diamond....


Its the SIN of SODOM and GOMORRAH right under people's noses unless they SEE IT for what it REALLY is.

1. S & G didn't WANT and ALLOW people to CHOOOOOOOOSE not to be raped by xyz

2. S & G didn't WANT to ALLOW people to CHOOOOOOSE to get PROPER ACCESS to BREAD and WATER

3.  S & G didn't WANT to ALLOW people to let the WOMAN'S BODY operate "by blood" as it NATURALLY does....in features and conditions.  From SKIN TONE VARIENTS.....to the condition of "celeb look alike" themes.... in ORDERS and TIMES that are given under one sun.  YES, JESUS knows features on man.... handsome vs. average, fair vs. leperous, short vs. tall..... HAIR TYPES and all that JAZZ

What does this mean?

ONLY JESUS is perfect in wisdom and power in ALL the JAZZ under the sun.  FOR JEW and GENTILE in the family tree!!!!!  They say the battle is racism.... mark my words....its about things AGAINST the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE......by HIS BLOOD and WATER on the BENJAMITE TERRITORY of the bible (Mt. Zion was GIVEN to MAN so that MAN can SEE the kingdom from nation to nation!!!)


Its the SIN of SODOM and GOMORRAH right under people's noses unless they SEE IT for what it REALLY is.

1. S & G didn't WANT and ALLOW people to CHOOOOOOOOSE --->not<--- to be raped by xyz

2. S & G didn't WANT to ALLOW people to CHOOOOOOSE to get --->PROPER<--- ACCESS to BREAD and WATER

3.  S & G didn't WANT to ALLOW people to let the WOMAN'S BODY operate "by blood" as it NATURALLY does....in features and conditions.  From SKIN TONE VARIENTS.....to the condition of "celeb look alike" themes.... in ORDERS and TIMES that are given under one sun.  YES, JESUS knows features on man.... handsome vs. average, fair vs. leperous, short vs. tall..... HAIR TYPES and all that JAZZ... This is NOTHING NEW under ONE SON.... given... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIBcrD7ib_w

What does this mean?

ONLY JESUS is perfect in wisdom and power in ALL the JAZZ under the sun.  FOR JEW and GENTILE in the family tree!!!!!  They say the battle is racism.... mark my words....its about things AGAINST the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE......by HIS BLOOD and WATER on the BENJAMITE TERRITORY of the bible (Mt. Zion was GIVEN to MAN so that MAN can SEE the kingdom from nation to nation!!!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mgXid0fktA (who is the HER?  S & G is the HER.....Jesus CAME THROUGH the LINE of LOT in S & G via book of RUTH!....its not too late.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-rmZoH4DuY  (pay attention to verse 28:12 ---> the NAMES are to COME to MIND and HEART!!!! in their ORDER!)  personally I can name a few individuals with the name .... The oldest Daniel and the youngest with CHAI... and then this that and the other in other close relatives from our household!  THESE are the types of THINGS that do NOT show up on ANCESTRY DNA charts!  people NEED to have the idea of allowing LOVED ones to COME to MIND and HEART!

The people "think" that native american ancestry has NOTHING to do with LEVANT.... I say....they don't know the CREATOR of features and other THINGS like that under the SUN!  The bible itself SAYS that the cousins are KNOWN.....


It doesn't MATTER your NATURE DESCENDENCY..... you are A PART of the OLIVE TREE....WHEN you BELIEVE.  WE are ALL made in his image...YES....we can SEE variations based on ancestry 23 and me results...but WE....can CHOOSE to be a part of HIS LIGHT. --> the PRESSED CRUSHED.... type of ISRAEL...and STILL come out "as King of the YOUTUBE atmosphere" sort of thing.... “These are good seats damn” Charlie Puthbvia TikTok | February 13, 2022 - YouTube    NEVER FORGET that JESUS READ.....from the BOOK of ISAIAH..... 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Display case......or actually care....

 The Uyghurs do not get what THEY DESERVE....because JESUS paid the penalty for them.  or ANYOTHER person affected by massive big-brother controlling systems!

Asiatic ORIGINS in the face theme....???

I know history timelines.

I don't need to explain why here why now that loudly....

but sometimes I do.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioXXlzKjPXc (I believe he is talented in music....like super talented...like the beats are the right measure on the drum)

Screen displays of one man....in the modern era....

are just that.

It is clear he is not a paralytic and doesn't deserve any more scaring.  Screens in the modern era are basically super similar to face to face interactions....but this celeb is CHOOOOOOOSING to display more skin.  Just "skip" over it... and get the message and the points.  I call it the RED-MAN's features in a white-man (wasn't Jacob of the bible Red?  wasn't Abraham a syrian...and to this day Syrians "look like" Turkish origins people??)....priority is and should be on the king of creation.

I know the name and face of whom in my own children's family tree "registered" for things based on ancestry and INDIGENOUS roots....I know where he lived for most of his life.

Answer: support Israel(not cater because xyz based on JESUS decision on why some people do deserve what they have coming for them.... King Herod in history...isn't something new....his themes are still here)  Don't underestimate the NATIVITY STORY when read in context of the things it is ACTUALLY saying....(aka Levitical things in Elizabeth and Zacharias etc etc....the temple with almond branch menorah....in terms of promise....remember that almond branches are NOT found indigenously north of the Misi-Sipi river....!!!)

Some people "think" that Native American "by blood" cannot "register" with JESUS' features type of thing.....

I'm sitting on top of it everyday....when I note the darker-blonde-wavy-hair-asiatic-blue-eyes face everyday.

Cousin pockets are cousin pockets..... in the mind and HEART.... some people get a hold of TRUTH....others foget that BEARS along the Effigy Mounds.....could ACTUALLY SEE.....color.

I do agree with the RAY COMFORT 180' movie....but here is the DEAL....my MOTHER-IN-LAW had those issues not me.  I have "beauty features" from time to time and was a STEM GRADUATE....so I get through life in a DIFFERENT WAY and NEVER had "mess around" issues like THAT..... I have the opposite issue....it's called, I have a degree and know Hebrew language....but yet... well just yet.... the people can't SEE INTO....all of my memories from "P"uther College unless I reveal them.  That involves LEVANT cousin walking across campus.  History Trails are History trails and puzzle pieces are puzzle pieces.....  Features on a face do NOT create well the issues of Luke 7 woman.  Jesus knows how to handle things the best on the thin-red-lines of life...... ONE LIFE given.  Just going to a college does NOT cause a person to automatically and fully care about others (even up to the highest order..... Ivy Leagues)..... I know I know.... stories.  But.... attending a college CAN cause a person to care BETTER for the GIVEN gift....called HUMANITY can USE this earth for HIS GLORY.

take notes the ALMOND TREE is NOT found indigenously north of the MISI-SIPI river.... what this means.....????  ALMOND'S and MENORAH'S spell CULTURE signals!

Friends are Friends when the LORD is the FRIEND among THEM!

Why doesn't WOKE when it comes to racism actually work?  Because it spells the idea that a man can live on BREAD ALONE...but this won't work when the water pipes are BROKEN and no one can READ the DIRECTIONS on the MANUAL to fix such things..... ESPECIALLY the conditions of BLOOD and WATER which IS present on this earth....to this day!  BLOOD and WATER is the TRAILS of the HAIR TYPE basically.... the cousin pockets. ---> Give Thanks (Hodu) LIVE at the TOWER of DAVID, Jerusalem // Joshua Aaron // Messianic Worship Music - YouTube

Its really about the designers plan..... the ORDERS of the NAMES in the bible METHU-SELAH..... The SUFFERING SERVANT.....  Jesus went to the cross on BENJAMITE territory..... (what does that mean in the picture puzzle.... its "P"utheran in origins.... Saul-->"P"aul)


 The Uyghurs do not get what THEY DESERVE....because JESUS paid the penalty for them.  or ANYOTHER person affected by massive big-brother controlling systems!  ***The systems that TRY their hardest to "re-wire" family tree things.....starting with the BIBLE....especially the CENTER of "attention" LAMED.....***

I'm not going to sit and let someone suffer EVEN if they have or had sexual impurity issues (king david had issues.... solomon had issues etc etc....).... because I don't even know ALL BROTHER'S of my husband and the various cousin pockets that exist!

In the end.... God's word is the ultimate PROMISE.... the covenant....  the CREATOR....decides the MODEL of person he WANTS to WALK this earth.... HE ... decided to put xyz features on JESUS..... so..... think WISELY my friend!~~!@!~~  The covenant....STARTED at Mt. Sinai....  just as a TURTLE doesn't choose his own shell.... and an eagle doesn't choose his own features!!!

24 years..... and 20 day.... temple in alignment with the MOON PHASES......... is the CLUE in the ORDERS of the heavens that people CAN see similar THINGS from LEVANT (meshes with the JUBILEE conditions 49 years tempo!) .... to the OTHERWISE....SIDE of the earth!  THE TREES..... the TREES..... archeology and how the FAMILY TREE.....lives among the TREES!!!!

has some foul words in it.... but remember JESUS has the features he HAS...and didn't choose those body-conditions!  I've heard of black hebrew Israelites and yes, I get some of their STORY POINTS..... actually yes, it makes SENSE post-Spanish-inquisition.... ...... BUT we ARE living in a different territory....and HAIR-itage.....trails and trials EXIST!  JESUS was ABOUT the BLOOD and WATER conditions more than the FEATURES conditions!@!!!@#!@#!~  The LAZY cowardly LION....who cancels the things they don't like to HEAR.....even if....its....well.... from the point of view of the WIZARD of OZ.....in the matrix of ORIGINS of FAMILY LIFE.

the WOMAn'S health thing...... you KNOW if you are a PART of the PROBLEM rather than the SOLUTION!!!! start with MISHPATIIIIIIM!!!  Remember Moses married an ETHIOPIAN.....


has a foul word in it.... but sometimes when things LOOK GOOD on the outside...but the GALERY isn't considered from the INSIDE..... family of origins....is only that.... a family of origins.  The GOOD BOOK of ESTHER..... points out a few FLAWS in the FAMILY of ORIGINAL sin issues in man.....

note on the title of the shirt: Gallery Department..... as BROTHERS walk this earth basically..... some we personally know...some we don't.... so consider what I am talking about WISELY when it comes to JERU-SALEM!!!!

There ARE people that STEP-IN..... when the OTHER family members haven't been around for a few YEARS!!!!!

ONLY one ultimate TRUTH on this planet.... and the closer you ARE....the better you will understand.....THEMES..... (yes, that IS inclusive of JESUS' OWN JEWISH culture and conditions!!!! don't be deceived)


Not surprised!!!!!

when they said they didn't like LAMED in the center of "attention" of the bible.... hmmm does anyone KNOW how the MENORAH knobs were designed???

I noticed the blue birds...... in the tree....  even a dog recognizes his OWNER.....  and the difference between the OWNER who cares and whom doesn't CARE!!!!!


The picture is called BLOOD and WATER....in my book.....  the COLORS are apparent....so ANYONE who is a PARENT and AWARE....

video on mute above....

then they said...but I'm your family member by blood....and I said.... you didn't..... xyz.... Levitical things.....were a "threat" to YOU...... build a different WALL..... if the WEST bothers YOU..... among BROTHERS..... because the EASTERN STAR isn't GOOD ENOUGH.....in YOUR EYES!!!!  

what ever FEATURES this man is given... is the FEATURES.....he is GIVEN..... beWARE of the seducing spirits among MEN!!!!  Everyone is a CHRISTIAN.....until THINGS get HOT....meaning.... the BODY of YOUR BROTHER..... EXISTS...and they needed HELP along the ROADSIDE.....  the PSALM 119... theme started to BOTHER them....(because that means that JESUS fulfilled it...."the law" and David "supported it".... "the law"). and their THEOLOGY isn't matching the ORIGINS of the ANOINTING of the CROSS!!!!  Bipoc or JEWISH......makes no difference because ABRAHAM is AbraHAM....  and they didn't want LAMED.....to personally PROPERLY SPELL!  consider ARPHAXAD...and the ALMOND TREE origins.... ---> Gen_10:24  And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber. (Eber = Hebrews)<----

Songs of Love and Hope