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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Douple Ganger "Expression" Twin Family


A DOUPLE GANGER "family order" and chance based on ..... HAIR????  ASIATIC chances? and other things???  

These are NOT WEIGHTED chances:

(If they WERE properly WEIGHTED chances it would MAKE the chances even LESS likely!  What about a DIFFERENT family with RED HAIR?!)

MULTIPLY the CHANCES TOGETHER!!!!!  EXAMPLE: 1/2 for SON or DAUGHTER TIMES.... 1/7 for HAIR TYPE CHANCE! = .07142 compared to JUST 1/2 for Male or Female of a CHANCE!

WHOM has these SAME FEATURES in their FAMILY in this world????

****Add other similar UNIQUE features****

*A Grandpa from the family with SAME NAME?
*A Close relative with the SAME NAME?
*Mother Born in VIRGO?
*Music Talent in the house? (as stated by OTHERS)
*Levant and/or pre-ww1 story in close relatives and/or conditions? (kinda like duh...but then again pre-ww1 history??? changes the chances a bit!)
*Asiatic features (kinda goes with the reason for the season of life....aka Chai can be SPELLED from at least ONE first name in the house)

RESULTS...... like more than 1 in 1,000,000 chance~!~!@!~!@!~!@#@!~!@#$


Psalm 119 is the BEST picture.....really..... because its GOD'S WORD!

Well...... the themes of BIRTHDAYS..... hmmmm in the MOTHER???

I have no Idea where that chance came from????

No, I did NOT plan on the GRANDPA chance...... (It COULD be a "cousin pocket" of some sort)

As the song says..... they are always BLOWING UP the PHONE......----> Talk to my MOTHER-IN-LAW about things FIRST.....

No.... I do NOT encourage the "lake of no clothing" thing..... in terms of some expressions.... I'm not going to say ALL pictures on the internet are ultimately immodest if something like lack of shoulder covering or belly showing or things of that nature are there..... but that we CAN be PURIFIED by just BEING..... human.... the video above is PRETTY GOOD anyhow.... for what the message is saying!

I get the point of features.....even.... without trying so HARD on things like that.... (maybe its the born before 1990 crowds that have that puzzle solved?  i don't know for sure?)  ..... but REALLY I am LOOKING for the SOUND!!!! and the MESSAGE in the SONG!!!!

We should LISTEN to the SOUND of the HEART.....as THIS is ULTIMATE theme !!!  Even if our worlds are different....and maybe they ARE more similar (douple ganger nature) than we REALIZE!  TAKE the TIME to LOOK for the WHISPER in the WILDERNESS of SIMILAR TRAILS we FACE!

A friend of a friend and other connections of the connect the dot nature.....among us everyday....


Personally, I do NOT know the full "maternity" conditions for the mother of this singer...so I don't actually KNOW all STORYLINES for the situations given.... only what is LISTED..... aka did "the mother" have other guys in her life? did the FATHER and were the relationships CANCELED before a birth? what were OTHER situations given like a loss here or there???? ----> Things to THINK about.....as the NATIVITY STORY of the bible says things like they ARE.... basically.... Levites are Levites and Mary says what she says!


Something to Think about.... when it comes to having a GRANDMA ESTHER in the family tree:

Esther's mother had 13 children in the family (I went to this family reunion)

4 siblings

Great Grandmother

1st cousins
2nd cousins

3rd cousins -> through the siblings of Great Grandmother Esther

4th cousins -> through the Siblings of Great Grandmother Esther's Mother, or 1st cousins of Grandma Esther!

Great Grandma Esther MAY have the ability to recall her OWN 2nd cousins!..... does SHE matter?  SHE is still BREATHING!

So anyway.... the NUMBERS from our household???  the numbers of COUSINS?

I would say within 2nd cousin? 100+ individuals..... some with Jewish??? maybe may be not?  LEvant yes?  The cousin of a cousin thing....throws people through a loop sometimes.

Within 3rd cousin? 200+

Within 4th cousin? 500+..... and a FEW that reflect their lives in JEWISH conditions???  Yes.

Within 5th cousin?  ...... THAT is JUST going back to ....the HOME ANCESTRY COUSIN...... range (Europe? Asia?)....maybe a COUSIN POCKET of CHARLIE-------CONDITIONS......  with the INTERNET age YES...the cousin of a cousin finds folks these days.....

The ties........ go BACK to JERUSALEM.......


whom is the "her"...... 

The one who tried to MANIPULATE...... the RECORDS and things of that NATURE....since the time of the NATIVITY STORY of JESUS....basically.... (Cousin "Mordechai"....knows better!)

video on mute above....


speaking of douple gangers..... my husband says...this looks like cousin so and so...

If CHINA were in charge....its not the culture that is the problem... but the CULTURE of COMMUNIST DICK-TATOR-TOT-SHIPS are the PROBLEM...... then....well.... then say WHAT my friend???? (aka free speech?  Freedom of GRANDMA ESTHER's sort it out now....... BIG BROTHER..... RELIGION...spell it RIGHT..... RE____igion..... say wha?  where did the LAMED go????? cough cough.....the concept of the WORD and NAME----> STEPHEN in BROTHERLY terminology!)

WHA.....GRAMMA ESTHER have to say bout ALL THAT!!!@#@!~!@#@!~!@#???!@#$?!~!@#$

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