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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Ruth B. G. and Ravi Zacharias display Dark Empath traits???

 I don't think a person should get SUPER deep into the Ravi Zacharias issues....because after some "time" investigating, EVERYONE who is male will be GUILTY of something (we are ALL from ADAM folks).  

King David himself was around VIRGINS at the end of his life.  The book of Esther...women were considered "second class" in certain respects and only valued for beauty in that particular empire etc etc.

Does anyone notice how she APEARS to CARE about "women" but doesn't actually ADMIT that "the womb" makes its children in the way it was designed to do so naturally....and women really are NOT making "those choices"....it is the WOMB that is doing that (basically, she is emphasizing that women SHOULD abort children.....even in the case of tragic encounters...but REALITY strikes when miscarriages/still-borns could kill a woman in 24 hours).  Furthermore, the same-sex argument is GOING to get old.  Jesus already said that certain resemblance communities of his day were WORSE than S & G (meaning, they cater to trafficking, women treated like "meat" and nothing more than a machine, cold-hearted conditions, big-brother/stalking-espionage etc)

She seems to IGNORE the "unmarried" folks (Jesus stated their value with the Sadducees).  She seems to ignore the apostle Paul's statement about BROTHERLY LOVE (basically a man can have his WIFE and sons and daughters.....but STILL have love for other PLURAL men.....the PLURAL men are brothers in various ways......actual biological brother, cousin, uncle etc....brothers in CHRIST in various ways)

Dark Empath Traits......both appeared EMPATHETIC to certain causes...but the FULLNESS really wasn't there.  Haman and his associates (those who Mocked the King of Kings and said he was "just the son of a Carpenter") sense their own need to fulfill their DIAGRAM of reality....instead of ADMITING reality.


Don't drive one's self NUTS with the fallen "angels" if you will that control the empire of "intellect," if you will.  Basically, intellectual GIFT may appear "ok" outwardly (as is the case for both Ruth and Ravi), but if the INWARD man doesn't have proper FRUIT (the lamb), something WILL go off course.  The ORDERS of nature itself will TEACH these things.  The ORDERS of nature involves the woman's womb in certain respectable ways (no man can purposefully design the FACE at 6 weeks along).  Jesus emphasized that NO man can CHOOSE his own height (David vs. Goliath).


O Holy Night.....was about ELIMINATING the problems of HAMAN from the book of Esther in certain RESPECTS.  The gospel of JOHN illustrates readily that JESUS was FULLY incorporated into the JEWISH culture and people.

Just because one says one thing....doesn't mean a person understands the FULLNESS at hand (Jesus turned water into wine.....and he wasn't surrounded by Latino people)...... Apple is mentioned in scripture....but where is the word "blue bird"..... CONTEXT folks..... CONTEXT.....origins of writing are INDIGENOUS to a certain degree.....get DEGREE in TRUTH first and foremost.

Its not really MAGIC....its just wholeness from the HEART!

Some background.  Basically STOP funding these types of "colleges"..... they are NOT there for EDUCATION and a BETTER SOCIETY....they are there to prove false accusation is the "right" thing to do....when it really isn't.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

My thoughts on Puriim....


Its a long story.

Puriim is (why am I putting in double ii's in Puriim???  Ask indigenous tribes to translate in the language of "the people"....put it that way  Anishiiiiiim.....anishinabe....anish anish) ALWAYS before Passover in the Spring with at least one month between the dates.  Passover is ALWAYS after Spring Equinox and associated with the timing of the First Full Moon after Spring Equinox (Qumran Calendar Inclusive).  If its not....then another calendar was used to coordinate with the timing of things.  Qumran Calendar goes on a 3 year cycle basically.  The HEAVENS still produce this pattern.  Man didn't create the "heavens" ..... God did that....before Adam arrived on Earth.  Same with Animals....animals came before Adam (except cattle...similarities to Buffalo/Bison).  The blood of the LAMB on the DOOR.....SPRING EQUINOX.....coordination. (the timing of the ORIGINAL Queen of Esther events MAY be distorted slightly to line up with CHANGES in the Jewish calendar as was adjusted to cultural pressure....just as Hadassah was changed to the name Esther)

**Note: I am writing this in ENGLISH.....I am NOT writing this in the language of the "Egyptians"....the language of Queen Esther (her name was CHANGED to accommodate the culture).....or in other tongues.....  yes, I know there is British Isles ancestry in the family tree too....so I write as I write.

Looking at "family tree data sets" from our household, those Ancestry 23 and me things.  Sure Sure.....we are mostly Scandinavian.  Lutefisk anyone?  BUT we are NOT 100% European.  In the "mix" of the family tree elements (the cousins....say within 10th cousin range)....(Note: depends on what ancestry test is taken to reveal actual ROOTS so to speak....variations are likely)


**It doesn't really matter if there WERE Scandinavian roots....Ashkinaz and Scandinavians had something going on back in the day of Noah.....Ashkinazi Jewish is similar to sayin Scandinavian Jewish...douple ganger twins anyone?**  

The Creoles are another story.....I'll describe later....any how.

I'm NOT surprised.  I think I would have suspected that BEFORE I was even 12 based on oral story telling about so and so in the family tree.

(Creoles conditions in this paragraph) Because of the non-European (non-white) conditions in our household.....variations exist from variations in the Jewish Ancestry as well.  Shephardic, Mizrahi are a darker tone Jewish group (s).  What about Nigerians?  They show up too...(There ARE Nigerian Jewish people.....possibly a history from Sudanese roots, which would have Jewish Sudanese roots from 70 AD???)  I would consider the conditions of the Spanish Inquisition and incorporation into the Latino culture as it is.  So all these family-tree conditions SHOW up for the WEDDING BANQUET if you will.  ONly the WISE VIRGINS.....enter the promise...the foolish ones (you know...those ones who fell asleep at the WHEEL while driving to "work"....they were a WORKING for "themselves" and not for KINGDOM requirements....basically) failed to ENTER the promised land (Better look more carefully at the road signs from the time of Moses folks...those first five books of the bible are a rooted foundation, with indigenous origins.....and produced in the HUMAN RIGHTS stories as they are written in the SANDS of TIME).

The story of Esther is actually DEEPER than we could imagine.  (the song I can only Imagine.....with the music video showing the FACES of the loved people).  1. It talks of "fair woman".....Vashti her self means STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL.  Esther of the bible had to be a top-notch CELEB looking woman. 2. The empire at the time was LARGE and WEALTHY.  Imagine an empire larger than T3Xas...from India to Ethiopia (Persian Empire).  Imagine a "gold cup" to drink out of costing MORE than brand-new-car.  Imagine pillars TALLER than Maple-Trees laced with jewels of all sorts. 3. Rules of the court.....the "virgins".....if you will....HAD to be PREFECT.  Ivy LeaGUES.....beyond IVY.  They COULD NOT ..... I mean they had to be BEYOND MIT smart!  The collection of KNOWLEDGE HAD to produce the FINEST of INFASTRUCTURE.....with NO political corruption in the MIDDLE (ask MIT Ayyadurai about tHAT one!) 4. Queen Esther her self...... WELL.....SHE HAD to WALK AWAY (from labels)....and she HAD to BE BRAVE (she couldn't waver to political whims). 5. Haman.....well....he didn't like the PLAN of the redeemer.  The king of kings line of TALK (the word became flesh and dwelt among us)........beyond the grave.....the king of kings a RISIN from the GRAVE....over commin the SIN as it was from old-adam (giving Eve all SHE craved with her eyes) and eve (Potiphar's wife.....trying her feminist non-sense.....while Ravi Zacharias pointing to the cross basically despite imperfections at hand).

What about this idea that President Biden is going to solve racial issues?  (I DO believe in the shutting down of industries that PRODUCE water problems for "tribes" or "minorities".....aka FREE the people from unnecessary D & C because of miscarriage/still-births, cancer conditions etc....  there is NOT a single DROP of economic prosperity if tribal wealth goes under because of unnecessary medical procedures)  BUT when the people are not GIVING enough TRUTH to the conditions of child-bearing (catering to late-term abortion while the MOTHER's life isn't in danger and the child could potentially BREATHE after 1 week out of the womb.....)  will simply NOT solve racial issues of the DAY.  I mean Mordechai....was a COUSIN of Esther.....so.....yeah.  Child-birth happened somewhere in the "mix" of family-tree conditions.  Note to self: My husband does work in an ER at this moment in time.....he has some stories about maternity ward PROBLEMS..... I mean PROBLEMS that show up....Life is fragile folks.

Speakin of Celebs (queen Esther.....wasn't on the "needing face-reconstruction surgery" list at the local hospital).....doesn't mean we should suddenly shut down the "water" for the celebs because they "look like" so and so and attend to their SPA's.....aka....aren't we all in the family tree patterns?  Paris Hilton has a FAMILY HISTORY too....and knew so and so.....aka MY FORMER WEALTHY.....room-mate....had some connection to PARIS HILTON.  (me and my 5'****) height.....douple ganger hang-out with the college roommate stories. (I was kinda dumb....in my late-teen early 20's years....but not SUPER dumb....as a STEM student at college....STEM does NOT spell Political Favoritism backwards....or the bridge infrastructures that we use, WILL collapse!  WARNING to the WISE....Queen Esther STYLE!)

The Josh Groban song.....on mute....

These songs in the background....



(lay aside the political catering.....listen to the SONG and what it is SAYING......  song-of-songs....so let it BE.....in the INNER WISDOM.....Queen Esther....and KING of PERSIA....NEED the HEART CHANGE to SEE TRUE JUSTICE....to SAVE lives from Infrastructure PROBLEMS in political corruption!)

video on mute....(India was a PART of the kingdom in the BOOK of ESTHER)

*the SONG.....not the folly junk....the message....is the VALUE (no you do NOT need to become Mormon....tomorrow....just the SONG folks!.....I could use a Charlie Puth song....to prove another point too - hint hint-)*  

Why doesn't "feminism" actually solve woman's issues.....STEM stories or get out of town ($$ or say what).  GOMER should know that "things spread".....BUT even the HEALTHY ...IVY level and BEYOND virgins CAN get pulled-under and DIE under the PRESSURE of SIN (aka the water, the bridges, the infrastructure, access to health MATTERS....if xyz person ethnicity matters....Queen Esther told-ya-so)

The WEIGHT of HIS BODY was on the CROSS.....

it took a TEAM to MOVE HIM.....  Pianos don't just move themselves....  The WEIGHT of a lot of PEOPLE in one place listening to just ONE SONG....

Just think about this one for a minute or two (I mean.....he only had 12 disciples who KNEW him....as he TRULY is).  (the Boston Bomber.....was a Judas Iscariot....in modern origins....basically....similar to the racial problems of our day on various lands places and locations.....but let the Mormons....be Mormon too.....Rev_22:11  He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. .... coca=cola....say what!)

So....the Lev 11 town (a town where LEV 11 is considered in religious practice)..... CATTLE would be a part of that "picture" plan....or the practice would not be considered.....  There IS more to the STORY....than we could IMAGINE.....  (I could think of about 4 different ways that our household has family tree conditions or family records from that town......anything and everything from a memory or two to this and that cousin living in that town)

Re-read the "celeb conditions" of Queen Esther....

Where man lays his EYES (time stamp 2:02).....the MAN is the KING......LOOKING for the PROTECTION of his QUEEN! .....the BLIND man was MADE to SEE......men walking as TREES....by the KINg of KINGs!

Background song

the DANGER is in the STUFF that Elijah of the bible faced folks....its THAT simple!  FAILING to UNDERSTAND his promise for the COURTS ABOVE (that is BEYOND IVY LEAGUE and SUPREME COURTS!)

(mormons can sing too.....a college I attended....connected to this or that person in celeb conditions....online social "contracts" or REALITY.....)


Review.....we are ALL designed AS SHEEP (need a Shepherd)......  **car-accident prone?  kitchen-germs....can kill prone! etc etc.**  Woman's health?  Well put it simply....ONLY the one who KNOWS how the operation of the womb works....can TRULY care (Eve....could have DROWN in the "untimely births" and the blood conditions of that alone).  Mary and Elizabeth....cousins....well lets just say miraculous....  Despite 70 AD on the horizon after King of Kings taught the people and after the cross. Political corruption attacking the fences and borders of the day towards Jerusalem. (song on mute).  The "social borders" still exist on this earth (tribes, cultures, ancestry groups etc)

Background songs

The enemy doesn't like it when THE PEOPLE (aka the REAL ... WE the PEOPLE) dig up family tree records and information......over turning information (getting a hold of a "Mordechai" here and there for more oral story telling truths).....here and there from 70 Ad.....to Spanish Inquisition and then BACK to the ROOTS of the tree.....pre-new-world / old-world conditions.  THE enemy won't win in the END of it all!


Their faces were not ashamed
Psalm 34: 5

Warning.....the Book of Esther causes people to see with their literal eyes that they were given by the creator that Queer's and Alphabet people (like Vashti and her type...though beautiful OUTWARDLY.... she was a GOMER in style with no redemption plan...and it required a MAN to save ) really can't "save the empire".....because well....Queen Esther....is Queen Esther.......as she TALKS ....not so dirty...but REALISTICALLY with OLDER COUSIN Mordechai . Talking bout what with Mordechai? I'll FLY AWAY Blood Flows through my veins...  IT TAKES THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB@!@!!@!!@!!

The promise of the WATER and the BLOOD on the cross...

Marriage Supper of the LAMB (the book of ESTHER is an illustration....and a REALITY at the SAME TIME).....

(video above on mute.....back ground song below)

Marriage Supper of the LAMB!

There is ONLY ONE good SHEPHERD.....(there was ONLY ONE husband of Queen Esther....)

the CREATOR/REDEEMER is STILL teaching MAN to pay attention!  In ANIMATED fashion...

when the family tree sayin things....then the don't let the RAGE control people.....don't let it PHASE you....cause one man doesn't always know whom is the other cuzin on the other side of the tree!

Where did Jesus go?  He's promized that He's a coming BACK AGAIN someday.... (He dressed up as a RACOON for a short time....don't you SEE his hands....like THE PEOPLE).  Even Jerry Seinfeld has these things called HANDS....but.... a racoon's hands cannot perform HEART surgery....nor can the HOOVES of cattle....or the "disproportionate hands" of an ape....  ONLY people with HEART CHANGE can do that.  A heart change would simply be this...consider the TIME it takes to CARE for the "older Mr. Racoon" (He can't travel as far as he once was ABLE to do, 10 miles is pretty much maximum) and the water ways QUALITY should allow Mr. Racoon to KEEP his FAMILY aLIVE!

Background SONG...

Speaking of proportionate size.....if the Mr. Racoon's territory is 10 miles maximum based on studies.  Consider the SIZE of his hand (his paw print....)  his hand is similar in size to that of a CAT....a feral cat with difficult food access.  Mr. Human man with hand print 5-7 times Mr. Racoon....then expect MAN's territory (ability to balance food, shelter, clothing, work, social function) to be around up to about 70 miles (the size of one county in the USA with ACCESS to Hospital and County Seat services).  Females (Queen Esther) significantly less Territory range.....in animal....so it is similar in humans (sorry feminists.....males do have more strength for the most part in most - but not all- situations).

Just the ORDER of the COURTS on EARTH as in HEAVEN.

Some Extra Thoughts that APPLY to REAL LIFE

Some folks ARE trying their HARDEST to outsmart the ER doctors (trying to get past the political favors??? say what?) ...... from the PAST (yes, ethical issues were present....they have entire LIBRARY sections dedicated to this issue&**& see below) and the future.....aka racial issues are ACTUALLY upon us (big brother TRIES his hardest to steal the cookies from the cookie jar)...but Chubbyemu (no man is an island basically....no cattle can grow in the middle of a dense forest determined for survival without physical protections, let alone the TOP of SEATLE high-rise internet fortresses) KNOWS his place (his own ethnicity) and the people he SERVES (his community conditions)

Here is his LATEST Youtube community picture, as he states: "just having some coffee for breakfast"

&**& Comment on THIS VIDEO but it seems that RELIGIOUS beliefs will REMAIN with us. Why? NATURE remains with humanity! aka the story of David and Goliath (the nature symbol of difference in SIZE of humanity, our very own biological FRAME) sets a STAGE for different thoughts of about this and that.
considering different elements (Corrie Ten Boom's.....of history....but YET people who REMEMBER PEARL HARBOUR [or other events...maybe someone still remembers someone who remembers Harriet Tubman on this planet!] are still with us)....prove we CONTINUE to need WISDOM resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWndDW_271g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ-o4HMYeBY


Parallels in these chapters - Mark 5-6 - to the book of ESTHER? The devils KNEW whom Jesus was....but the enemy was sent into the SWINE (Lev 11 = Swine are not clean).  Jesus performed healing (but told not to mention these healings....God is not mentioned as given victory in this book). Prophet without Honour? Woman was healed of her "woman condition," virgins have their woman conditions Dr Momma Jones says things about that.....  A young girl was RAISED to LIFE.  They mentioned his "family tree" conditions.  THEY knew who he was (but he was MOCKED).... Sodom and Gomorrah is mentioned as MORE TOLERABLE (even S & G had trafficking, treating women like meat etc).....  a COUSIN is mentioned (John the Baptist is COUSIN to JESUS)..... 

basically the people who DON'T repent and believe are just as "NAZI's" and FAR-WORSE in the eyes of the LAMB@!@@!!@

the ENEMY doesn't WANT people to BELIEVE!  Haman doesn't want people to KNOW the TRUTH!


(considering the parallels from Mark 5-6) Ruth Bader Ginsberg would BE ashamed to KNOW that HER KING was put to the CROSS because of HER SIN but his POWER to REDEEM was THERE the WHOLE TIME!  Re-Definitions do NOT REPLACE his POWER to REDEEM!


Similar arguments...perhaps even apply this to SEXUALITY topics (hyper blame one man-one woman beliefs for LGBT stuff or rejection....but YET sinless JEsus himself referenced xyz communities as worse than S & G).  YES it IS considered ABUSE to do xyz to vulnerable children and adults (re-read the backwards beliefs that S & G held onto....re-read the problems NERO had)......it would be DEPLORABLE to "go back" to tribal life styles (head hunting, multiple partner relationships, increase in femicide etc)

LET him be.....
whom ever he is....

(symbolically the KING in the book of Esther)

If everyone on planet earth is xyz ancestry.....what would we have left to discover.....in the KINGDOM as HE designed IT....for HIS GLORY and POWER.

Should we GO and SUPPORT imprisoning the "carpenter's son" as THEY referenced him?  Surely NOT EVERYONE is the "carpenter's son" or he wouldn't be referenced as such.  Casino bound or bound up with CHAINS from WITHIN????  That is the QUESTION to answer before the CROSS!

Isaiah 53 considered WISELY in CONTEXT of truth and wisdom.

From some JEwish people of today.....  living NEXT to the enemy if you will...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

People don't understand....unless they want to understand.


People don't REALLY understand.....they just say.....what they WANT to say from the bible (just to continue on with their "education".....basically an example is one can use White Fragility for information...but it is NOT the end-all fruit of redemption)

.....Judge Not LEST you be JUDGED....but they DON'T understand the FOUNDATION!

Now is this saying that "Asia" itself will fix this problem?  No.  I read in Voice of Martyrs....that pregnant women (yes, face to womb discrimination....the FACE FEATURES are developed at 6 weeks in the womb)....the WOMAN with certain face features (like Japanese vs. India) are PUSHED to the limit and KILLED.....simply because of their different features and beliefs.....

Mary and Elizabeth were cousins....what side?  I don't know maternal or paternal.  Distance?  The distance in cousin is not given. (The verrrrrrrry last chapter in the bible it says that believers will SEE HIS FACE)  ******put the puzzle pieces together******

Here is the deal folks.....yes, the people most likely to suffer in USA with maternity issues.....have some sort of minority condition.  Margaret Sanger is the LAST person I would ever put in a MATERNITY WARD in the year.....let me check the year (we ARE post WW@ folks).....2020.  Ruth B. G. is no longer here....I know she had features while  on this earth.  I understand that(but is it the WOMB or the woman's mind that makes decisions??  I think it depends....on if there is cancer or folly in the conditions and "choices"??).....RIGHT NOW .....I presented TWO ISSUES.  

Big Brother doesn't care.  He didn't care in Sodom and Gomorrah (all he does is racial profile and then hopes for sex-bot angels).....he won't care in ETERNITY.  On the other hand, Joseph of the bible presented himself to the EGYPTIANS (I'm sure the features of Egypt haven't changed super significantly within 6000 years....are hand prints more improved to fit that of an APE or of a RACOON....think about that for a second....man's hand print hasn't changed in 6000ish +/- 500 years).....but Darwinists wouldn't CARE about that story.....ahem.

Is Italy THE IDEAL place to visit?  Minorities?  Religious reasons? The answer sadly is NO.  If do research....one will find errors in judgment.

Just sitting this one out....until folks see the BIG PICTURE

PS.  I'm not being "mean" for saying S and G only wished for "sex-bot" angels.....I know who Paris Hilton happens to be....I had a room mate....I know what the "features" of Taylor Swift happen to be....I wasn't born yesterday and neither was she or she wouldn't be the size and shape she happens to be.  If a person thinks I'm being "mean" for saying S and G was a bad place to live (don't destroy the messenger...when the messenger gave the warning)....then they must be hoping for another ww@ of concentration camp for people who agree with biblical things.....while the Traffickers and Rapists get away with what ever they want....

Speaking of Italian....sure sure...there ARE variations of "Italian" in various cousins on online family tree charts.  This shouldn't be surprising considering the Dark hair in the family from time to time.  Mediterranean .....to Levant.... (with a bit of Anne Frank)..... things of that sort show up on family tree charts.... basically. Study Ancient Romans and how they viewed "family tree ancestry".....It'll turn into a big giant Herodotus ....with a mix of told-ya-so....Joseph was ACTUALLY in Egypt.

(Essentially the story to solve racial issues is the SAME as what the bible teaches..... HUMILTY not PRIDE, WISDOM not FOOLISHNESS etc.)

Monday, February 22, 2021

The orders of time....and family life....as it is.

 People that probably shouldn't come to my Dad's funeral......in the next xyz days on this earth.  Bible says that Job lived to be 140 years old.....and had fair daughters.....and never sinned.

I believe EVERYONE is a descendant of NOAH......Darwin passed away a few years ago...but no one puts a picture of Darwin up in any sort of funeral.....even in this John Legend song.....  Even the SCIENCE texts VARY on the AGES.....given for this or that "animal change".....  Racoons STILL have hands like PEOPLE!  A farmer's almanac in its basic math calculations ALWAYS presents astronomy features to an exact measure....just as PASSOVER is always in the SPRING.....after Barley Harvest.....biblical themes.

***People that don't like USA veterans.  People that don't like the Vietnam war memorial of that day....Think about that one for a few seconds.....  What did Rush Limbaugh say again?.....do some research folks.

***People that think that Margaret Sanger should have come to his wedding (um.....wait a minute.... she already died in 1966.....she didn't VOTE in the 2020 election).  What deadly things did she believe again?

***People that think that Flint, MI water crisis was a "good thing"....think more wisely people......remember MArgaret Sanger already DIED!  Stop playing with FIRE and ICE.....life is FRAGILE!  Women DO actually DIE with miscarriages and stillborn problems!  Put the story line together.....of whom knows whom....Flint, MI water problem happen AFTER 1966 (time of her death).

***People that think that it was a bad idea to let Grandma A*** G***** H****n care for children (taking them to the nursing home to visit friends and family)....just because she was over the age of 80+.  Moses was over the age of 80+ when he led Israel.  Children and elderly in the desert.....think about that one.  Field of dreams....well....only some remember things before 1989.....They OBVIOUSLY needed some sort of douple ganger for this field of dreams scene  Father-Son illustration (Hodges Twins?  would they fit the mold? For a BETTER KINGDOM than this one?).  No body is born half-baked.... Joseph of the bible...  Fabric of the skin.....does TEAR easily folks.  Those who have never WORKED.....with those of fragile skin....do not KNOW this as FACT.  Speaking of Joseph of the bible.....it says that the people in EGYPT.....saw him....as he was presented....the bible simply says his features....that's the way it is (celebs features conditions.....NOT......Darwinism....BLM catering to the strength and NOT the weakness in persecuted brother Joseph of the bible.....hmmm .... good info in the video for historical/biblical reference...more research....even Rwanda genocide? Terror groups in Africa?)  ******I wouldn't be writing this RIGHT NOW.....as we speak....consider the REASONS for this POST in the first place....aka. ER presentation of a child under age 12.....FARMING ACCIDENT!*********

***People that don't want anyone named Esther to attend his oldest daughter's wedding.  Someone named Esther was sitting in the Audience folks..... Do some research folks.....its that simple (our personal family lives inclusive).  Start by reading the BOOK in the bible......some women do not acquire their name by their own forgery standards.  There IS actually MORE to the story than people realize.....the problem of HAMAN....started with SAUL.  BUT if people don't READ...they don't KNOW.  just asked in-laws the other day.....ww@ history....turns out some died in action.  No one just writes certain things on certain people's bus without DOING their research....and then coming up with a "reverse racism" problem of their own making!  Just somethings to think about when it comes to political realms....sadly these things KEEP presenting problems!Issue1  Issue2

***People that don't like extended family whom live in AK....and their children.  Um ok.  Yeah.  Case closed.  Frozen as ever.....but still surviving.  DOORS are super valuable.....PAssover or otherwise....hope the cold hearts PASS OVER.  Open doors to those in most need.  There ARE other cousins......whom I don't even know.....some seem to live in Scandinavia.....on the computer records.

***People that don't like farmers.

***People that don't like people that hang around with people that look like Anne Frank.  What ...... I thought Ruth B. G. was the only one on the planet.  NO!  WW1 happened before WW@.  But some need a refresher before even that events.....David Wood of youtube could possibly help with those themes.....Apostate Prophet on youtube.  (Basically he raised his children around people that DO NOT have Scandinavian appearance on the features radar).  My own mother could teach some safety stories about that.  Just go with BASICS of life.....without a FATHER in the home.....the family goes for SICKNESS more than redemption plans.  Jacob of the bible had trouble PROTECTING all that is.....presented!

***People that LOVE the idea of "big brother systems" that look for difference in FACE FEATURES....to specifically target with FINE TUNE TECHNOLOGY "data".....when we go shopping at the supper market....and then go home....and read.....a bible or something.  Can anyone spell the idea that it is HATE FILLED to xyz in countries with no gospel access....to women(over worked....to their death basically).  FACE FEATURES begin in the womb at 6 weeks along.  Basically, don't even come....son-in-law will remind you of some things people DO actually ask in PUBLIC.  Re-read the gospel perpective of Richard Wurmbrand for reference into the problems presented in Chinese communism to this day (I have Voice of the Martyrs magazine.....it even speaks about Hondouras ...femicide issues too....things like that....that ARE STILL problems IN this world).  We are IN this world but NOT of it.  Celeb features presented around the world....REAL people....do EXIST...and CELEBS are also real people.

***People that don't like well.....people that LIVE in a local LEV 11....town.....UM.....BIRTH CERTIFICATES say things....(no one just suddenly NAMES themselves at birth)...and the oldest daughter PRESENTED herself at such a SCHOOL in that town (as well as in-law preservation to family tree connections)....over the age of 21.....keeping THINGS going....involves HELPING people SENSE REALITY.....when it comes to FIXING broken WATER PIPES.....and the ENGLISH language has the INSTRUCTIONS given.... (Is he presenting a concept that HATE leads to death in this video......frequently?  I'm thinking YES in a general sense....there IS an older COUSIN "Mordechai".....AROUND)  Children do NOT care about political sides...they want to know that people CARE about PEOPLE.

****People that don't like "low technology" people.....well.... lets just say....He doesn't have a facebook account....simply put......med-tech world.....technology IS used in institution (I'd hate to carry around 1000 work books on EVERYONE's personal records too).  But the ORDERS of nature remain the same.  The design of the human hand didn't require.....man-made technology.....


I know this sounds SHOCKING....but here is the DEAL folks.

Farmers.....are in the area.  FARMS have been in the USA for quite a while.  FOODS have always been here or people wouldn't be here.

My husband came home last night and said that a boy was presented to the ER.  I'm like ok.  Yesterday I "felt" in my spirit....I just want to be home with my children.....instead of working with "old folks"....yes....they have their years...and wisdom...children do not.

My spirit said there IS a limit.  That boy presented to the ER.....had a father who was a farmer....the boy was only 10 years old and passed away.  The farmer was the driver of the vehicle.

(Underlined portion......my reason for writing this post)

Whom is holding down the FORT....the gravity...the elements....the physics.....the one who CREATED....in GENESIS....of the bible basically.  Humanity wouldn't even BE HERE.....without BASICS of life.  Ray Comfort.....descriptions without knowing that Atheists would present them selves as "superior" in wisdom to old Noah.  We don't live on MARS right now folks.  We were NOT designed to live there.  We don't even live on "morning star" planet.....we were NOT designed to live there.....patterns of CREATION remain. (there are ways calendar structures line up with ancient calendars of the past.....Mayan.....Qumran Calendar etc)


Anyway...the story of Dinah of the bible....some don't think applies to today....well....it actually does.  Taylor Swift, Paris Hilton features.... etc....are a PART of the orders of "fairness" in features.  But not everyone agrees with REALITY on how to ACCEPT conditions (the statistics).  Be aware of these things in face to face interaction as well as in general presentation.  The most modest of dress won't stop wicked imaginations.......as we have heard through the grapevine at the ER.....and in other places.

 Facebook bans Bible passages - YouTube

Lincoln Brewster ~ While I Wait (Lyrics) - YouTube

Abraham's family tree - Wikipedia

Josh Groban - I Believe (When I Fall In Love It Will Be Forever) [Official Music Video] - YouTube (lets just say Jesus....sings to his BRIDE.....FOREVER....does it matter whom is singing and whom is in the audience....??? a voice is a voice....)

Paris Hilton Testifies About 'Traumatizing' Abuse At Utah School - YouTube (my room mate knew Paris...due to her family upbringing....douple ganger.....and the people said....people magazine people are real people)

SafariLive August 25. When a lion cub won't listen to mom. :) - YouTube  (Dinah of the bible......just serves as a reality....folks....there are other examples too!)

Start with GENESIS 6......

Look at the BIBLE VERSE about JOB and his FAIR daughters..  DID JOB sin?  NO!  In ALL THAT (suffering)....he did NOT sin.

Don't just sit and WAIT.

People WAITED....and ANNE FRANK suffered.  If a person "sees" the face of ANNE FRANK....but don't do ANYTHING......thinking that "a vote" will fix things.....but the "voting system" was corrupted.  They can STILL see the FACE FEATURES of ANNE FRANK......it REMAINS.


****who is in our family tree?  I can't choose these things folks, the time of eternity is in operation as we speak.  From our household (within 2nd cousin)....mostly Scandinavian (yes, some features show up from time to time in "fair looking" category.....how to tell...ask others what they say).  .....other European ancestry and 1/16 minority conditions (.....that would make a sort of Josh Groban look-alike condition....with darker tones from time to time).  I can think of 4 different ways that people could be related to people in a town nearby who practice LEV 11 things.....from that LEV 11 to a near by Laura Ingalls Wilder museum.  Family Tree conditions....memorials and so forth (within 50 mile radius)****

End with the book of REVELATION.....

Rev 22:4  And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.  (celeb look-alike conditions?  .....wait a minute....whom is the REAL FACE......we should look towards!!)

Lincoln Brewster ~ While I Wait (Lyrics) - YouTube (background song)

video on mute Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The NEW N-Word - Hate Crime Against Dr. SHIVA - YouTube

video on mute..... I don't know what she is crying about....but a person could venture to guess that the book of Hosea is still in OPERATION in some way or another??? I'm sorry...I hope this helps someone - YouTube  (I don't know.....her mother.....features besides....just mother being herself)  I told ya so.... says terrain...  Oral-Story Telling.......just sayin......family tree stories.....pass down.  people have to remind people that MARGARET SANGER....even RUth B. G. passed away.....MOVE FORWARD.... HOSEA style....inanimate objects do NOT replace human lives.....real lives among us.  HE SAVES LIVES~!~!!~~!!!

And then there is a CONAN OOOOOOOO BRIAN.  Red-hair.... The background song.....get free from THAT slave DRIVER!


The memories that remain.....the "story of Charlie" is what I'm looking at folks....see that SCAR on his face????  some people KNOW the story of so and so....some people do NOT know.... (I don't follow everything he DOES.....just illustrations he presents basically....but he is a real person...the name "Puth" has been found in family tree charts of those of well the ancestry he says he is from)

Levant features.....besides the point.....Joseph presented his FACE.....to EGYPTIANS.....so he really couldn't HIDE his own creator!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Just someone revealing whats going on....

 I don't always know what is going on in EVERY situation....but I can understand....

Its like BEAUTIFUL queen ESTHER finding out that HAMMAN is around....looking at her.....

We woman can act like we are strong enough....but something inside.....says a Prince Charming....can only be a solution. It is HARD when we don't know if we can TRUST.....

Background song....

Potiphar's wife doesn't like the designer of humanity.....

Put the puzzle pieces together.

People NEED help.

Yes, people are designed as a "celeb body"......but that doesn't mean to ACT on that behaviour in the way THEY (those celebs) particularly teach....but to listen biblically.  People with "celeb body" are real people.  My husband has had to take care of THEM.....or else me with "Taylor Swift" figure (at one point, without any special weight loss...just natural maternity) would not be here typing this message (I've had ER visits due to Maternity problems).  MANY women are NOT designed that way.

YES, computers ARE used in healthcare services.  HEALTHCARE services in USA didn't go away the minute that xyz was elected.  HEALTHCARE services don't cater to "facebook" or other social media PROBLEMS (allowing gross or immoral groups to show their "dirty work").  If it did ENTIRE services would go completely CORRUPT.

The thing to be aware of when putting these "pieces" together is that the ENEMY of HUMANITY tries to destroy.....

When a college promotes "colorful flags" above modesty and decency......they really will end up missing the BOAT (Noah's Ark).  I have in-laws..... I know.....I'm not living on MARS right now as we speak.

Human faces are designed to be "variable gender" ..... to have expressions at different times.  Like the elements of nature.  EVEN the most MODEST dress on a woman....wouldn't hide her FACE (through an internet service) from people who LOVE face-features....not in the LEAST.  LUST is the PROBLEM (I've been under 21 and played the DRUMS in HS band....remember under 21 don't really know what comes and goes...everything is still "a joke.").  21 and over for certain reasons written in the bible (be a force to STOP TRAFFICKING or other issues with LUST...no matter the STYLE).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbjDe8Oy5LQ (they call a non-white man a Nazi....clearly they don't understand the enemy.  This is the problem of BLM movements and the Book White Fragility by Robin D. Angelo.... THEY want to assume victory over evil, instead of admitting FULL TRUTH about situations...aka the widow's life matters, the child in the womb matters, the women in maternity distress matters etc.)


Margaret Sanger is dead.  She didn't help any minorities in her day with maternity care.  Her "methods" do not help any minorities today.  Highest Trafficking and Maternity DEATH is among minority groups in AMERICA.

Ruth B. G. is dead.  She DID help women with minority conditions, BUT she didn't help women with REAL bodies that MISCARRY frequently...and it is NOT the woman making the decisions (her mind n' heart - Ray Comfort 180').....it is her WOMB that is making those decisions.  So "coat hangers" do NOT help women in distress in variable instances.  (think flint, MI water problem).  REAL women need access to D & C.  Herbal Remedy has been used for CENTURIES.....on this continent in various ways with birth methods....but it is the D & C that women cannot access naturally.  The fruit of TEACHING women to HATE other women (avoid proper maternity care....and get angry at women who bleed) is a disaster waiting to happen.  Its a hatred of the WIDOW women who actually NEED coat hangers to hang up their COAT and keep things in line to survive cold winters. (The marriage issue......well lets just say that "faces" do not equal sexual folly or catering to it)

NERO is dead for that matter (do some research)

I'm being honest.....the man who creates these videos has a REALLY handsome face.....


Cannonballs for Kayne (Kayne Episode 1) - YouTube  (he is showing LOVE for this boy without DIRT under his finger.....don't follow the EVIL path folks....just sayin)

He is a Joseph of the bible basically, but doesn't seem to want to be a ROCK STAR....BUT I don't know him personally....I'm just saying that I KNOW for a FACT that his job wouldn't allow him to get into certain things and do certain things.  Charlie Puth.....is another example...... he is singing on the stage for a special olympics in Seatle, WA.  Charlie is less modest in my opinion, but he DID need healthcare services at one time in his life as a CHILD....else he wouldn't have THAT scar.  Charlie doesn't work in healthcare services.

I'm a STEM graduate at the local "Scandinavian heritage founding" college.  YES, I was a "dumb" 20 year old, while I sat in a class room of ALL MEN (over 10) or mostly MEN.......BUT I've learned to see WHAT this and that actually IS (CNA work.....teaches what it means to SELF-CONTROL else the patient doesn't get help....MEN are not toys....or people to mock and laugh at.).

In summary, the people who CLAIM to care about what other celebs say.....Charlie Puth.....Taylor Swift.....etc etc.  But then go on and slam a NAZI on to DR. Shiva.......are CLEARLY not in the "real picture" of what the ENEMY is AFTER.  THE enemy is AFTER the SOUL of humanity.  He WANTS to see the ER DOCTOR FAIL (YES, intellectual VALUES matter....or MANY of us WOULDN'T be BREATHING!!!!) at getting the women in distress to the D & C services....the GOMER.....of the day......or any other matter under the sun (car-accidents, explosions etc).  Essentially BE AWARE of what type of COLLEGE environment people attend....don't just ASSUME all is ok...just because xyz seems to APPEAR outwardly ok.

My husband's biological father....if they say that they LOVE LARRY KING....but then.....treat my husband's biological father like xyz.....CLEARLY they don't understand the ENEMY.  Yes, people question my husband's ancestry via visual appearances....but they wouldn't understand unless they consider 1Ti 1:4  Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. (yes online ancestry data bases work.....but it is the older cousins "MORDECHAI "and "ELIZABETH" cousins that REVEAL the FABRIC and keep HEARTS afloat...via revealing family oral story telling)

I'm warning the FUTURE GENERATION....do NOT tell people that the colorful flag in and of itself HELPS humanity.  NO it does not......it is NOT meant to be animate!  Racoons are animate.....folks.  People in the bible WERE actually corrupt....the groups mentioned (beastiality......lust driven people.....trafficking.....big-brother snooping in private accounts..... etc).  So put PRESSURE on the places where the PRESSURE should be PUT.....on the FACE of the ENEMY.....NOT on the HUMAN heart and REAL human faces (speaking of stories my husband brings home....domestic violence or otherwise going on in homes in our area).  Face transplant patient shares story of survival and recovery - YouTube  ...... JESUS was sinless and loved MALES and FEMALES (Joh_11:5  Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.)

****I've had 5000 friends on facebook.  Middle EAst men......lets just say......EVERY MAN is different.  SOME men have lust issues and SOME do not despite being around the most modest by FORCE on women.  EVERY situation is different.  Ravi Zacharias???  Ok.....don't point fingers at prodigal sons.....when they are young....or people will end up pointing fingers at the elderly singing "Come away with me Lucille."  Read about the life of KING DAVID at the end of his life.....he was around VIRGINS.  Study ancient history with wisdom....and a grain of salt.

****Love is PATIENT and KIND folks.....its pretty basic.  People that are 80+ once had Back Street Boy figures too.....just sayin.....Great Grand children tell stories.....years later.  Love covers a multitude of sin (even stuff from years ago).  Solomon had problems......but JESUS did not.

I didn't JUST play piano at home.....I played piano at COUSIN'S houses......the elements of discussion are FOUND online....."Mordechai" so to speak.....is around....in online family tree data bases....A piano doesn't MOVE without a TEAM.  The body of a man on the cross????  I'm thinking there was a TEAM....to MOVE......that ONE BODY.....because GRAVITY does exist on this one earth.....this is the ONLY EARTH humans are designed to live upon.

(sometimes a person can tell male or female voice without visual...sometimes not...the end of the video..  tenor ....bass Alto Soprano.....ALL in the CHOICE to do RIGHT in HIS EYES....not our OWN....to be invited to the HEAVENLY CHOIR)

The most heartbreaking THING....because it is SO HARD to deal with MATERNITY CONDITIONS as it is.....

AND accidents DO HAPPEN....if a skin tone is the enemy.....we are an entire PROBLEM for entirely being human.....FROST BITE from Scandinavian territory or otherWISE.

OLD ADAM is gone with the wind.......don't be a FOOL.....let the GOAL be a KINGDOM.....because HE is GOING to RETURN.

Remember just because a person says that Sodom and Gomorrah was a bad place filled with Trafficking, Big-Brother....treating women like meat etc.....DOES NOT MEAN that person is HATE FILLED!.....IT MEANS THAT HIS LOVE SURPASSES the understanding of MEN.....RE-READ the BOOK OF JUDE CORRECTLY!

I have a matron of honour.....  ....she has CHILDREN.....too.  I don't know the HEIGHT right now.....but if her children under my husband's understanding end up TALLER than her.....well.....then the ENEMY will TRY HIS HARDEST to screw up the PROPER understanding of the KING of KINGS (just as Dinah of the bible was "pulled around")!  Lesson Review.....Mr Ayudarrai....MIT prof.

conan O Brian NEEDS a friend....

DEAL with things with REALITY.  DON'T CATER.  Jesus dealt with things with REALITY....without CATERING.

People who KNOW where their "toilet" is located DO KNOW right from wrong folks.  There is NO excuse.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Math is Racist?

 So within our household.....

say the 10th cousin range....

We have cousins with ALL continents in their heritage in some way or another.  (Jewish and Gentile).....basically that is what one of those online family tree data bases tells us. (a cousin with 20% British Isles, 40% Nigerian, 40% Native American yet another cousin 90% Scandinavian 10% British Isles)

Yes, my children have a mostly Scandinavian heritage...but we are not 100% European.  I can see the features and even skin tone differences in the various family members even within 2nd cousin range.  (anyone from biological grandpa to a 2nd cousin).  Even step-in-laws are this way(this is another topic....never mind my writing).  It should NOT be a surprise that there are variations in celeb-look-alike conditions here and there.  There is a reason the field-of-dreams Father.....looks like the son. (but this isn't always the case in all family tree's folks).  Excessive testing really only goes SO FAR....when considering WHY dr. doesn't NEED to know every family tree element to cure patient (around 1:00 on video).

Lets just stick with the FACTS of LIFE.

a. The face features of EVERY PERSON that we see is developed at 6 weeks in the womb.  Pick a family member.  Boom.....you yourself didn't develop those face features. (Even your own biological parents)

b. The face feature of Margaret Sanger, Ruth B. G., Anne Frank, George Floyd, Sacajawea all the way to Billy Graham was developed in the womb at 6 weeks.

c. All people in statement b are DEAD at this moment in time.  Interpretation: They don't MOVE in an ANIMATED way.

d. Some times pregnancy fails after 6 weeks along in the womb.....sometimes it does not.

e. All people in statement b will not be available to help the "woman in distress."

f. Life is Life.  If the "next generation" doesn't "get it"....who will?  Their children's children will not have the ability to raise up a new generation UNLESS they sense proper justice.

g. Jesus himself (though he died on the cross 2000 years ago) gave us EXAMPLES and ILLUSTRATIONS .....AND he rose from the GRAVE.  ALL the people that he taught had faces, names, situations etc.  ALL the people that SAW him....had faces, names, situations etc.  HE ....was designed to SEE them.


(I don't entirely follow the ideas by the person presenting the information in the video...but I see what he is saying)

So is MATH itself racist?  The bible itself illustrates David killing TALL Goliath with a stone (someone did the calculations and found out that slings in that day were quite powerful.....they did the math).  The bible says that King David could SEE Goliath....and Goliath could see him.

Medical personnel use math EVERYDAY.....or else the pharmacy drugs would end up killing patients in distress.

The key is THIS.....MATH can BECOME racist if we are NOT awake.  The STATISTICS can be distorted or HIDDEN to forage LIES against humanity in some way or another.

***Why did I mention the woman in distress?  Pregnancy according to my husband (the media doesn't report these things)......is MORE difficult among BLACK COMMUNITY.  Maternal deaths due to *lack of access* (not to Margaret Sanger resources)...but lack of ER care in times of pre-term delivery with different distressing elements.

Secondly....the highest rate of "sex trafficking" or kidnapping of WOMEN?  By ratio the Native American and/or Latino community suffers the greatest.

****Note how I am NOT mentioning anything about police right now?


Anyway, back to Flint, MI......the women in distress?  Why when she ALREADY SUFFERS do people continue to ACT with complacency?

The people in POWER were white men who developed the Constitution famework.....it was NOT the black or indigenous women.....in distress.......see where I am going with these ideas?

The constitutional framework is used TO protect the LEGAL conditions of our HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS (any institutional body).  Basically, it puts the DOOR on the CASTLE so the people inside don't freeze (Scandinavian interpretation).  It is SUPPOSED to be used to PROTECT people of a variety of background conditions....via protection of free speech and religion.


I'm not here to point fingers AT white men (that is like pointing fingers at Henry Ford for vehicular homicide....while ambulances are used EVERYDAY to SAVE lives).  I've worked in long-term care and listened to stories of family who REMEMBER Pearl Harbour and they ALSO remember the stories of immigration(children ended up dying on ships and had to be buried at sea).  One such individual went to this particular Scandinavian college....and a grandpa....named Joe also attended such college.


Was Ruth B. G. sinless....no she was not?  What about Anne Frank?  No she was not.  Notice how they are BOTH women.  Sacajawea and Margaret Sanger were both women tooo......and Sacajawea didn't need Margaret Sanger for "services."  It is probable that Sacajawea knew some herbal remedies to deal with problem pregnancy as they had those back then too......BUT she couldn't have access to a TEAMWORK of hands....in distress situations!

Squirrels do not help women in distress nor do racoons....BUT racoons have HANDS like people.......on AMERICA soil.......BOTH are KNOWN to EAT nuts......sometimes.  The size of the APPLE is PROPORTIONATE to fit into the HANDS of a MAN.......Oranges and other FRUITS are the SAME condition......PROPORTIONATE......by a CREATOR.  ****Just sense the REALITY of the BALANCE of nature from the FARMER'S ALMANAC folks.


A person CANNOT FORAGE the design of HUMAN LIFE from the womb (basically man cannot decide that facial features are going to develop at 22 weeks along).  Its not going to work in this generation (of people still alive and breathing)......its not going to work in the next generation.  BUT math can be used for GOOD or EVIL ..... in this current generation.  (JESUS HEALED that WOMAN BLEEDING)


I didn't mention anything about down syndrome.  That is a topic for another day.  I still remember a great-aunt who raised a child with such conditions.  Lets just stick with Mary and Elizabeth being cousins and Elizabeth being a cousin that "kept the commandments" (as the scripture is written) ..... else things end up in a combustion chamber of HATE develops in the HUMAN HEART towards the fellow man (and woman)....a sort of BIG BROTHER problem (enslavement).  Elizabeth had "more stories" on her heart ..... kinda like Laura Ingalls Wilder writing her "themes" and upbringing .....many years later.


But FROZEN WATER can KILL.....meaning humanity NEEDS doors to protect the WEAKEST people.

****Note: college "heritage ratios" are PUBLIC information, maybe a public library has information.  History about ROMAN HISTORY and heritage differences are PUBLIC information.....as the colleges release those things.....think upon things ABOVE.....not upon ALL institutional conditions at hand.....because HE developed the HAND and the EYE (children ARE innocent in these curiosities).  It is IMPOSSIBLE to help "woman in distress" without institutional instructions......ethically and realistically.....or we would return to pre 1918 world-views with life-expectancy of about 40-50 years old.....AND no hope for EVE.  CATTLE are a doing what in the MANGER story (I don't understand the modesty issue...in the song and how they are interpreting it...but look at shoulders up...the FACE...All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten)?  If CATTLE are removed from their conditions and ACCESS.....BUFFALO(no not BUffalo those are Middle-EAst animals ...but BISON by design) told you SO years ago.

TIME and TRIAL will reveal why so and so has xyz proportions and features on planet earth.....A and B

ETERNITY is FOREVER.  Speaking of FEBRUARY and Manger story.....ONLY THOSE close enough would understand what I am talking about with THAT one!


in summary..... a person MAY think this song is WAY toooooo dirty for Bible Teachings.....but um.  I'm telling a person the TRUTH (charlie Puth style).  Close COUSINS are NOT forbidden from MARRIAGE in the bible.  BUT here is the deal.....the WOMAN ends up in HIGHER RATES of distress at double the rate -miscarriages, disabled children in womb etc- under such CLOSE COMPANIONSHIP.  LEVANT people are STILL known to have children and the children grow up to full adulthood this way (intellectual gifts inclusive) to THIS MODERN ERA.  This COULD happen with my children in this coming generation or in a few generations if xyz occurs and I would NOT personally say ANYTHING  or have ability to COMMUNICATE somethings(2nd cousin???? who knew so and so???).  Face features besides the point.  I've been around a "greek man" before.....and I just says to husband.....YEUP.....distress is distress (has some foul language and corrupt ideas...which DO come in the ER.....one woman....YOUNG at that...dealing with ALL that corruption which DOES KILL! Biblical John chapter 3 is the solution folks....I think NOT on favoring vaccines in certain scenes on earth...Gomer of the bible or otherWISE).  COMPASSION overrules problems of LUST in social structures. (sounds weird....but it would be a good idea for SOME FAMILY to do a DNA test before relationships to ensure distance.....break down in family face to face interaction structure prior...not MOVING further away from memorial markers etc.  Oh....so your grandma looks like my grandma???  It is the HAIR or something else?  I told you MARY and ELIZABETH were cousins!)


Anyway....so WHAT does RACISM actually mean???

Are the Sequoya Trees STILL alive????  If they are....then why cater to things promoting DEATH?

Racoon is ANIMATED animal folks (similar features to animals on other continents).....designed to MOVE....but the ROOTS of SEQuoYA TREE REMAIN.  So GROW UP.....TOWARDS the one who CREATED the HEAVENS.  some folks study biology but they don't ADMIT biology (death can happen to ALL men under the sun).

I notice that DOORS work...and PASSOVER ....was a TIME when BLOOD was on the DOOR.  TRUTH is TRUTH.

Most people.....notice height differences and hair tone differences (easy to spot)...but it takes a THINK TANK to THINK about EYE features differences and so forth(where is the Moshe-Zibbidee river?).  A Microscope so to speak.....on America's soil.  Time and PAtient TRUTH is all that one can truly accomplish.  Douple Ganger Twins and human errors under the SUn.....ahem.....a greater need for Sermon on the Mt....to FIX THINGS.

Going back to the MORAL of the Family Tree story.....sure think in realistic terminology.  If the FATHER has a SCAR on his face (cousin-in-laws here and there)....what about the FUTURE daughters?  (JOB of the BIBLE folks....go back and see what his DAUGHTERS were LIKE.....!!!) I don't know what the FUTURE of this celeb happens to be....but JOB lived to be 140 years old!  If I don't know the future of this celeb.... I CAN look up his personal family tree story....(hazel eyes and so forth....curly hair??? where and what??? siblings?  FACEBOOK is besides the picture puzzle.)   TAKE CARE of the WATER....for the ANIMALS on the ARK......as GOD told NOAH!  And the Epidemiologist SAID (survey says....grandma was on the ZOOM meeting at the birth of her nth great great grandchild!)

CORN is HOW TALL?  CAn man handle the FORCE of nature....of a man the SIZE of CORN???  Woman at 9th month racing GOliath in a RACE....set before us???  Give me a break.....Gomer's feet and the THIGH......think WISELY.

(video on mute)

Background song   (listen to the SONG .....and the SONG of SONGS..biblically Songs 2:15.....before they CANCEL CULTURE HARVARD graduates....and the HEAVENLY FATHER's CHOICES)

Some people don't think very well....the HAMAN's of this world....this TEMPORARY world....(reverse racism has an origin too....its against the orders of TRUTH)

Hebrew language itself is MATHEMATICAL......Yeshua's name has specific number assignments...the book of NUMBERS in the bible ahem.  Pomegranate is mentioned in scripture....Cranberry and tomato are NOT....both foods are BLOOD colored!  A man's stride since the ANCIENT day hasn't really changed.

THINK about it this way.....there ARE times where people may culturally "confuse" Jewish and Native American culture (one could be the fill in for the other in movies and films)....even middle east too (skin tones).  Even living among more scandinavians...one would "think" they would assume 100% European (just blonde hair and blue eyes)...but NOT in the "last drop calculations"....  That last-drop says....wavy hair? do you have a broken nose?.....

FACE FEATURES alone.....

As someone on the radio just stated (I don't know his face features....but one could son-of-whom based on voice) beware of the one BUYING or ENCOURAGING people to buy the "self-driving" cars (the ones where a person looks at a camera and speaks to the car)......they COULD end up DRIVING a person a. mad b. racked up bills where no independent man could repair such vehicles WITHOUT help of Mr. Ford c. to a location much like Auschwitz and a visit from the WISE ER DOCTOR.  Now go back to the PROPER orders of NATURE designed by the ONE who created the GARDEN of EDEN and MR. RACOON's BELLY.....(Book of Job.....whom created the finest of hormones in the BELLY of Mr. Racoon?)

So they asked the woman.....did you see Margaret Sanger and Ruth B. Ginsberg working at the ER that one night.....that one night where you only had 24 hours to live?  Hurricane Katrina.....she was a strong wind gust for old ADAM.....I'll tell you!   The faces turned......BEET RED as they LOOKED at the GARDEN of EDEN from AFAR.    THINK within REASONABLE discussion folks.......your BATHROOM calls your NAME....if YOU ALREADY KNOW where the TOILET PAPER is located, YOU know better than the "woke" and "cancel culture" among us!!!!  Did I mention domestic violence among the most similar of hormones in the household (mentions women...but include males as illustration).....that is a story for another day.....Eternity is only for those whom KNOW the DOOR MAKER!  Let the reality sink in....before Judging the ER DOOR itself....MATH is used for TESTING the QUALITY of the door...but tis the OPERATOR'S that must PREVENT the smashing of little fingers!


Just an additional topic....Yes, I've been to the Twin Cities.... a few times.


Identity.....a person can get LONG WINDED trying to EXPLAIN everything.  EVEN  long ....lists of geneology (1Ti 1:4  Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. ) .....trying to EXPLAIN one's own "features" basically....why some have similar size and shape to xyz celeb etc etc.  The public is in general CURIOUS and I can respect those who are CURIOUS....but the people who claim to CARE, but then go on HATING "white people" or the "constitution" have no knowledge of HOW things go for different people.

The "author" of these videos has basic HANDSOME features with beautiful personality.

Songs of Love and Hope