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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Monday, February 22, 2021

The orders of time....and family life....as it is.

 People that probably shouldn't come to my Dad's funeral......in the next xyz days on this earth.  Bible says that Job lived to be 140 years old.....and had fair daughters.....and never sinned.

I believe EVERYONE is a descendant of NOAH......Darwin passed away a few years ago...but no one puts a picture of Darwin up in any sort of funeral.....even in this John Legend song.....  Even the SCIENCE texts VARY on the AGES.....given for this or that "animal change".....  Racoons STILL have hands like PEOPLE!  A farmer's almanac in its basic math calculations ALWAYS presents astronomy features to an exact measure....just as PASSOVER is always in the SPRING.....after Barley Harvest.....biblical themes.

***People that don't like USA veterans.  People that don't like the Vietnam war memorial of that day....Think about that one for a few seconds.....  What did Rush Limbaugh say again?.....do some research folks.

***People that think that Margaret Sanger should have come to his wedding (um.....wait a minute.... she already died in 1966.....she didn't VOTE in the 2020 election).  What deadly things did she believe again?

***People that think that Flint, MI water crisis was a "good thing"....think more wisely people......remember MArgaret Sanger already DIED!  Stop playing with FIRE and ICE.....life is FRAGILE!  Women DO actually DIE with miscarriages and stillborn problems!  Put the story line together.....of whom knows whom....Flint, MI water problem happen AFTER 1966 (time of her death).

***People that think that it was a bad idea to let Grandma A*** G***** H****n care for children (taking them to the nursing home to visit friends and family)....just because she was over the age of 80+.  Moses was over the age of 80+ when he led Israel.  Children and elderly in the desert.....think about that one.  Field of dreams....well....only some remember things before 1989.....They OBVIOUSLY needed some sort of douple ganger for this field of dreams scene  Father-Son illustration (Hodges Twins?  would they fit the mold? For a BETTER KINGDOM than this one?).  No body is born half-baked.... Joseph of the bible...  Fabric of the skin.....does TEAR easily folks.  Those who have never WORKED.....with those of fragile skin....do not KNOW this as FACT.  Speaking of Joseph of the bible.....it says that the people in EGYPT.....saw him....as he was presented....the bible simply says his features....that's the way it is (celebs features conditions.....NOT......Darwinism....BLM catering to the strength and NOT the weakness in persecuted brother Joseph of the bible.....hmmm .... good info in the video for historical/biblical reference...more research....even Rwanda genocide? Terror groups in Africa?)  ******I wouldn't be writing this RIGHT NOW.....as we speak....consider the REASONS for this POST in the first place....aka. ER presentation of a child under age 12.....FARMING ACCIDENT!*********

***People that don't want anyone named Esther to attend his oldest daughter's wedding.  Someone named Esther was sitting in the Audience folks..... Do some research folks.....its that simple (our personal family lives inclusive).  Start by reading the BOOK in the bible......some women do not acquire their name by their own forgery standards.  There IS actually MORE to the story than people realize.....the problem of HAMAN....started with SAUL.  BUT if people don't READ...they don't KNOW.  just asked in-laws the other day.....ww@ history....turns out some died in action.  No one just writes certain things on certain people's bus without DOING their research....and then coming up with a "reverse racism" problem of their own making!  Just somethings to think about when it comes to political realms....sadly these things KEEP presenting problems!Issue1  Issue2

***People that don't like extended family whom live in AK....and their children.  Um ok.  Yeah.  Case closed.  Frozen as ever.....but still surviving.  DOORS are super valuable.....PAssover or otherwise....hope the cold hearts PASS OVER.  Open doors to those in most need.  There ARE other cousins......whom I don't even know.....some seem to live in Scandinavia.....on the computer records.

***People that don't like farmers.

***People that don't like people that hang around with people that look like Anne Frank.  What ...... I thought Ruth B. G. was the only one on the planet.  NO!  WW1 happened before WW@.  But some need a refresher before even that events.....David Wood of youtube could possibly help with those themes.....Apostate Prophet on youtube.  (Basically he raised his children around people that DO NOT have Scandinavian appearance on the features radar).  My own mother could teach some safety stories about that.  Just go with BASICS of life.....without a FATHER in the home.....the family goes for SICKNESS more than redemption plans.  Jacob of the bible had trouble PROTECTING all that is.....presented!

***People that LOVE the idea of "big brother systems" that look for difference in FACE FEATURES....to specifically target with FINE TUNE TECHNOLOGY "data".....when we go shopping at the supper market....and then go home....and read.....a bible or something.  Can anyone spell the idea that it is HATE FILLED to xyz in countries with no gospel access....to women(over worked....to their death basically).  FACE FEATURES begin in the womb at 6 weeks along.  Basically, don't even come....son-in-law will remind you of some things people DO actually ask in PUBLIC.  Re-read the gospel perpective of Richard Wurmbrand for reference into the problems presented in Chinese communism to this day (I have Voice of the Martyrs magazine.....it even speaks about Hondouras ...femicide issues too....things like that....that ARE STILL problems IN this world).  We are IN this world but NOT of it.  Celeb features presented around the world....REAL people....do EXIST...and CELEBS are also real people.

***People that don't like well.....people that LIVE in a local LEV 11....town.....UM.....BIRTH CERTIFICATES say things....(no one just suddenly NAMES themselves at birth)...and the oldest daughter PRESENTED herself at such a SCHOOL in that town (as well as in-law preservation to family tree connections)....over the age of 21.....keeping THINGS going....involves HELPING people SENSE REALITY.....when it comes to FIXING broken WATER PIPES.....and the ENGLISH language has the INSTRUCTIONS given.... (Is he presenting a concept that HATE leads to death in this video......frequently?  I'm thinking YES in a general sense....there IS an older COUSIN "Mordechai".....AROUND)  Children do NOT care about political sides...they want to know that people CARE about PEOPLE.

****People that don't like "low technology" people.....well.... lets just say....He doesn't have a facebook account....simply put......med-tech world.....technology IS used in institution (I'd hate to carry around 1000 work books on EVERYONE's personal records too).  But the ORDERS of nature remain the same.  The design of the human hand didn't require.....man-made technology.....


I know this sounds SHOCKING....but here is the DEAL folks.

Farmers.....are in the area.  FARMS have been in the USA for quite a while.  FOODS have always been here or people wouldn't be here.

My husband came home last night and said that a boy was presented to the ER.  I'm like ok.  Yesterday I "felt" in my spirit....I just want to be home with my children.....instead of working with "old folks"....yes....they have their years...and wisdom...children do not.

My spirit said there IS a limit.  That boy presented to the ER.....had a father who was a farmer....the boy was only 10 years old and passed away.  The farmer was the driver of the vehicle.

(Underlined portion......my reason for writing this post)

Whom is holding down the FORT....the gravity...the elements....the physics.....the one who CREATED....in GENESIS....of the bible basically.  Humanity wouldn't even BE HERE.....without BASICS of life.  Ray Comfort.....descriptions without knowing that Atheists would present them selves as "superior" in wisdom to old Noah.  We don't live on MARS right now folks.  We were NOT designed to live there.  We don't even live on "morning star" planet.....we were NOT designed to live there.....patterns of CREATION remain. (there are ways calendar structures line up with ancient calendars of the past.....Mayan.....Qumran Calendar etc)


Anyway...the story of Dinah of the bible....some don't think applies to today....well....it actually does.  Taylor Swift, Paris Hilton features.... etc....are a PART of the orders of "fairness" in features.  But not everyone agrees with REALITY on how to ACCEPT conditions (the statistics).  Be aware of these things in face to face interaction as well as in general presentation.  The most modest of dress won't stop wicked imaginations.......as we have heard through the grapevine at the ER.....and in other places.

 Facebook bans Bible passages - YouTube

Lincoln Brewster ~ While I Wait (Lyrics) - YouTube

Abraham's family tree - Wikipedia

Josh Groban - I Believe (When I Fall In Love It Will Be Forever) [Official Music Video] - YouTube (lets just say Jesus....sings to his BRIDE.....FOREVER....does it matter whom is singing and whom is in the audience....??? a voice is a voice....)

Paris Hilton Testifies About 'Traumatizing' Abuse At Utah School - YouTube (my room mate knew Paris...due to her family upbringing....douple ganger.....and the people said....people magazine people are real people)

SafariLive August 25. When a lion cub won't listen to mom. :) - YouTube  (Dinah of the bible......just serves as a reality....folks....there are other examples too!)

Start with GENESIS 6......

Look at the BIBLE VERSE about JOB and his FAIR daughters..  DID JOB sin?  NO!  In ALL THAT (suffering)....he did NOT sin.

Don't just sit and WAIT.

People WAITED....and ANNE FRANK suffered.  If a person "sees" the face of ANNE FRANK....but don't do ANYTHING......thinking that "a vote" will fix things.....but the "voting system" was corrupted.  They can STILL see the FACE FEATURES of ANNE FRANK......it REMAINS.


****who is in our family tree?  I can't choose these things folks, the time of eternity is in operation as we speak.  From our household (within 2nd cousin)....mostly Scandinavian (yes, some features show up from time to time in "fair looking" category.....how to tell...ask others what they say).  .....other European ancestry and 1/16 minority conditions (.....that would make a sort of Josh Groban look-alike condition....with darker tones from time to time).  I can think of 4 different ways that people could be related to people in a town nearby who practice LEV 11 things.....from that LEV 11 to a near by Laura Ingalls Wilder museum.  Family Tree conditions....memorials and so forth (within 50 mile radius)****

End with the book of REVELATION.....

Rev 22:4  And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.  (celeb look-alike conditions?  .....wait a minute....whom is the REAL FACE......we should look towards!!)

Lincoln Brewster ~ While I Wait (Lyrics) - YouTube (background song)

video on mute Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The NEW N-Word - Hate Crime Against Dr. SHIVA - YouTube

video on mute..... I don't know what she is crying about....but a person could venture to guess that the book of Hosea is still in OPERATION in some way or another??? I'm sorry...I hope this helps someone - YouTube  (I don't know.....her mother.....features besides....just mother being herself)  I told ya so.... says terrain...  Oral-Story Telling.......just sayin......family tree stories.....pass down.  people have to remind people that MARGARET SANGER....even RUth B. G. passed away.....MOVE FORWARD.... HOSEA style....inanimate objects do NOT replace human lives.....real lives among us.  HE SAVES LIVES~!~!!~~!!!

And then there is a CONAN OOOOOOOO BRIAN.  Red-hair.... The background song.....get free from THAT slave DRIVER!


The memories that remain.....the "story of Charlie" is what I'm looking at folks....see that SCAR on his face????  some people KNOW the story of so and so....some people do NOT know.... (I don't follow everything he DOES.....just illustrations he presents basically....but he is a real person...the name "Puth" has been found in family tree charts of those of well the ancestry he says he is from)

Levant features.....besides the point.....Joseph presented his FACE.....to EGYPTIANS.....so he really couldn't HIDE his own creator!!!!

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