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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

People don't understand....unless they want to understand.


People don't REALLY understand.....they just say.....what they WANT to say from the bible (just to continue on with their "education".....basically an example is one can use White Fragility for information...but it is NOT the end-all fruit of redemption)

.....Judge Not LEST you be JUDGED....but they DON'T understand the FOUNDATION!

Now is this saying that "Asia" itself will fix this problem?  No.  I read in Voice of Martyrs....that pregnant women (yes, face to womb discrimination....the FACE FEATURES are developed at 6 weeks in the womb)....the WOMAN with certain face features (like Japanese vs. India) are PUSHED to the limit and KILLED.....simply because of their different features and beliefs.....

Mary and Elizabeth were cousins....what side?  I don't know maternal or paternal.  Distance?  The distance in cousin is not given. (The verrrrrrrry last chapter in the bible it says that believers will SEE HIS FACE)  ******put the puzzle pieces together******

Here is the deal folks.....yes, the people most likely to suffer in USA with maternity issues.....have some sort of minority condition.  Margaret Sanger is the LAST person I would ever put in a MATERNITY WARD in the year.....let me check the year (we ARE post WW@ folks).....2020.  Ruth B. G. is no longer here....I know she had features while  on this earth.  I understand that(but is it the WOMB or the woman's mind that makes decisions??  I think it depends....on if there is cancer or folly in the conditions and "choices"??).....RIGHT NOW .....I presented TWO ISSUES.  

Big Brother doesn't care.  He didn't care in Sodom and Gomorrah (all he does is racial profile and then hopes for sex-bot angels).....he won't care in ETERNITY.  On the other hand, Joseph of the bible presented himself to the EGYPTIANS (I'm sure the features of Egypt haven't changed super significantly within 6000 years....are hand prints more improved to fit that of an APE or of a RACOON....think about that for a second....man's hand print hasn't changed in 6000ish +/- 500 years).....but Darwinists wouldn't CARE about that story.....ahem.

Is Italy THE IDEAL place to visit?  Minorities?  Religious reasons? The answer sadly is NO.  If do research....one will find errors in judgment.

Just sitting this one out....until folks see the BIG PICTURE

PS.  I'm not being "mean" for saying S and G only wished for "sex-bot" angels.....I know who Paris Hilton happens to be....I had a room mate....I know what the "features" of Taylor Swift happen to be....I wasn't born yesterday and neither was she or she wouldn't be the size and shape she happens to be.  If a person thinks I'm being "mean" for saying S and G was a bad place to live (don't destroy the messenger...when the messenger gave the warning)....then they must be hoping for another ww@ of concentration camp for people who agree with biblical things.....while the Traffickers and Rapists get away with what ever they want....

Speaking of Italian....sure sure...there ARE variations of "Italian" in various cousins on online family tree charts.  This shouldn't be surprising considering the Dark hair in the family from time to time.  Mediterranean .....to Levant.... (with a bit of Anne Frank)..... things of that sort show up on family tree charts.... basically. Study Ancient Romans and how they viewed "family tree ancestry".....It'll turn into a big giant Herodotus ....with a mix of told-ya-so....Joseph was ACTUALLY in Egypt.

(Essentially the story to solve racial issues is the SAME as what the bible teaches..... HUMILTY not PRIDE, WISDOM not FOOLISHNESS etc.)

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