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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Biden Administration Dangerous rules of elimination of privacy....

 The issue stems into MORE than just sports!!!!

The old-lady at the nursing-home says.....NO MALES in MY bed-room space.  This is REALLY where the rubber meets the road.

CNA's and Nurses do NOT always know the "full-story" behind older-lady at the nursing home.

BUT they DO and SHOULD know the FAMILY.  If the family says NO MALES in the BED-ROOM space then that is NOT up-to the GOVT' to decide......it is UP TO the SOCIAL ASPECTS of the STAFF to RESPECT the family wishes!

The maternity ward and conditions has similar situations......

BUT here is the deal.

In an ER situation, a woman will have to respect male and female staff!  If the male of a different race, ethnicity gender etc is a staff member (the anesthesiologist on down to the EMT ambulance assistance), a woman really will have NO CHOICE in whom is the staff.  It is about dealing with BLOOD and LOSS more than about "hormones" and "privacy" in an emergency.

Locker-rooms are PRIVACY things.  A woman shouldn't have to see or interact with male-looking body parts or features when dealing with PRIVACY.  Go back to the old-lady situation.  She shouldn't have to HAVE a male-looking features when getting basic every-day needs met.

Furthermore....the hormones are hormones.  They should NEED to test some sort of "hormone values" before competition.  Maybe a quick survey on "monthly cycles" as needed and necessary to get a basic understanding on the difference between male and female.  IF there is a woman who has different types of cycles or otherwise....MAYBE have a separate sort of "test" on her hormone values.  GET A BLOOD TEST......to TEST for HORMONES.....before competition.  The result.....protect PRIVACY overall....There is NO WAY a male whom has NEVER given birth can EVER tell me, or any other women, A STORY about giving birth and going through an ER door with this or that situation.  There is NO WAY a male whom has NEVER gone through a "monthly cycle" can reflect stories about those instances of "accidents" as a teenage girl.  SHE NEEDS a respect of privacy......so a male with "NO STORIES" behind his name....should NOT be in a FEMALE locker room!

YES, there COULD BE other issues at hand....intersex people DO exist.....I've seen hormonal changes affect "older-women" which creates masculine features.

In summary, ask one's self.....has Biden ever worked as a CNA.....or a Nurse?  NO!  Then stop telling "we the people" how to RESPECT personal boundary lines for safety or otherwise!

Conclusion: if there is a "male" in the female locker-room.....WHY are they putting the burden on FEMALE-SPORTS!

I've RARELY heard of FEMALES in the 9th month of pregnancy RUN a marathon....so STOP with the NONSENSE!

I've HEARD of FEMALES giving birth "at home" or in her "own space" and then WALKING back into the garden the next day!  Obviously she was NOT running a marathon!  This was common practice among NATIVE AMERICANS and even possibly among ancient HEBREW people.....Traveling around in the wilderness per-say.

The ONLY time I've heard of MALES FORCING a female in the 9th month of pregnancy to RUN just like the MALES in MARATHON STYLE..............WW@........TRAIL OF TEARS USA.......RUANDA GENOCIDE......(maybe even other issues at hand in Christian persecution.....all the way back to St. Olaf) ......all the way back to 70 AD Jerusalem.....  NO literal MALE forces a WOMAN in PREGNANCY conditions to RUN.....just like MALES, unless they are WICKED MEN.  PHARAOH of the BIBLE would be GLAD to force women.....especially YOUNG WOMEN in the 9th month to RUN a MARATHON......aka Planned PArenthood (especially for young teenagers)....but NO REAL conditions of support from the ER-rules-D&C rules....ring a bell....and Moses conditions of supposed to be "put in the sun" or "drown".... Exodus 1-2.....

Its not wrong to allow women to run a Marathon....26 miles....or even to ride a bike....across America.  There is NOTHING wrong with women in STEM projects or MAJOR in college.  I SAT in a class-room filled with men, and I was the only woman....hormones EVERYWHERE in college age group conditions.  SELF-CONTROL works just FINE.....PRIVACY works just FINE.  There is NOTHING wrong with women competing in math-competitions with her MALE COUSIN so to speak.

There IS something wrong with FORCING women to compete with men......in a physical body condition.  A FEW problems I see: 1. PRIVACY is AFFECTED 2. Risk of FORCE on women's body....she will NEVER MEET UP even if she is currently expecting or not 3. Suicide rates increase for women who "can't meet up to par" 4. Higher risks of abortion practices (real women know that no women can run a marathon at 9 months along) 5. Higher chance that women will NOT attain physical fit and "fair-looking" standards (Gen 6, Job's daughters, Queen Esther etc.)....she WON'T find ways to stay healthy. 6. Culture....turned into mob-rule....instead of ALLOWING women to go to the pow-wow unhindered (aka women features are a part of culture....from the middle-east outward to the USA pow-wow....ONLY women on the field for the dance).  WOMEN through the ages KNOW midwife things....its not that different from once told-stories of old. 7. WOMEN whom are EXPECTING (even in the teenage years).....DESERVE to have their children-their biological children-TAKEN and given to these "male competitors" in "female sports" because they are supposedly "brain-washed" and "too religious" or what not.  Anyone else notice the patterns of social complacency.....when dealing with racism and "problems" among the "minorities."

I LOVE the REALITY that MOSES (the first five books of the bible) presented.......WOMEN to MEN-CLOSE RELATIONSHIP PRIVACY MATTERS.....no NAKEDNESS presented this way or that way "under the sun."  The foundational elements?  RESPECT for women whom are middle-eastern and Jewish.......especially in the 9th month.  The SUN still shines on "our faces"....but a doctor/physician etc. still need to solve the riddles of various diseases under the son.....aka a good MALE OB.....is a solution to the problems at hand.....FORCING a women to do things against her PHYSICAL BODY REALITY and PRIVACY is a DANGEROUS solution.

I actually DO LISTEN to stories here and there "under the sun"....from my husband AND from my OWN personal experience.....and from stories by MAMA DOCTOR JONES.....she even talks with women who were at the BOSTON BOMBING INCIDENT (face features besides the point and cousin conditions)......of all things.....considered.....I DOUBT EXPECTANT women were "running" in the event.  I KNOW a women on the SIDE-LINE was AFFECTED!

I KNOW what hormones are (but I'm not an expert on ALL the details....aka I didn't study that sort of thing).  I also KNOW what it means to be "fair looking".....Paris Hilton has a connection to a former room-mate.....say it that way.  I've physically SAT for MANY HOURS in a classrooms of COLLEGe AGE males.....with hormones going this and that way.  I'm a STEM major.....Bachelor DEGREE.  This is NOT true for ALL women that attend college.....I'm an expert on those "Stats."  Basically....DON'T kiss EVERY frog in the pond......!!@@@!!! talk is fine....but .......things spread like wild-fire! if don't watch ones own REAL friends and family FIRST!  False-friends WILL attempt to "throw" a woman in the mix.....of hormones!  False-family WILL attempt to "throw" a woman in the mix too! (aka John chapter 3 of the Holy Bible is a good reason to believe)

The NEW TESTAMENT.....says things for SAFETY reasons......JUST WALK AWAY from "slippery pills."  Yes, you CAN talk to "male cousins" about pickles and things, like young and under or around age 12 (what waz that dirty man's name...Austin Powers...).....I remember things like Laura Ingalls Wilder....remembers the butter church....errr um sorry Victorian era terminology......butter churn....BUT history and SLAVERY itself will tell us that THINGS didn't go so well for YOUNG GIRLS in those days!  

Lets just say in the end of it all we WILL find out whom reads the bible...the REAL bible.....LOOK at the END of the bible....err um....the END of the LIFE of KING-DAVID.....yes, he repented of issues with BATHSHEBA....but at the END of his life its talking about VIRGINS in his ROOM.......a DEATH STAR or TWO....or THREE.....in the midst.  The ANCEST-STORY of JESUS.....REMAINS under the SUN.....I'm still listening.....to the bible stories of DINAH (young woman trafficked in)....and SARAH (sent to another man's house)....these things DO exist in LIVING COLOR.....as any ER DOCTOR will tell us these "things" about problems faced by humanity (young girls to older women dealing with corrupted men).  Don't believe that EVERY S&G were good people (cough cough)....ONLY LOT of the BIBLE was saved from S & G.  RUTH of the BIBLE was redeemed from her MOABITE conditions through LOT........for purposes of HOPE for humanity!

ESTHER ******* IS pointing the WAY to HOPE!.....ONLY MY GRANDMA can PROPERLY ID the WHIP-POOR-WILL and its BIRD hanging out with the BEE conditions! What is PURE and what is IMPURE!  Don't TWIST the figures of speech! THERE isn't a GIRAFFE on USA soil EXISTING with proper orders of nature@!@@!!!  LEts just say in-laws KNOW the WRONG way to GO.....but they ALWAYS tell STORIES......prodigal son stories!!!  So LEAVE the older-cousin Mordechai alone!  The story is at the foundations....don't TWIST IT.  Mordechai didn't do any damage to little Queen Esther.....BUT.....HAMAN was after the "fruits."

Totem poles are written on American soil....since the ancient days.....
ROMAN "naked" men are written on European soil......since the ancient days.....

DON'T get confused in the "mixed" conditions.  Jesus BLOOD spilled BLOOD and WATER.....when he was on the ROMAN (not native american indigenous designed) CROSS.

Anyway......speaking of females RUNNING in MARATHONS....in HIGHSCHOOL sports.  I KNOW for a fact that women CAN calculate the "time" of the arrival of her "new-born."  Its pretty basic math in EVEN the most beautiful of women on earth.

Lets just say "Jane" is a junior in high-school (yes, I've worked as a sub-teacher......AND as a waitress....so I've HEARD the table conversations....that the parents DON'T HEAR).  She is 16.  Her due-date is 8-20 of THAT year....the year BEFORE the beginning of her "senior-year."  She's VERY athletic so-to-speak.  BUT here is the ISSUE.....the teenage-mother-to-be....doesn't know that a miscarriage CAN happen......at-any-time.....24 hour no notice what-so-ever.   Perfectly healthy womb...as she "supposes."  She wants to choose life despite what happened in her life (her dirty-cousin?  her dirty-uncle? her hyper-religious male authority?  a drug-related condition in the step-father? a care-less-flavor-less boyfriend?....the ER doctor has heard these things BEFORE).....  Athletic or NOT.  If she doesn't GET the RIGHT care and ACCESS to D & C.....she COULD DIE~!@!~~!!~~~~ YIKES!  I'm going BACK to re-read ANNE FRANK'S DIARY.....the RIGHT WAY.  I'm NOT just going to "see her face" and walk-away!  the grocery list is to SEE the "cousin's face" and SAY the TRUTH!  So lets just SAY that the DIRTY MEN....do NOT need to BE in POSITIONS of "authority."  IMPEACH....not tomorrow....but TODAY!  That teenage-future-mother....KNOWS that Planned Parenthood.....KILLS women by covering up their "mistakes" and there is not a drop-of-blood access to PROPER ER, D & C care!

*****demagoguery is taking place in Washington D.C**** It is DANGEROUS to the SOUL of AMERICA.....for ALL WOMEN....and FUTURE MEN.....

SPEAK UP! NOT TOMORROW....BUT TODAY......for REAL WOMEN!  Further reality?  Big-Tech and its coverups..... but NOT admitting the TRUTH.

****the whip-poor-will has been singing on USA soil since the foundations.....BUT not all people are LISTENING....with the RIGHT kind of EAR****


THINK CLEARLY about ANNE FRANK.....and what she ACTUALLY WROTE.....and THINK CLEARLY about "JANE".....she doesn't really need Planned PArenthood....she needs....HOPE (the book of Ruth despite her S& G, Lot ancestors)....and she needs TRUTH....from the ER DOCTOR....incase there is a MISCARRIAGE......on the LINE of FIRE!.......

Now HOW old was Bathsheba of the bible?  She didn't tell us her AGE....her REAL AGE....13 years old at marriagable was normal in those days......"fair looking" in Gen 6 is all I gots for ya.  possibility of still-born.....YES.  King David faced that one.

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