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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Jezabel of the Bible was a FRAUD in ACTION. Ancient GRAPHIC art!

 Jezabell of the bible was a FRAUD in ACTION.....living.....BEAUTIFUL.....action....  Scam-a-Lot has a LOT to say about that!  Former-help-desk-worker...AND stage-tech person here......oh YES....and I've EVEN played that RAchmaninoff piece on....living PLAY the ON STAGE (John Legend is a better piano player per say when he sings....my Matron of Honour can tell me that post George Floyd!)......I'm writing this post.  Problems with twitter?  Ask David Wood.....

THINK CLEARLY about ANNE FRANK.....and what she ACTUALLY WROTE.....and THINK CLEARLY about "JANE"(the teenage - college age girl competing in sports).....she doesn't really need Planned PArenthood....she needs....HOPE (the book of Ruth despite her S& G, Lot ancestors)....and she needs TRUTH....from the ER DOCTOR....incase there is a MISCARRIAGE......on the LINE of FIRE!.......

Now HOW old was Bathsheba of the bible?  She didn't tell us her AGE....her REAL AGE....13 years old at marriagable was normal in those days......"fair looking" in Gen 6 is all I gots for ya.  possibility of still-born.....YES.  King David faced that one.




I don't HATE "Taylor Swift"...... I know what it is to "be near" someone else who KNOWS.....PARIS HILTON.....put it that way.....in-laws or otherwise.

I HATE the AFTERSHOCK of SIN....on the HEART and MIND of humanity!  (Ruth was REDEEMED......despite her ancestor coming-out of S & G)

ONLY the BLOOD of the LAMB.....matters.....RACE and ETHNICTY.....PARADE of TRUTH belongs in the HEART in the END of it all....BROTHERLY and SISTERLY love for REDEMPTION plan......seats in the stories of the hearts of men and women.....here and there.....Gen chaper 6 mentions "fair women".....well....hmmm...think about ancient graphic art!  

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Songs of Love and Hope