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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What is one of the best things to do in the Big Tech (big media) censorship problem?

 Keep RECORDS.....HIDDEN if possible.  Do not keep them out in the open.

If a YouTube channel seems like something the "elites" wouldn't like, record the video and save it on a personal drive or recording device (no access to internet).

I won't say too much more...but it is apparent I post "controversial" themes from time to time.  This is for our safety and concern, which we may not have that much longer unless people wake up and start sensing what the gospel is concerning (particularly the sermon on the Mt., then go from there).

Humanitarian aide doesn't come with flowers and daisies, it comes with blood, sweat and tears.....over the years.

I don't dislike Trump, I don't even dislike Nancy Pelosi after the capital was invaded and HER OWN life was at risk.  What I DO dislike is the people who are NOT AWAKE to the REALITY we face.

Think Anne Frank's Diary.  She continued to record things in her PRIVATE diary while the EVIL men were surrounding her ONLY source of strength....a small upper room. (didn't the gospel kinda start in an upper room.....oh ok....now the BIG PICTURE....they are LOOKING for the FACES of those who entered the CAPITAL....but we NEED to be aware of the LITTLE FACES whom are in TEARS and NEEDY close to our own home.)

Example (yes, if medical world in USA functioned like communist countries....the issues would be worse.  Basically Communist parties murder and/or silence TRUTH tellers)

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