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Thursday, January 14, 2021

America will go in the direction of 3rd world country, pre-civil war mentality

 Ok, what I'm hearing from the "big boys" (and girls) in congress is simply deplorable.  When I was listening to the conversations, it felt like I was walking into a class room of students under the age of 10.  It also felt like I was walking into a Dementia unit.  The common descent of the heart of man, when emotions are stirred but no legitimate information is given.

Humanity is WEAK.  We cannot SEE all things at ALL times.  We are not God.  Not even our GOVT' can do such things or it would be considered a REAL Facist govt.'  Unfortunately, the "big boys" (and girls) are calling all people opposed to them.....Facist.

Reasonable information given:

Legislator A: Donald Trump is a racist, because he is white.  (any other evidence given.....I hear silence)

Legislator B: Donald Trump is a facist, because he is wealthy and has a lot of influencers on social media.  (any other evidence given......I hear silence)

Legislator C: Donald Trump incites violence because he stated that people should gather outside of the capital peacefully. (yeah, and did he do so angrily or basically just walk off in anger by example?)

Legislator D: All people who voted for Donald Trump, follow after every whimsical thing he said.  (Now this one can get a little more to the point as he did say some foolish things, and foolish people believe his statements.  But sensible people usually just walk-away from folly.)

Bret Kavanough was elected to the Supreme Court.  The results.....THEY stormed the building believing that HE actually committed such "Joseph of the bible" style atrocities, but in REAL conditions in their mind.  Ok, so Tamar of the bible actually went through what? (silence)  Ahem. Medical world workers have to KNOW these things exist (both the accused and the victim)....to keep things running smoothly.

Ok.  So some of the rightfully elected Republican folk or the Trump supportin kind (no fraud in their county area to create significant changes in election results) went along with Legislator A-D....no naming of political party, just explaining the descent into chaos.

This country was NOT founded on the doctrines of "Salem Witch Trials"....if it was, a dog could devour a child and willingly people would say the blue bird did it......ahem.  What?  


Not that I can claim that political party is imperfect....

No...lets switch things around a bit....Right leaning things that I notice when things get HEATED:

Lets start with this quote --> Knowing that historical things combined with things of the "modern era" along with current news in action = men and behaviour showing fruit of their affections:--> Dead souls trying to teach the dead how to be alive, while still dead. An illusion at best. The beast at worst. <--(Apply to the news, apply to law makers, apply to education standards, apply the quote to religious organizations etc etc.) Only a few understand the remnant of life giving affection.

The core of corruption is vindictiveness...... I'm not mentioning any political party along with the hypocrisy at best ...but the core of the apple that is rotten from within.

Voter A: XYZ legislator is a communist because they are regularly working with the poor.

Voter B: XYZ legislator is against future woman's rights because they support women who miscarry and loose pregnancy. (read the bible, yes woman's body doesn't always bring about life to one week old outside the womb...there are still borns and things....but, yes, the bible says choose life)

Voter C: XYZ legislator is against free speech because they allow more people in the lesser parts of the world to be heard (hopefully without blocking voices??)

Voter D: XYZ legislator is against the orders of law, justice and proper policing because they support victims who are from (pick a persecuted group).

The thing is that the "voter" doesn't realize is that XYZ legislator was supporting the weak simply by supporting that particular cause or group.

Are people becoming more..."less religious"....?  Its entirely possible, but unreasonable.  Biblical interpretations are literally forever, because, well, the center of law-justice goes with grace-mercy or we as humanity would not function from age (before conception....aka Jesus has family tree and ancestry too) to age (Job had fair looking daughters even as the bible says he lived to be 140 years old).  In other words, these "things" of "religious interpretation" existed BEFORE the centers of religious institution.  They existed before ABRAHAM (during the time of Job).  Jesus said clearly, before ABRAHAM.... I AM.  Reflection encounter's truth, its NOT really an institutional thing.


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