The problem here below, don't you see appropriately, is that the grammatical errors are TOPPLING into a swarm of filthy mice who are eating the soul alive....unless fully revived with TRUTH and not ERROR.
Guilt by Association aka. When the Doctor is guilty because he works in an ER.....he is guilty because he existed. What next.....the farmer is guilty because cows moo and have hooves......sometimes cows kick? Some Doctors may have done XYZ over the past few weeks and they are guilty....some farmers may have done XYZ over the past few weeks and they are guilty. Society will need to MOVE FORWARD in FORMING right ideas about fellow MAN.
BEWARE how the media does this.
BEWARE how various political extremes do this!
People who:
*Support pro-life causes or groups in various stages of pregnancy or conditions of pregnancy did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices (surprisingly some could have voted for Biden especially if they are for natural pregnancy, woman's care and birth). The likelihood that someone was in favor of "protecting children" while disenfranchise other systems of government or personhood capacity to business would only be more likely if that group is associated with something else as well (Q-Anon, Extreme right-wing catholic groups which also promote war-material and content, no knowledge of maternity problems- which do occur naturally- style groups, cult-like polygamist or Mormon groups, white (or other ancestry) favoritism family conditions etc.). For example: Ray Comfort's *180' movie* is in opposition to such violence as he clearly states.
*Support of "leaving the democratic party" or other styles of leaving #Blexit, #Jexit, #lgbtit etc. a political group did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*Support of "stop the steal" or other styles of ensuring voter accuracy and integrity did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. (Even Democratic physical voters believe this element)
*Support of Rudy Giuliani and the investigations in the states for voter accuracy and integrity did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Furthermore, his "bar-license" is on the line as he stated in a way to "trial by combat" and such wording in the crowds he was leading. In some cases, he is stating these as not as literal but as an illustration.....but in other cases people just need to beware of the power of words in vulnerable persons among crowds.
*People who held up signs at the capital building or far away from the capital building, or even totally distanced from the political issues on Jan. 6, saying "Jesus Saves" or other gospel-style theme things did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who held up signs at the capital or far away from the capital or other locations of interest that are not in favor of COMMUNISM or are exposing the "re-education camps" or are explaining the problems of "Chinese Communism" did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who explain "white culture" as a positive influence did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Even IVY LEGUES in the USA were founded by "white men".... hey you guys...did you notice the first presidents, they were.....ahem....imperfect White men. I even think that Laura Ingalls Wilder was related to some/one of the presidents, like a close cousin. (yes, she is definitely 100% her writings you can tell, by all means)
*People who are not pleased with BLM rioting on other govt' offices or private entities did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who support USA veterans did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who are disgusted with OBAMA era policies which led to ISIS on USA soil did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. This is inclusive of Healthcare guilt plans and rearrangement of such.
*People who believe in "proper pro-nouns" for family or identity names (Male, Female, Alumna, Alumnus, Grandmother, Grandfather etc.) did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Amen is just Amen....there isn't any need of word arrangement to suit "mother earth." The sun comes up at the time given in a Farmer's Almanac...and hormones work....thanks to THE CREATOR. If the sun is guilty of shining light on this earth....everyone is guilty by association. Arrangements of "things" on the body are just a part of medical principle. Beware lest your loved one dies of prostate, breast or other gender based disorder or disease.....including child-birth.
*People who are not in agreement with popular books of "the day," up to and including books encouraging Marxism to Hitler-like-reverse-racism to highly feminist style books Handmaid's tale to 50 shades of what? did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who believe that liberal governors, and mayors who encourage complete lockdown and shutting down business during Covid-19 issues were wrong and harsh on the people did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. But doing so DOES bring about people's anger! Rules for THEE and not for ME....creates STORM and VIOLENCE in the heart.....
*People who support gun ownership or such things as "outdoor principles," "independent living," "personal conceal carry laws" etc. did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who support "biblical definitions of marriage" or removal of "debauchery behaviors" in personal life did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Love and hate are not on the same soil.
*People whom do not like the foundations of the Muslim Religion or were former Muslims and left the religion and other such circumstances did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who support and attend their local synagogue, church, Mosque or other religious building did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Religious value and terror behaviour are at odds.....when they are applied in accordance of principle IF they are serious about peace and love of the enemy.
*People whom are concerned with HOW a local synagogue, church, Mosque or other religious building conducts their religious values (aka is there trafficking in that pastor? S& G was a bad place, redeemed place or evil place?) did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People concerned with situations and/or conduct of Jewish people here or in Israel did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. Anyone from Mark Zuckerberg to Bernie Sanders to George Soros to Mayim Bialik...and even conservative Jewish people whom voted for Trump....etc. Private or public persons.....All inbetween mixed ancestry groups with JEwish heritage....Alexandria occasio cortez? (um....ok...since when can Jewish people somehow escape death and conditions more than likely anyone can face if given the, sexual impurity, dementia, diabetes etc) (This CAN and COULD include other surrounding Semitic people or groups....up to and including Harris herself if inclusive of Middle East people)
*People who DIDN'T watch CNN (or other related networks and structures of information) over the last few weeks and months....(are they in a hospital bed??? maybe they could be!!!!!) did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who supported other Democratic people in Democratic caucuses or decisions about the next president to elect (Mr. Yang, Tulsi G etc.) but then voted for Trump instead because they didn't like Biden did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices.
*People who, plain and simply, did NOT vote for BIDEN..... did NOT all support or cater to storming the capital or other government offices. If everyone who did NOT vote for BIDEN is guilty of the storming of the USA capital....we DO NOT live in a FREE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC or SOCIETY.....based on principles of free-speech and freedom of religion.
We need to wake the influences around us....some are good, some are bad. The gospel is the hope, not the political flavor of the day. Not the media flavor or choice of the day. Some groups are meant to RESTORE REALITY and HOPE...they are NOT meant to TEAR DOWN the foundations. Yes, of course, some of the individuals *caught* in the capital building may have had some sort of influence from some of these things, but these people are NOT in the same group principles. I look at it like this......people open up a bank account every day (a social and literal face to face activity) ALL people who open up bank accounts steal from their employer? No. ..... people get married somewhere in USA everyday (both legal and what ever they want)..... do ALL people who "get married" create domestic violence in their home? No.
Does Facebook, big-tech media actually control OUR voice....YOUR voice? No. WE THE PEOPLE make the RIGHT decisions.....each and EVERY DAY.
All people need proper justice or ELSE the conditions of the USA turns into the "Salem Witch Trials"..... people need Innocent until PROVEN guilty (sorry but some of the accusations against Trump are not proving legit.....or even BLM groups that do not riot/steal/burn....if you THINK about it....)
Further understanding:
No music exists unless the BAND or ORCHESTRA comes to its own accord in respect and integrity.
Michael Knowles
Dangerous Countries World according to Brigs (notice any patterns in the media lately and descriptions used in this video???)
Basically....when "they take away the guns" (which Hitler did do....) they take away ..... the MUSIC. I should know a FAMOUS....a locally famous MUSICAL man....led many a choirs at that college and FAUGHT in a WAR....but then the WAR eventually ended...and eternity came upon him.
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