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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sabbath day always happens on Saturday? Order to the days?

First of all, the bible itself uses the ANCIENT lunar calendar, it NEVER uses a solar calendar. More accurately a lunar-solar-astronomical calendar is used to describe things in the bible and the various events. However, if a person is NOT observant enough he or she may miss the concept that planetary AND lunar patterns does in fact produce a "7 day week cycle."

Yes, a person CAN determine the "day of the week" by attempts to understand the patterns in the heavens.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Now, yes, I do agree with the video in stating that the calendar is "paganized" instead of based directly off of the bible.  Because something is "paganized" does that mean that men cannot understand the redemption?  It could influence this effect and men can become "lawless" instead of redeemed.  The "pagan source" is the problem, it is NOT the structure of astronomy and the written word.

People are not to judge other believers based upon the "sabbath days" or "special set-asside days"...... but they should not disrespect God's orders of creation and allowing a time of REST for Old Testament believers and others into the New Testament.

Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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