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Monday, March 21, 2022

They wanted to REMOVE.....the STEM woman from their MIDST....

 Is math Racist?

*ER doctor was assigned to work a shift ..... bleeding woman arrived.  TIME of DEATH or TIME of LIFE.....  was it the TIME or the ACTIONS of the ER doctor that caused these things?

*Bible says the Evening and the Morning were the First Day... it was the First Day of the week (astronomy can point these directions of days of week in FARMER'S ALAMANC styles)  So when does the sun RISE..... in the Evening or in the Morning?  Is there ONE or TWO SUN's in the sky?

If THEY who claim that "math is Racist," but YET they can ANSWER those questions(listed with a ?) in the SAND's of time..... then THEY are SPEAKING DEATH...... to mother EVE!!!!!  What ancestry trail?  EVE is EVE...and the EVENING is the EVENING!

Can MATH be used in a RACIST way?  Yes.  Can MATH be used in a DE-HUMANIZING way of WOMEN...... absolutely!  Just look at how the ALLLLLLL think they can BE TAYLOR SWIFT..../ PARIS HILTON....when they were NOT conceived that WAY!!!!  ----> THOSE REAL WOMEN......STILL went through some BAD STUFF....... by WICKED MEN!

WISDOM comes to the WOMAN with the extreme FACE DEFORMITY among MEN!!!  Answer: John 3----->leads to-----> sermon on mt and parables ----> leads to center of the center of bible ---> leads to SOLUTIONS for FOOLISH/WICKED IVY LEAGUE people (aka even IVY LEAGUE people can't re-wire.....hair types in order of birth!!!!)

No KIDDING!  Compromised REALITY...... is COMPLACENCY in ACTION..... ACT's of MERCY are AVAILABLE under ONE SUN!

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