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Saturday, March 19, 2022

PRAYER for the "dirt" among us!

This is for BOTH JEW and/or GENTILE!

 ​***pray for people that are falling for pornography industry (or other forms of immodesty), trafficking, infidelity, false gender id goals, collapsible beliefs about marriage (unhinged from Levitical things and/or LIFE supportive), creating and using children (especially under age 12, also under age 16) as victims....and other things that related to things that lead to abortions (creating false pregnancy that the HEART wants to hide) and hidden DIRT in the HEART! pray for the VICTIMS too and their families!  pray that they find Yeshua..... if GOD can find RAHAB and use SOLOMON of BATHSHEBA.... THIS is POSSIBLE!  If Luke 7 is written DOWN...then it can be declared that HE can redeem from SIN seen and unseen!***

Zion PRAYER:  PSALM 69:35 For God will save [ ] and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession. ---> PRAY dear LORD, I trust that YOU will.... save [those that repent of xyz "dirt issues" listed above] and will build the cities of Judah in a way that YOU love being in their presence, that they may have it in possession with YOU through YESHUA the king of kings!

Surgeon Dies Kayaking and Gets Told the Purpose of Life (Near Death Experience) - YouTube

(Humanism/Secularism --> sexularism has ruined more lives than it admits!) sexual impurity "addictions" relate to people with DETATCHMENT and DETATCHMENT from one's own body! Don't ever FALL for the "My Body, My Choice" statement... this is a lie and misleads both men and women!  No! is the ANSWER to relating to "the womb" and/or "loin" in that DETATCHMENT way!  THE WOMB and/or MAn PART is to be RESPECTED---> My Body....THE WOMB/LOIN given to the CREATOR! is correct answer! (WOMB-an, MAN )

***There is NOTHING wrong with a LOVE SONG..... there is something wrong with DETATCHMENT!  This is in the scripture for MALE and FEMALE conditions!***

 I Died And Everything Made Sense On The Other Side | Near Death Experience | NDE - YouTube

Here is the picture of the OWNER of the UNIVERSE....and KNOWS the ANCESTRY TRAIL DNA (yes you can USE them and gather from them truths about family paths...but REALITY is deeper yet) paths among us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa5aIr4Ft_Y  ----> His image as he is MADE in the IMAGE dwelled among us....  Let the ENEMIES be SCATTERED among the TRIBES and NATIONS in this EARTH!  Let the ENEMIES in the UPPER LEVELS of our society FALL before HIM!~~@~~!@#  Let the ENEMIES in our OWN close elements and conditions in homes and families FALL before HIM!!@#~!@  Let the ENEMIES in small places of our local and international neighborhoods FALL before HIM!@#!@#@!  


JUST like we CAN'T see the GROWTH...... of a POTATO but YET it GROWS....... GOD knows more about WHAT HE WANTS from HUMANITY than MAN can ACTUALLY SEE!

Sometimes THINGS accumulate (storylines in person)..... and GOD who SEES knew these things even from YOUTH UP!  HE knows the ROOTS of the TREE of LIFE! (even the modestly APPARELED..... FAMILY tree among us!)

Potato Growing Underground Time Lapse - 92 Days - YouTube

Why do we NEEEEEED this kind of PRAYER in this TIME?  ANSWER: ZOOOOOOOM meetings are not always VISUALLY APPROPRIATE for the REAL LIFE we MUST FACE!  as in FACE to FACE things are a part of THIS LIFE! (I'm not saying don't listen to Paris Hilton if she says things about her life....but to see past the "thighs" as more value than the HEART@!@!)  ----> COVID-19? Era.....turned to "the computer" for hope?  or to the ONE who CREATED the HANDS....and HEART and eye-lashes.....!!@#$#@!@#$????  Yes, it is TRUTH that features are on PEOPLE (they were described as fair/handsome) in the bible...but OBEDIENCE is better than SACRIFICE!  Angel's Protected Me During My Near Death Experience | NDE - YouTube  Jesus didn't DIE and the "thigh images" poured out?????  No....blood and water!  HE was in the IMAGE of the GARDEN of GATHSEMANE (olives in that region!)


Sure sure you may not have ANCESTORS which are directly AFFECTED by issues of WW2....but TODAY..... YOU have to deal with YOU!  and the HISTORY TIMELINES were AFFECTED by SIN of ADAM!  Because of JESUS (YESHUA is the HEBREW name...and HEBREW is the ISRAEL language of both secular and spiritual element) you are grafted in....WHEN you have YESHUA in your life....but if you do NOT....and are in OPPOSITION....then you are NOT grafted in (kinda like OLIVE OIL.....do you WANT to USE it or not?) ---> The Secular nation of ISRAEL is STILL a "apple of the eye" convenant....along with the HEBREW language...but ONLY YESHUA redeems.... sounds scary to some in ISRAEL today and even among JEWISH community...but...through FULL understanding.... REDEMPTION is TRULY the better plan!

Israel - and the church - YouTube


The alternative to My BODY....My CHOICE is ......in DISTRESSING SITUATIONS which COULD occur from SOME WOMEN (rape and incest only amounts to about 2% of pregnancies they say?...even close COUSIN relationships could CREATE a normal child!) is to conditionally consider situations where it is "MY BODY in DISTRESS needs HEALING with GOOD CHOICES".... that should be the STATEMENT at hand!

abortions where things MIGHT be SAFER for the WOMAN...and FAMILY life SHE wants and NEEDS!

*baby unlikely to survive 1 week past birth at full 22+ weeks along in the womb.

*literal hideous deformities (some things are ok in conjoined...but some things are so severe)

*mother's physical body is in severe distress (after 22 weeks baby could survive on own!).  Typically, 12-22 weeks is when heartbeat laws are considered...but distress happens in miscarriages!

*conditions of RAPE where the mother is NOT free from dependency (in a facility or taken care of by another after several years past the aging of the expectant) AND could lead to deformity in unborn AND/OR mother's physical body is in severe distress.

*severe religious conformity or dependency where patriarchy leads to death in women who reject such religions (basically a conditions of RAPE)... this is ONLY if the FATHER is likely to FORCE BIRTHS and can TRACK the woman and child!

*Severe ENSLAVEMENT and/or TRAFFICKING where the mother's body is at risk

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Songs of Love and Hope